Ok, now I'm a bit peeved. I visit The Drudge Report daily... and normally it's rather fair (though you can tell Drudge himself leans Republican and is behind McCain.)
This morning the most obvious defense of McCain was too prevalent to go unnoticed... I'll do a screen capture because these headlines change constantly.
Now, I get it, Obama has a plane. Are we supposed to believe that McCain does not have a jet of his own? Now why don't we go to the relevancy of that photo (and those he links to...)
That photo is dated in late August. Surely a Website that makes its money off of banner ads and traffic knows that having out-dated material is bad business. However, when it benefits McCain like this, it's fine.
I'll keep going there, so I guess joke's on me, but for a site that claims to be independent... that's very obviously not the case.