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Everything posted by Steve9347

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:24 PM) If you dont have belief in the goodness of other people, then what is the point of liberalism at all? No matter how much progress, there will always be times when humanity takes a step back. But we must persevere. Sometimes we forget that human existence has been a relatively short amount of time. But in that short amount of time we have created some truly magnificent things. And yes, humanity has done terrible things, but life before society was as Hobbes would say "No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." And that sentence was merely describing how much better humans had it with Kings, aristocrats, etc. Less than 200 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Americans died because a large portion of our nation believed that slavery was okay. In the last 100 years, millions have died fighting over invisible lines and religion. Irrespective of Trump, we are moving forward. He is merely the last scream of a dying belief, its their Battle of the Bulge, and in the end, they will never recover from their losses. You're the hero I needed this am. Thanks!
  2. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 06:40 AM) Just the opposite. His approval has gone from 38 on election day to 45 on Jan 23 with 10 percent undecided. This is the first time a president has received an initial approval rating under 50% in the history of the poll, which dates back to Dwight Eisenhower's first term in 1953. Oh look, I am including a source: http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-first...resident-2017-1
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:39 PM) When your ancestors have been persecuted for thousands of years, you dont fret the cowards like Trump. He is a disaster and has more colossal failures than successes. People like him dont make it in the real world. You are talking about the billionaire who is now President of the United States of America, right?
  4. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 08:12 PM) Steve, why are you surprised? Did you see the responses he got on his campaign trail? Your faith in your fellow man is admirable, but sadly misplaced. I have no faith in my fellow man. I thought maybe the clowns elected to care about my fellow man would do so. I thought Trump would be normalized. Instead he's simply signing every piece of paper out in front of him and smiling like an imbecile.
  5. It's just feeling quite hopeless. There's so many who don't GAF. There's so many people who see this as a prime opportunity to get prayer back in school, to strip women of their rights, to condemn people because of their background and religious beliefs. This is not the America I was told existed. Democracy is dead. Bring me your tired, your hungry, your poor? Bulls***. The land of opportunity? Not really. Only if you fit a certain makeup. How can so many elected officials stand idly by and allow this? Why do they have absolutely no conscience? Why are we spitting in face of science and education? Why do our leaders suddenly care so little about the world within which we live? Why are Twitter accounts being shut down? How did so many people vote for a f***ing child celebrity? This is a nightmare.
  6. Are there absolutely no people on the right who actually care about the evil that's already happened? It's been 5 days. Every day delivers more awful news of mandates being brought down that make me ashamed to be American. I am ashamed to have to explain this to my daughter.
  7. I cannot believe this is happening. Where are the people who care about the greater good? How can we allow such open hatred toward our fellow man?
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 07:42 PM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-trump-...-001530555.html Trump expected to suspend all immigration from six Muslim majority countries in the Middle East, including Syria, Iran and Iraq. Of course, Irani-Americans typically have economic outcomes 40-80% better than the average white families. But they're all going to be collectively lumped in together as potential jihadists. I cannot believe this is happening.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 04:30 PM) We are living in Goerge Orwell's 1984. A string of science-based tweets from one of the national parks have all been deleted. Edit: Some of their tweets were captured here. I cannot believe this is happening.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 03:21 PM) That's his point. Oh. Holy s***, I was so used to craziness that I assumed craziness. My apologies for misreading. That said, there are no stats to back up the first part of the statement. Not sure if he meant it.
  11. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 02:26 PM) Crime has risen since school prayer has ended, thus bring back school prayer. I can't buy that argument. Stats for this baseless claim?
  12. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 01:00 PM) At least you almost admitted your fault. It didn't change the point, though. Yeah, I goofed, but the comparison of the two administrations remained exactly the same. I see you cherry picked the data which was wrong, but ignored all the information that was correct and refuted every one of your bozo points.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 11:41 AM) You really should start to consider whether trashing your credibility is worth it. A simple "I didnt read the article and assumed it was about the US" would make this all go away. Yeah, this is so strange. People who admit when they make mistakes are viewed as strong.
