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The Ginger Kid

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Everything posted by The Ginger Kid

  1. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 10:57 AM) I hope you're right about Crede and Uribe, but I'll never have faith in Borchard again. That guy was a total and complete bust, no other way about it. Didn't you get the sense that Pods was heating up as well going into the break? He's inching closer to .300. If he and Iguchi have a strong 2nd half...man, watch out.
  2. QUOTE(wsox08 @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 10:58 AM) Borchard ready = no thanks for the scouting report from Arlington Heights
  3. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) Garland was always a decent starter, especially for the money he was making. Even before he broke out this year, he was one of the best 5th starters in the league. Jon had 12 win seasons in his time, and posted a decent ERA. Joe Borchard has never even looked somewhat adequate for the major leagues. Garland posting something around a 4.5 ERA would be like a young hitter hitting around .250, nothing spectacular but pretty good for a young guy. Joe Borchard hasn't even approached anything that anyone could consider decent. Still, to go from a midling pitcher, a 5th starter, to club ace is pretty damn impressive. My point is that no one disputes Borchard's potential. He has power from both sides of the plate and speed as well. I'm not saying I wouldn't trade him, that he's untouchable. But I am looking for any kind of boost in the second half that the Sox can get from within. The Brad Fulmer kind of boost the Angels got in 2002. The Cabrera boost the Marlins got the year after. That kind of thing. I'm also going to go on a limb and say that Crede is going to tear it up in the 2nd half. Uribe too.
  4. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 05:45 AM) Why am I still so scared of the second half and a possible collapse? Everyone keeps telling me we're in the playoffs, but I can't/won't believe them. I wouldn't believe it just yet. Expect Boone to give the Twins some kind of lift, just not the same as Stewart a few years ago. But even in the slide he had this year, he was still hitting the ball out of the park and his defense is stellar. I think the Twins will tighten up the race but hopefully the sphincters of the Sox won't tighten up as well. I see it coming down to the last three weeks in September where the Sox will hopefully be trying to maintain their 4-5 game lead. It's going to be fun, man!! Ups and downs, ups and downs. Could be the most exciting half of baseball in Sox history. No one remembers teams who got hot in the first half.
  5. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 14, 2005 -> 07:22 AM) He does this every single year. Joe Borchard will never be good, and I don't need a crystal ball to see that. Just curious, did your crystal ball tell you that Jon Garland was going to go from head case to Cy Young candidate in one year? Something clicked for Garland and all those who said he's got great potential have been vindicated. Those same people say the same thing about the switch hitting Borchard. It wasn't an accident that he was the Sox #1 pick. I get the feeling like you think he's sucked in the past therefore he's always going to suck.
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 10:59 PM) I don't care how unsuccessful a player has been in the past, if he can help us win this thing I'm all for bringing him up. There comes a time for some players when things finally click. Is this Joe Borchard's time? I don't have a clue. But then, I'm not paid to know whether or he has clicked. KW and the scouts are paid for that and if they think he be of value to this team off the bench, then so be it. I don't care about his trade value. Let him sit on the bench and his trade value plummet, if he can supply a power threat late in the game as a pinch hitter. That's my thinking. The word from AAA is that he finally cleared his head and is just swinging the bat. I fully expect him to either be traded or called up in September, at the latest, if he keeps this up.
  7. Man, I would LOVE to see this: "Look for the White Sox to face off against the Minnesota Twins in the American League Championship Series, with a trip to the World Series on the line." What a great series that would be, and talk about amping up the rivalry to new levels...wow
  8. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 03:00 PM) Personal, thank God. To a fellow member of the media no less. wow...that's disturbing
  9. Borchard's ripping the cover off the ball (again) in Charlotte. I'm one of the few who thinks that Timo remains a clutch hitter, despite his average, but it's impossible to ignore Borchard's power. His impressive run of late makes him tasty trade bait, no doubt. But should he be given a chance over Timo? I also think he's a better defensive option in the outfield.
  10. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 11:41 AM) I'm not 100% sure this is the right start, but I looked at the stats for Charlotte and there was one start for El Duque. He went 4 innings, 4 hits, no walks, 2 k's, one run earned, and somehow took the loss. that must be it -- thanks!
  11. I thought El Duque was pitching at AAA last Sunday -- does anyone know how he did? I think he's also throwing a simulated game for Ozzie today down in Miami. Please excuse this post if this question was already addressed and answered.
