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The Ginger Kid

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About The Ginger Kid

  • Birthday January 15

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    los angeles

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    anything goes
  • Favorite Sox player
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
  • Favorite Sox moment
    disco demolition
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    buck weaver

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  1. Pedro has these guys playing some solid D
  2. Salvy's going to look awesome in a sox uni next year. Hope we can sign Hosmer too.
  3. They would've destroyed Philly in the WS. So close.
  4. He's exactly the kind of guy who wins the WS MVP
  5. Anyone think that had KW successfully pulled off the Miggy trade in 2007 he would still be playing 1B for the Sox like he is for the Tigers?
  6. Now if they can just fix the radio team. Ed can stick around and do color, but DJ... see-ya!
  7. Thanks for sharing that, what a hilarious story!
  8. not one single Yaz story this series. Or even a Tony C.
  9. I believe the stats, but I also believe that stranded leadoff doubles are one of the most frustrating things in baseball...that and a reliever who comes in and walks the first batter he faces.
  10. ...divide it all by number of HOF votes C.B. Bucknor can expect. Finally, add the number of Star Wars action figures in original packaging on the shelf of Greg775's bedroom.
  11. Sox math... Take the number of blown balls and strikes by Mike Winters... Subtract Joe West's weight... Add Angel Hernandez's IQ...
  12. I'd rather there be zero injuries; that said, if there is to be an outbreak, I'd rather it come before most of these guys are in the majors and expected to be contributing to championships.
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