  14. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 11:19 AM) Did you get that math issue solved on the increase of the deficit under President Obama fixed yet? Oh yeah, thread closed before I could fix it. Simple fix: National Debt Rose 110% while GWB was in office Rose 114% while BHO was in office https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports...debt_histo5.htm
  15. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 11:15 AM) B.) I have always been an advocate of increased access to abortion. I just don't buy the argument that women are going to start dropping dead in America because they have less access to abortion than they did last week. Whatever you and the other Vox readers are associating to me is not my opinion. I don't agree with Trump's action. I don't agree with Vox's take on it. Perhaps your wish of being ignorant is unnecessary. There is a spectrum of where you can stand on issues. It's not Trump or Vox. However, with your form of rhetoric, it's just about character attacks and anyone who disagrees with Vox wants to kill women. Talk about a 180! You were arguing against an article and the statistics therein that was not about women "dropping dead in America. Simply admit your ignorance. BTW, the very definition of ignorant is what you're displaying by talking endlessly about something you do not understand. ig·no·rant ˈiɡnərənt/ adjective lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. Read the article. Then build an argument.
  16. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 11:15 AM) A.) You're getting personal. Cut it out. Perhaps you should check the rules of the filibuster. The only thing personal about that post was the fact that it referenced your views and the items you're posting in here.
  17. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:56 AM) I disagree. More lives will be saved. Those 20 million doing it legally aren't going to look for an illegal method in mass to account for the loss of life done by those women having an illegal abortion. Millions saved. When faced with statistics, brett05 placed upon his brow a red cap upon which read the strong words "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN". Without avail, he simply replied with a rebuttal that would stop scholars and the knowledgeable dead in their tracks. "I disagree. More lives will be saved. Those 20 million doing it legally aren't going to look for an illegal method in mass to account for the loss of life done by those women having an illegal abortion." Despite clear evidence to the contrary, brett05 had stated words proudly so ignorant and incorrect that the very people with he was arguing threw their hands up. For on this day, brett05 has won the internet, as arguing with him is akin to arguing with a brick wall spray painted with the words "America First". And thus, figurative laptops were closed.
  18. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:52 AM) I just wasn't aware the US was a developing country. More blissful ignorance. You realize that the US is was supporting women and young girls from other countries here? Women and young girls that will now die trying to find other means to abort children they cannot support? What a selfish, ignorant post. Please, you've got like 6 posts in here s***ting on an article you clearly didn't read. You are providing nothing to this thread.
  19. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:39 AM) Do you consider the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health" a bad source? #fakestats Seriously. We live in a world where people like raBBit here and on Facebook will just deny hard truths and continue to only care about what happens in their own home. If others are affected, what's the big deal? raBBit's ok! Forget everyone else. Ugh, the mentality makes me f***ing sick to my stomach.
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 10:22 AM) Why exactly are thousands of women dropping dead with less access to abortion? Do you believe that or are you just parroting Vox.com lol. Did thousands of women die in the 1800's because of lack of access to abortion? To be clear, I am totally for women's abortion rights and border on encouraging it. In essence, don't have kids you can't provide a good life to. That being said, this article is just fear-mongering from a bad source. I wish I could be this blissfully ignorant.
  21. I truly believe Trump is trying to take us down.
  22. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 23, 2017 -> 03:56 PM) We are becoming Russia. President Drumpf Declared His Inauguration A "National Day Of Patriotic Devotion" Or North Korea How the f*** did so many people vote for this clown? How are we only 4 days in?
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 02:18 PM) Two thoughts here. #1 The odds of impeachment are about zero with a Republican Congress. #2, By doing something public, you make yourself, and your family a target for all of the idiots who go about attacking people for going after Donald Trump. You had better be sure this is worth it if you go public. 1 but it will be fun 2 private domain registration yo
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