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Everything posted by Steve9347

  1. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 09:03 AM) Age shouldn't be an issue here... just my opinion. Rules shouldn't exist then. I mean, if you got beat by a 12-year old, you should really keep your mouth shut... but they do have rules for a reason. In this case, kid's are much more flexible and have an inherent advantage in gymnastics. It's like the only sport in the world where being 13 or whatever gives you an advantage over those who are older. I just hate that China has to cheat to ensure they will win... or be deceptive with lip-syncing and digital fireworks. That is all.
  2. Come on, Lance, this is your time to finally show you belong.
  3. So, is it just me, or shouldn't China be stripped of their gold medal? This is blatant cheating. link
  4. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 12:27 AM) Ha, Steve's man-crush Horton won't medal. Maybe he should have focused less on the camera and more on his routines? Still have the individual events...
  5. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 11:11 PM) Is there a reason english is so prominent worldwide? I have to plead ignorance on this one and ask somebody who might know better than I would. That does explain most of what I was wondering though, except for the fact you hear the American music and sounds of the game in so many events during these olympics. That's still kind of weird to me too. Well, the reason you hear it at the Olympics is because French and English are the designated languages of the Games. You also hear things in Chinese just because it's in China.
  6. QUOTE (knightni @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 08:25 PM) "Spanish Basketball Team Photo: The Olympics' Blow-Up Doll Incident" "Bela Karolyi's wife: the Ozzie Guillen of the Beijing Olympics" Tell me what either of those titles has to do with Americans at the Olympics?
  7. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 07:59 PM) Mariotti would rip the American teams. Actually, he's been covering the Olympics and has not been ripping them.
  8. I welcome as many D-bags as want to show up. More attendance = more money = better players. We actually have a management that wants to be good.
  9. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 03:37 PM) LMFAO It's a conspiracy against the US! The officials should be blamed for Sacramone's choke job on the floor exercise and also for Liukin and Johnson stepping out of bounds after Sacramone as well then, I assume? No athlete said anything... it was a Romanian who happens to coach them.
  10. Hooooray! Now sign Danks and I'll be a happy camper.
  11. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 03:20 PM) LOL, do you really think it's genuine? The guys sees a camera and jumps all over the opportunity. The spirit of the Olympics is representing your country on the field, on the mat, on the bars, whatever. Not representing them on camera. I guess him being, by far and unquestioned, the best on the team... as well as representing USA tonight for the individual event, doesn't qualify as representing his country? He's f***ing cheering on his teammates, and I know you can't prove he doesn't do that when the cameras aren't on him. There's been multiple times, through qualifying as well as the team event, that I could hear Horton cheering during an event, the cameras were not on him. You're just picking on him to pick on someone. Please don't, because Horton (as well as most of his teammates), is a breath of fresh air for sports fans who most of the time put up with the likes of Chad Johnson and Manny Ramirez.
  12. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 03:17 PM) That guy is the corniest, most douchebaggish person I've ever seen. "Alright USA! #1! Let's rip it! Show 'em how it's done baby! We're going swimming in the rivers tonight!" I love that about him. He embodies team. He's always yelling "GO USA!" If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with the spirit of the Olympics.
  13. QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 02:27 PM) In n' Out is the best fast food I've ever had. And it's not really fast food. Culver's is better.
  14. QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 02:49 PM) i still think she rocks. I didn't say she didn't. She's an ass kicker and my favorite of the female gymnasts this year. All business. Tonight is Jonathan Horton night, and he's the s*** too. I love his attitude.
  15. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 02:36 PM) http://l.yimg.com/a/p/sp/oly/2008/headshots/4e/221731.jpg Much better. But quite the choke artist.
  16. Ha, a few more of those dasturdly facebook images. Verdict? She's human!
  17. QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 11:33 AM) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=33a_1218642189&p=1 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is hard to watch! I was just coming here to post this.
  18. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 08:59 AM) Download the online roster. Favre is on the Jets (94 overall). Pennington move hasnt been done yet but others have. Why do that? I more realistically edited Favre down to an 87 overall, and took care of the few issues that remained that the online roster didn't bother to do.
  19. I love the fact that now anyone who is Probama knows nothing about the issues and is a political idiot. That's a really easy way to look at it if you're for the opposition.
  20. Steve9347

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 08:41 PM) These stories of people boycotting "Tropic Thunder" makes me wanna see it even more. It's fricking satire folks! Stop taking it so seriously. Geez! Oh yeah, I'll be seeing it. I don't remember the last time two great looking comedies came out in back to back weekends (that I wanted to see). Pineapple Express and Tropic Thunder fit that billing.
  21. I'm in love with the new Madden. They finally on the next gen systems decided that every player should not have the same physique. It pisses me off that the opposition kicks to Hester only like 20% of the time, but that's realistic. This game is just good, it looks great, it feels real, and Rex Grossman even gets injured in it. My only complaint is that for some reason Mike Brown is dark black instead of light, and his face isn't on his player. I don't get how you miss him. The rosters are also deep... the only issues I noticed were obvoiusly Favre (whom you can release from teh legends team and edit down a bit to move to the Jets), and Pennington who you move to Miami. This is a good game that stays challenging.
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 02:19 AM) You have to go with logic here...when Byrd was placed on waivers, at that time, Contreras was still healthy and/or projected to pitch and return to the Sox rotation. Hence, KW passed on Byrd, because I'm sure taking on an additional starter (and something like $2-3 million dollars in payroll) simply as insurance and replacing Masset's role wouldn't have been warranted by that time. True, but Contreras was injured when Byrd cleared waivers, and to my best recollection remained injured when he was dealt to Boston.
  23. Even if he's injured, this award already belongs to Longoria.
  24. QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 05:56 PM) arm numbness from being hit by pitches on multiple consecutive days Is this for real? he probably desperately just needed a day off.
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