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The Ginger Kid

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Everything posted by The Ginger Kid

  1. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 08:18 AM) And they didn't score a run for 9 straight innings in Wednesday's game and they got no hit through 4 innings in yesterday's game. I guess I would like to see them manufacture some more runs rather than just relying on the longball. It's a game of adjustments. The Sox made them and won.
  2. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 06:49 AM) Contreras against a team that takes walks. Brutal. exactly. Did you read Meche's bite about the A's batters being patient to the point of annoying? My hopes are resting on Garland and Buehrle
  3. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 06:48 PM) "...and in the seventh inning he arose again, in fulfillment of Nancy Faust -- although he wasn't too sure he liked the name 'Faust', but oh well..." See, I merely assumed he was just watching at home. I didn't know how the whole barefoot thing would go over on the red line. But maybe, just maybe, I've already met our Lord. I just hope it wasn't that fat guy w/ the mouth of a sailor who dropped his ciggy on me when I was a kid.
  4. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) Keep talking, they're still a better team than most. They were sucking for long stretches last year too, and they still would have been in the series if not for one of the greatest collapses in baseball history. They've still got some very good hitters and two horses at the back of the pen. Plus Randy is still there, and Mussina is okay. I wouldn't totally write them off yet. They're 6 out in the division and 3 1/2 out in the wild card. I've seen much bigger leads disappear. I absolutely agree. They could run off another 10 in a row like they did earlier and be right back in it. To think they won't is kind of foolish. As is forgetting the Twins in this discussion. I expect them to push the Sox to the very end. They are a great second half team and they will gel, in my opinion. At the very least they will win the wild card, IMO, and would love nothing more than a shot at the Sox in the playoffs. I watch a LOT of Anaheim living in SoCal, and I can tell you right now that 1 through 9 they're a better hitting team than the Sox, but not a better team overall. Pitching and injuries are all too frequent problems for them this year. Vlad, however, scares the piss out of me. That guy's amazing.
  5. After today's game... Better on toilet paper, maybe!
  6. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) With the Angels giving up 18 runs today (last I checked), it's safe to say the Sox pitching staff leads baseball in ERA again. Haven't you heard, that doesn't matter because our offense sucks -- just check the game thread.
  7. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 06:20 PM) 1024 800 thanks for doing this
  8. SSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU---WEEEEEEEEEET SWEEP!! now go kick Oakland's ass, god knows we owe those bastards!!
  9. Freddy goes CG with less than 100 pitches? Possibly...I can't remember a Sox pitcher doing that since Colon.
  10. Skepticism is the right of every fan, but to get down on the Sox ability to win without good hitting is mind boggling. It just shows how good their pitching is and how solid they can be in the post season if they reach it.
  11. Garcia...Buehrle...Garland man, these three are pitching lights out right now
  12. even when the sox hitting goes into a funk they still find a way to win. this ain't your daddy's sox...these guys are so for real.
  13. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 11:21 AM) Is this all on TWIB? Where did these random thoughts come from, Jack Handy? Yes, all from TWIB.
  14. Too bad about Billy Corgan. I grew up with Jimmy Chamberlin, the drummer for for Smashing Pumpkins and know he is a Sox fan, at least he was all through grade school in Joliet. Belushi's a talentless douche bag who made a career by imitating his dead brother. And Harry was singing "Take me out" at Comiskey long before he did it at the urinal. I hate this nation's love affair with the cubs.
  15. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:43 AM) So did a lot of people here... really? what team have you been watching all year?
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:31 AM) What a stupid time to take a team seriously. I know, lets wait until we have to go on a 15 game winning streak to come within 5 games. How true, I never even thought of that. I thought it was very funny to hear that the Tigers were laughing on the bases last night...thought they had it in the bag. uribe! DOH!
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 10:16 AM) Just remember, the only team the Tigers have to worry about in the AL Central race is Cleveland, right? Love that! Plus, remember Trammel said he won't take the white sox seriously until they're 10 games up? Ha! Trammel, your season's over before the break you tool!
  18. Farmio and Rooney were just saying that Sox players got pissed off at the Tigers for laughing when it looked like the Tigers were going to win the game in the 9th and then again in the 13th.
  19. nasty storm going through Detroit right now... Detroit Weather
  20. I'm stunned Uribe isn't getting more props for the play he made in the 9th to force extra innings. What a throw, man, what a throw!!
  21. Konerko you f***, get the bat off your SHOULDER!!!!!!!!!!
  22. first 1-2-3 inning for MB. With the way he never shakes off a catcher, I wonder who he thinks is a better game caller, Widger or AJ?
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