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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. QUOTE (raBBit @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:16 PM) Maybe you need to get out of your bubble if you don't think white people hug those people. I agree with DB and I'm an Islamic studies minor and the girl I spent the longest portion of my life with is a Muslim. I worked at a restaurant where the kitchen workers were Mexican and servers were all gay. We hug, mess around and get drinks after work regularly. My best friend is black and hanging out with him has had me in environments where I'm one of the only white people. It's not that crazy if you live in or around a big city. My point is that racism is rampant and it's being exposed out in the open because of the Trump campaign. DB is going out of his way to dismiss it.
  2. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 09:31 AM) Won't have to worry about Florida anymore on election day.
  3. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:00 PM) "James Okeefe has video proof of things but its selectively edited so we cant believe a word of it. Here is a link of someone saying something happened to them with no proof and this is perfectly acceptable as proof." You are spot on. There is no racism in this country. How could anyone believe any of these obviously fake stories. Everywhere I go people hug random Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans, and LGBT folks. You're something else, living in your little bubble.
  4. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 12:52 PM) That might have been someone else saying that but clearly there arent any videos. I dont care about the fake Shaun King stories with no proof that are just reports. Clearly we have a lot of healing to do as a nation but its gonna be pretty tough when stuff like this is happening. Since you only believe things when video is provided... example 1 example 2 example 3
  5. I think DrunkBomber is nailing it on the head. After a year long campaign where one party consistently amped up bigotry, sexism, racism, anti-gay sentiment along with policy proposals negatively impacting these same groups, it is clear that straight white people need to be worried about their safety.
  6. I'm so out of the loop. When can trades start occurring? Like right now or is there a date coming up?
  7. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 10:23 AM) The dems should be more upset at the media than anyone else. I'm mostly upset at the DNC. They had a candidate with genuine grass roots support and enthusiasm and went out of their way to squash him. The DNC needs to clean house.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 10:16 AM) If he gets voted out, Drumpf will make him the Secretary of Defense. Speaking of which, remember that link a few weeks ago where we could suggest Trump's cabinet picks? We all put in a bunch of ridiculous choices and the real one is shaping up to be just as ridiculous. *sigh*
  9. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 10:16 AM) Is he up for re-election in 2 years? Hopefully he goes Sheriff Joe's way. If he gets voted out, Trump will make him the Secretary of Defense.
  10. via LOL at "radical anarchists". Thousands of people across the country were peacefully protesting. Apparently only conservatives are allowed to protest...and he suggests that they shouldn't be peaceful when they do. What a douche
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 10:02 AM) Term limits put more power into the hands of lobbyists over a never-ending stream of people coming into the job fresh. They're the ones who will have the long-term relationships and understanding of how the system works. This. An endless cycle of green politicians trying to figure out how things work doesn't sound like progress.
  12. QUOTE (raBBit @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 09:17 AM) Shaun King is not reputable. So these dozens of examples of people reporting hate crimes are just made up?
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 08:41 AM) The idea of compulsory anything flies in the face of freedom. Like jury duty?
  14. White students at SIU decided to put on blackface and pose in front of a Confederate Flag to celebrate Trump.
  15. I just learned that countries like Australia have compulsory voting where everyone is required to vote. Why wouldn't that work here? I don't know much about it to be honest but it sounds like a great idea, especially given our abysmal turnouts.
  16. Trump vigilante posters appearing in Texas
  17. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 08:09 AM) OMG! THere are s***ty people in the world!! WHAT A SHOCK! This is literally the same response as me posting the black women saying that Obama was going to pay her mortgage now that he's President and concluding that all black people must feel the same way. Come on, you guys are better than this. There are dozens of examples already, after one day, where people are being harassed to the point of tears. Black people being called n****r right to their faces, chants of white power, Hispanics being called wetbacks and told that they will be deported soon, Muslims getting their hijabs ripped off. All while mentioning that Trump won and that things are going to change. Why are you so comfortable and dismissive of this? Oh right, because you're a white male and this doesn't personally affect you.
  18. So am I supposed to feel reassured that we're hearing rumblings of folks like Palin, Arpaio, Giuliani, and a climate change denier for EPA, as part of Trump's cabinet? Is it possible to find a group of more divisive and incompetent people?
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 07:58 AM) Here's the word Drumpf scrawled across the door of a Muslim student prayer room at NYU yesterday. Please person who doesn't have to be afraid for their life, tell people who do that they should calm down. I'm sure they'll listen. And that's just the beginning. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 08:01 AM) Philly, today I don't understand. Why is everyone overreacting? *searches for the This is Fine meme*
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 10:01 PM) That's one person and it's just ridiculous that people are acting as if their world is over. The president changing doesn't change the country to the extent where people's lives are being ruined. There's too much in life to concern yourself with where the worst day of your life is a day of politics. Just like the left was saying with Drumpf when he supposedly wasn't going to "accept the outcome", these people need to accept the outcome. You don't win every time out. Luckily, like sports, there are more important things in the world to worry about after it's over. People acting like the world is over? Read the dozens of examples on Shaun King's twitter timeline of racists being emboldened and harassing people all over the country. This is only one day after he's been elected. It's only going to get worse so don't tell me that people are overreacting. example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 example 5 example 6 example 7 example 8 example 9 example 10 the list goes on
  21. If you really want to feel depressed, read Shaun King's Twitter timeline today where he posts countless examples of blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics being harassed today, many of them winding up in tears. This is Trump's America.
  22. You Did This, America: Sarah Palin Being Considered for Cabinet
  23. QUOTE (BigHurt3515 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 04:07 PM) Can someone explain to me why the LGBT community is freaking out so much? What has Drumpf said he was going to do? It was already explained earlier but the TL;DR is that he is surrounding himself with nothing but very anti-LGBT rights folks, notably Pence.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 04:02 PM) A transgendered person I follow who has connections to a support group currently counts the number of suicides since last night at 8. I'm not going to read any more of her posts on this. "What's with all you libtards overreacting?! Sheesh." -- just about every white, male conservative EDIT: I am sickened by your news.
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