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Everything posted by Steve9347

  1. Will Ferrell = comedy of course, two other equations come to mind as well. midgets = comedy tragedy + time = comedy
  2. Steve9347

    Raw Eggs

    QUOTE(shoota @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 10:28 PM) My boss told me a story about his youth, how drinking 3-5 raw eggs a day for 5 days will give you a huge load. So I thought I'd surprise the girlfriend this weekend. what a father...
  3. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 09:49 AM) Not too long after Katrina hit, I started playing my Scorpions CD and the first song is "Rock you like a Hurricane." The hockey season was getting under way so of course I played it over and over (not thinking about anything but hockey when playing it). Of course a few people that were driving near me gave me funny looks - guess it didn't help I was wearing a Hurricanes hat at the same time. By the time it dawned on me why I was getting funny looks, I couldn't stop laughing. I was going to question why in the world you'd wear a Hurricanes hat (I'm a Blackhawks fan, so why I would do that, I have NO idea.) Then I saw "Hartford? The Whale?" is your avatar, so you get some madd props in my book.
  4. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 19, 2007 -> 12:04 PM) Wow, someone did take the bait. heh "dumb jeff"
  5. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:50 PM) Hm. They consider Danks mlb ready, not a prospect. I don't see that stated in the article. Perhaps because he's not listed as a top-5 prospect?
  6. The show is entertaining, and these people know what they are getting into when they audition. OBVIOUSLY, the singer's who think they are great that don't get through is hilarious. Like the kid who sang the FUEL song, and Simon told to go learn an ABBA song. He comes back and sings "Dancing Queen" in the same raspy voice, when all they wanted to hear was something A TAD different and they would have let him in. The he sings Manilow in the SAME RASPY voice. He just didn't get it, but it was damned funny.
  7. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:01 AM) I really feel for the tragedy in New Orleans, but give me an F'in break and stop playing that card. Its been a year and a half since, and im a f'in american either way. ESPN and its bias and gut wrenching perspective piss me the f off. agreed.
  8. Just heard the former Saints quarterback, "The Cajun Canon" say that, "If you don't root for the Saints, you're not American." Hey asshole, if the Saints win, its not going to make anything better in New Orleans, and I hope the Bears stomp them.
  9. The White Sox will win the Central this year... they will be better than 2006. I know we have an unknown fifth rotation spot, but i highly doubt the rest of our starters will be as bad as they were last year, and our bullpen will have decidedly more talent this year. If pods can revert back to his 2005 self, we'll be alright.
  10. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 09:08 AM) Id like to see them sign him to a long deal. Altought i doubt it will happen. with his back, id prefer they trade him now before he's worthless. not that i dont love him!
  11. Steve9347

    Cancelled Gems

  12. Last night's first two episodes were great, looking forward to tonight!
  13. My dad grew up a Cards fan, but moved to northern Illinois before I was born. I was raised a Cards fan, but around the time I turned 10, started watching baseball religiously on television (1993). Because my dad was a Cards fan, i COULD NOT be a Cub fan. Thank Christ for that one. I've been in love with the White Sox ever since....
  14. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 11, 2007 -> 10:58 PM) Dye has nothing to do with Buehrle getting 6+ years and $100M+ next offseason. THAT is why Buehrle will not be back, he's simply not worth the money. Dye is going to get some money, a good amount in fact but no where near what Buehrle will earn on the market. ding ding ding ding
  15. hasn't been updated. Uribe's accuser won't go away... Demands full investigation somehow, I doubt he'll get that, nor will he get the money he was trying to extort from Uribe.
  16. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 01:47 PM) Sportswriters (and basically anyone else who thinks McGwire doesn't deserve enshrinement) are f***ing hypocrites. agreed. big mac should be in. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 03:37 PM) Just curious, why? Should Doc Gooden and Darryl Strawberry get in the Hall of Fame because of cocaine use too? neither put up hall of fame careers nor contributed to one of the most exciting baseball seasons ever. think before you speak.
  17. the five dvd's you get for el cheapo do not make up for the 5 you have to pay 25 dollars for...
  18. for those of you who have not read it, I have a subscription, and its old enough that I just don't care.
  19. Just got out of the car, heard an interesting interview with Mark Buehrle. It was a lot of BS about offseason hunting, and then the question was raised about his wearing a Cardinals hat at the World Series. Mark stated that he's never been shy about the fact that he's a Cardinals fan. He was raised that way, he always will be that way, BUT he said he wanted to go on record that if he were offered the same contract by the Cardinals and the White Sox he would "100% sign with Chicago." Chicago is where his heart is, and where he wants to stay. Just thought you would all like to hear that.
  20. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Jan 5, 2007 -> 04:26 PM) Brian? I think he meant Brandon, and I completely agree. He does not throw 93-94.
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