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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. How about making voting easier? Default to postage paid mail-in ballots. Election day on a Saturday. Same day registration process.
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:55 PM) Yep, a fictional place from a book is definitely my final resting place Can't be worse than Trump's America.
  3. QUOTE (brett05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:50 PM) Nothing to do with religion. You'll find no scientific evidence that the human life does not start at conception. Well I guess we're all just going to hell for being murders. Oh well.
  4. QUOTE (brett05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:47 PM) As they age and get more experiencing they'll be less likely to be liberal. They're mostly schools with large minority populations so I think you're wrong about that assumption.
  5. QUOTE (brett05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:46 PM) It's just as silly which is the valid comparison. Stop hijacking this thread and go start another one if you want to talk about this issue.
  6. Several high schools across the nation are holding walkouts because of Trump.
  7. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:37 PM) He's trying to start an abortion debate. Ah. That whole farce? It's funny how many conservative women I've known over the years who have had abortions, including relatives, classmates, and neighbors. It's fine for them to have one but poor people can't. The hypocrisy is astounding.
  8. QUOTE (brett05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:32 PM) I for one hope we stop murdering one million Americans each year. So far PEDT's SCJ nominations are just that. Murdering Americans? What the heck are you talking about?
  9. QUOTE (The Mighty Mite @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:23 PM) If you really want to drain the swamp the people of this country have to start a movement demanding term limits in the US House and Senate. There is evidence at the state level that this simply does not work like you'd want it to.
  10. People who should be concerned: African Americans Undocumented people and their children Poor people Muslim Americans LGBTQ community Palestinians Am I missing anyone?
  11. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 09:44 AM) Ah yes, unity and partnership and compromise and all that. The great liberal talking point until someone else wins that doesn't think like me. I'm not happy at all that Drumpf won and i'm quite confident we're in for an...interesting...4 years. But the liberal jump of the cliff response to this has been enjoyable. These are people who've said racist s***. I don't want to be associated with racists and bigots. Feel free to cling to them in your own personal life.
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 09:35 AM) Some crazy s*** unfolding on Facebook today...I rarely post on Facebook, I rarely read it, to be honest with you. I don't get too riled up about politics generally either. But seeing the few people I actually considered friends trying to justify their support for this man...I must say I'm conflicted as to whether to remain friends with them or not. The frightening thing is my best friend in the world voted for this fool, and I am struggling to understand how that could be. I am genuinely a bit "shook," as J4L would say. I deactivated facebook a few weeks ago but it was becoming apparent that a few old friends of mine were going to vote for him. I no longer speak to them. It's obvious we have nothing in common anymore.
  13. Jill Biden ‏@JillBidenVeep The kid who made fun of you, called you fat, embarrassed you, made lewd comments to girls, told you to learn English is our new President
  14. So when will Muslims be required to wear a patch identifying their religion? This is something he pushed at one point.
  15. My wife texted her dad this morning with "I can't believe she lost". Little did she know he changed his cell number once again as he does every so often. Some random Trump supporter got the text and began harrassing my wife all morning. Even said he would kill her. She was shaking and crying before going to work before sharing this with me.
  16. KKK members openly celebrating on a bridge in NC today. Welcome to Trump's America!
  17. If I ever here someone say that millenials are ruining this country I'm going to punch a wall.
  18. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 07:39 AM) am curious how the job shifting back from overseas and taxes will work out You honestly think manufacturing jobs will miraculously start coming back to the states because of Trump? I have some great land to sell you in Florida.
  19. QUOTE (SouthSidePride05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 07:33 AM) 2016 has been the most depressing year I can recall -- so many horrific events. Then the Cubs win the World Series. Then Drumpf wins the Presidential election. Can we please get this year over with? I've had enough with 2016. Cubs wining it all was the 1st sign of the apocalypse.
  20. I'm guessing no chance that Obama's nominee will get in at this point. We're screwed.
  21. Racist cops are happy toady. They essentially have a blank check to do whatever they want now. Law and order!
  22. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 09:36 PM) greg is jumping for joy he definitely voted for trump Do you think that Trump‘s kids will be trying to get political experience while he is president for the next 8 years?
  23. I am not proud to be an American today.
  24. For those who were wondering who that James O'Keefe fella was, here he is doing what he does best, being a cockroach... link
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