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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. The media should start referring to him as Scott "The Swamp" Pruitt.
  2. Some reputable sources on Twitter saying that only 10 players planned on attending. Seems like he cancelled it in order to not be embarrassed.
  3. Yes Greg, people are changing their gender all the time to game the system. Yeah sure, the suicide and murder rates for trans folks are astronomical compared to the general populace but it's definitely worth it.
  4. What the heck is this video? What did they bleep out? They said God like 50 times in the first couple minutes. Most of the people in the panel are Christians. What are you offended by exactly?
  5. Seriously considering bailing on Westworld. It's just not very fun and feels like a chore to get through.
  6. For all the dopes who incorrectly bring up the 1st amendment...here's an actual case where we creep closer to 1st amendment issues:
  7. Another corrupt douche who happened to be on Celebrity Apprentice. Makes sense to me.
  8. Who knew "draining the swamp" included pardoning criminals.
  9. Yes. I was being sarcastic. Of course these gun nuts will come up with every lame excuse other than guns. They act as if we are the only country in the world with video games, porn, atheists, people with mental health problems, etc. It's always some other scapegoat but never guns,
  10. Glad they figured it out. It's also crazy that we're the only country in the world with porn.
  11. Reddy meltdown in 3.....2......1......
  12. This isn't hyperbole. I am providing a literal comparison of what happened back then and how it is being perpetrated today. We're supposed to learn from history, not ignore it.
  13. I seriously hope you don't use the same condescending, smarter than everyone in the room, dismissive attitude when trying to help your Iowan candidate get elected. I can imagine it would be a big turnoff to potential voters.
  14. Holy crap, this week's Americans. **** is going down.
  15. BigSqwert

    2018 catch-all

    Dan Savage presenting on our campus next week. Should be interesting.
  16. I for one will watch significantly less football now and will stop buying NFL products (i.e., jerseys, caps).
  17. Hope you're not relying on the Clinton campaign's data gathering techniques. ?
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