  12. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Jul 11, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) I think it does matter, if Boonie CAN catch fire, he is absolutely going to ignite that offense!!! the only way he's going to catch fire is if he figures out how to get back on the needle without testing positive. put a fork in Boone...he might do well for a short period, but...
  13. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jul 8, 2005 -> 07:10 AM) Got my tickets and parking pass in the mail the other day! What does it mean on the parking pass when it says refer to the red or blue coupon? Going to this game as well - gotta get my tickets this weekend. I've got 15 tickets for this game -- flying into Chicago that Monday for the week. Bringing all the in-laws from the north side to watch some real baseball. Plus, it's ELVIS NIGHT!!
  14. Gammons doesn't hide the fact that he hates the white sox, like others at ESPN. A couple of years ago when there was talk of doing away with a couple of franchises, namely the Expos and Twins, Gammons went on a rant about how great the Twins were and that maybe the league should consider doing away with the White Sox, given their low attendance, blah blah blah. And keep in mind that fat f*** Chris Berman ripped Sox fans for booing Manuel and Cubs players during the All Star game at the cell. who gives a s*** -- tools like them make it even more fun.
  15. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 09:35 PM) The Twins are going to make a run for what? Beer?
  16. Man, I can't help but think that this season is going to end on one extreme or the other -- absolute joy or drunken, puppy-kicking, wife-beating depression. Seems there's no middle ground now that the Sox have had this kind of start. In '83 I was devastated by the quick departure from the playoffs. Never saw it coming. Was convinced they were going to win it all. In '93 it was a different story, good team that was coming back with a chance the next season (f*** you Reinsdorf). And 2000 was just a case of backing into the playoffs with a bunch of young guns and an MVP candidate who played like s***. But this year... If they DON'T make the playoffs it will be crushing, especially after the lead they've built up. If they DO and don't get to the big dance...ugh, devastating. A winter spent analyzing what could have been. And if they make it to the WS, a first in my lifetime...it's too much to ponder at this point. The emotional commitment has been made -- for the sake of my dog, I pray they don't let me down.
  17. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) id do this in a heartbeat, im not a big damaso fan he didn't do himself any favors by hiding his injury, either.
  18. I'd hate to lose Damaso, but with Cotts pitching so well, who knows? Sporting News
  19. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 7, 2005 -> 10:57 AM) Of course if I were the Giants I'd strongly consider an Uribe, Bmac, Sweeney offer for Schmidt and Omar. I just don't want to see Uribe go, he has so much stinking talent. That's why I say we just need to bite the bullet and hope for the best -- believe me, these moves are going to sting.
  20. I think we all need to brace for at least two big roster moves that will leave us sad for what is lost but hopeful for what's to come. I'm glad I'm not a GM. To say "so long" to Uribe, a guy with a future, for a guy with no future, would be brutal. But hey, you have to keep your eye on the prize and this year has a chance to be special (this would also make his playmate Timo very dispensable). I just hope that whatever these moves are that they work out.
  21. He reminds me of the charcter in Full Metal Jacket: Leonard Lawrence, aka, Private Gomer Pyle. Just a kid with a serious gun and a real mental problem. If ever a guy belonged in the bullpen... hmmm..."Leonard"... Can you imagine a crowd cheering "Le-Nerd! Le-Nerd! Le-Nerd!" that's too damn funny
  22. QUOTE(tony72 @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 05:34 PM) Good News- Minnesota lost and Cleveland losing 4 to 1... At very worst we still maintain our division leads.. Man, those first four games against Cleveland after the break are going to be BIG. Lucky for the Sox, this Cuban will be on the mound to kick things off.
  23. I'm listening to the Angels announcers talk about the Twins and how they're "definitely" going to make a run at the White Sox. :finger
  24. The trib had a good article yesterday about the '93 Giants which many of you probably read. I have a lot of hope and faith in this team but will remain cautiously optimistic until I see them celebrating on the mound after they clinch the division. It's a great team that continues to surprise me -- I gave up on them last night, they looked flat and lethargic. I've learned my lesson and won't do that again. But the truth is that things can change very quickly. The Twins could make a trade and absolutely catch fire, especially with that pitching staff. I hate them, because they're very good and they scare me.
  25. stick a fork in the sox tonight -- they just ain't got it. bummer. hope the twins lose, too.
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