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The Ginger Kid

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Everything posted by The Ginger Kid

  1. Sale = will absolutely not be traded unless something crazy comes back, like Trout or Stanton. Shark = Sox don't know if he wants to stay or not, no negotiations. Possibly the worst update ever. I think my kids know more than this tool.
  2. Nightengale coming on MLB next to discuss white sox trade possibilities
  3. watching the game and listening to Rooney. Miss that dude
  4. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 30, 2015 -> 05:49 PM) CHRIS SALE IS OUR BEST HITTER you sound surprised?
  5. gillaspie took his time and patiently threw that ball in the dirt. Nice scoop by Jose
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 30, 2015 -> 06:14 AM) NO matter where you are on the Ventura firing, that reads like a fan boy wrote it. I should have read that on a fan site, not a newspaper. Awful. It's an opinion piece. Plus, this made me laugh:
  7. So help me out here, since 2006 here are the players I came up with that were drafted by the White Sox and played any appreciable amount of time with the big league team. I may be missing some...and of course it may not be fair to not include minor league players who were traded for, but the player development picture remains pretty bleak in my opinion. I left Frank off intentionally. POSITION PLAYERS Crede Iguchi* Anderson Fields Owens Getz Sweeney Stewart Andy Gonzalez Beckham Viciedo* Ramirez* Morel Escobar Jordan Danks Gimenez Phegley Semien Wilkins Abreu* There are a lot more pitchers drafted that the Sox have had success with, like Buehrle, Hudson, McCarthy, Richards and Sale. And like I said, when minor league trades are factored in, the likes of Garland, Jenks, Danks and Cotts. But when it comes to position players, I just don't see it, even with minor league trades. The biggest names might be Flowers and Gillaspie. To me that seems like a real dearth of quality talent drafted and developed into successful, consistent contributors. Crede's the only one who was an All-Star who didn't play pro ball before coming to the Sox (like the cubans). Looking at some more notable names drafted by other teams in our division over that time... CLE VMart Peralta Kipnis Chisenhall DET Granderson Avila Raburn Dirks Kelly Castellanos MIN Mauer Morneau Hunter Cuddyer Kubel (I'm going to stop there because it's ridiculous) KC why bother - it's pretty obvious The other teams in the division have also done a helluva lot more with minor league trades if you factor in those. It's not even close. So blast away - am I being unfair? Leaving off obvious names that destroy this amateur analysis?
  8. Stop with the bulls*** reasons to fire RV, there's only one reason to fire him and that's because you can't fire 25 players. If he was making one ridiculous substitution after another, or running into outs with his stupid calls from the dugout or if guys were constantly out of position on defense then yes, by all means, the manager is leading to losses. But these guys are playing like horseshiit and that's why they're losing and that's why we want the manager fired. He's the boss. He's as close as we can get to firing some or all of the players. Motivation my ass. If you need to get motivated to play professional sports you're in the wrong career. And ask yourself something: would Gillaspie, Flowers, Sanchez and Ramirez be STARTING on a winning team right now? Not likely. That's about half your lineup. I'd throw LaRoche in there if he hadn't finally started to heat up. And you might wonder whether or not Avi would be starting in RF on a winning team. Fire Robin, don't fire Robin, who gives a s***. All it is is red meat to the fans and a complete "Who, me?" by management. How about firing Buddy Bell who has nothing down in the minors that's developed into MLB talent that can help right now? That'd be a nice start. And I'd take a long look at Doug Laumann too. Over 2 decades heading up scouting for the White Sox. Like what you see?
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 28, 2015 -> 01:46 PM) From watching the game it turned so quickly that I don't think they had anyone ready to come in until after Miggy's at bat. That's a comment on both the preparation of the coaching staff and just the reality of how it went. He was pitching to VMart with 108 pitches and it would have been a really good place to bring in Petricka to try to get the GIDP. That's what it felt like to me -- everyone was caught off guard.
  10. "Winning Ugly" "Good Guys Wear Black" "The Kids Can Play" "All In" and now, "F the Fans" #ThanksJerry
  11. QUOTE (Thad Bosley @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 05:58 PM) We really have two huge, gaping holes at both 3rd and catcher. HUGE
  12. striking out. the worst possible result, avi
  13. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 05:35 PM) Or Uribe, Vizquel and Beckham. davidson....
  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 05:32 PM) Should Gillaspie have caught that ball? Crede would've. Got on him fast and went off the top of the leather. Looked like he was surprised he even got a glove on it.
  15. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jun 26, 2015 -> 07:33 AM) Must win game today with Danks pitching tomorrow & us facing Price on Sunday. yep
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 25, 2015 -> 03:11 PM) I told you guys all our veteran "name" players will be sought after. Please Sox, dump LaRoche and Melky and Lexi and Robertson and Duke and Shark in a major "do-over" of the past offseason. I'm confident Hahn will get it right this time. Oh man, fines will LINE UP to watch the remains of that team.
  17. QUOTE (glangon @ Jun 25, 2015 -> 02:52 PM) There are a few but it would mean optioning Sanchez or DFA'ing one of the duds and Robin doesn't seem to want to do that just now. Sanchez can play SS...just sayin
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