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Bubba Philips

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Everything posted by Bubba Philips

  1. Dyes value is not just for the Sox he is in a contract year. His free agency salary is commensurate with how he performs now. I don't know how it will play out but Erstadt and Pods will be back and this Terraro looks like he can play.. If they continue to play I think dye can be replaced. Providing Pod and Erstadt return in fine form........
  2. Dyes value is not just for the Sox he is in a contract year. His free agency salary is commensurate with how he performs now. I don't know how it will play out but Erstadt and Pods will be back and this Terraro looks like he can play.. If they continue to play I think dye can be replaced. Providing Pod and Erstadt return in fine form........
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 11:31 AM) So every player who has started a game in the leadoff spot for the Sox is now on the DL. Erstad-34 Podsednik-8 Owens-8 Ozuna-7 Orlando is doing a lot better than most people think.. He's in low A ball. http://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8. Says he can run knows when to take pitches and his fielding is great. He has great instincts, fast to first and from 1st to third and can run the ball down in the outfield.... A little more development?
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 7, 2007 -> 10:37 PM) There's been others that have been worse. If there's an important out to get with 4 outs or less left in the game, we have to get Jenks in the freaking game. Also, Boone should be the lefty specialist. I'd like to see Thornton get to start more innings, as I think he gets preoccupied with runners on base. The rest of the righties in the bullpen are a joke, and KW should be fired instantly.Why wasn't Jenks in the game? Nothing Kenny can do he already laid the egg we have to painfully watch it hatch. the difference in 05 was we some lucky breaks.This year everything that can go wrong does. Don't count on anything positive happening we know what is going to happen before it happens.. Not to take the blame out of the hands of our horrible relievers but doesn't AJ have influence on our relievers and could his ability to call games be slightly diminished or Has Cooper been calling some of the errant pitches.. MacDougal has lousy mechanics and looked like the scarecrow from theWizard of Oz totally devoid of any muscles or bones.. Aardsma who looked to much like Koch and tried to pitch like him. The staff now is not well managed and may not be the savior that we once thought he is. Something is wrong! The team is in a tailspin with no upper management personell getting in trouble. On the positive side we did get our 3 runs today!!!
  5. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 7, 2007 -> 04:13 PM) I like the plus velocity of his arm. If he can throw strikes and develop a 2nd pitch he could be a good starter. If he doesnt, he will be a reliever. The only thing that stings is that Porcello was still on the board, and was selected by the Tigers. Porcella rep is Boras.... nothing else needs to be said. We took Pored because KW is afraid of losing his pick on some one we can't sign.....
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 6, 2007 -> 08:08 PM) Josh Fields should consider hitting a home run in his first at bat.I can read lips pretty well. ARod on the closeup of him in the dugout said,"Did you see that? That's f****ing bulls***"!
  7. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 6, 2007 -> 12:09 PM) They have gone after the guy on more than one occasion now, so the money must be there somewhere. I know the mistaken stereotype of the non-spending White Sox is a popular one, but they have made real attempts at getting this guy on multiple occasions.If we want to acquire AROD we won't be able to pay full price for him. We'll have to trade a proven product to get him now in the middle of the season. I'd say either a SP or a proven hitter and we have only one hitting around or barely over 300. If we trade a big enough talent we may get some cash back. Next year JR will not allow KW to spend 25 million a year to have him. Oh there are 2 players that may get us a rebate on AROD.
  8. [. A note on Craig Wilson, another 3 striekouts today, he whiffs like crazy. whifferball?
  9. QUOTE(bschmaranz @ Jun 2, 2007 -> 12:01 AM) Unless it's Lee Elia, I don't want any part of former Cubs managers.Lee Elia hates the Cubs.. His rants are better than Ozzie's and you can understand every word. The city would shake...
  10. whoever we bring up or make our leadoff hitter.. They need to be able to maintain a good obp. with speed. Iguchi has hit well at the major league level but is currently slumping. It is totally a crap shoot with any of our rookies. We need a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. QUOTE(WHITESOXRANDY @ May 30, 2007 -> 03:10 PM) Every other team in baseball can fleece the Pirates but not us. No matter what Jim Hendry does, he'll always be a hero for getting Aramis Ramirez and Kenny Lofton for nothing . Couldn't we get Jason Bay ? Ofcourse if the Sox got him he'd probably become slower and worse defensively. It just seems to happen that way. KW's 2005 contained a lot of players with banner years. That year he found a Uribe who cold really field his position. A few character player like Pods, Dye and Blum who performed outside of their normal sphere. However; he chose to base future teams on an aging base. Of course we did get rid of El Duque brought in Vasquez.. Lost Garcia in favor of a project in Floyd and Gio.. Trade McCarthy for an already adequate 5th starter in Danks.. Traded Cotts who had lost all his effectiveness for Aardsma who now seems to be tailspinning. None of relievers seem to be able to get a third out... But for a fire sale our pieces to trade have to have some value.. We have Crede with the suspect back hitting .232.. Dye our world series mvp hitting .239 with a small impediment about moving laterally in the outfield. Uribe looked great at the beginning of the season as if he was going to be our new #2 hitter but has since went back to his swing wildly in desperation swing for the fences mode. Mackoviak wants to be a homerun hitter too but too often swings creating giant swirls of air that can be felt in the upper deck while missing the ball completely.. Iguchi is self explanatory his 2 for 27 is as close as we have to an automatic out.. Oh I forgot our power hitters come up and Razor shines goes through the signs . I haven't caught the exact sign but Paulie, Thome, Aj and others get the ground into a double play sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They never have to move the runners along..........
  12. aardsma through 4 balls all outside... Did aj call this.. We would have faired better with Logan against Logan.. I think Ozzie wanted to lose these games.....
  13. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ May 29, 2007 -> 09:10 PM) pods will turn us around.I don't know who is at fault but I'm thinking as bad as the sox players look.. I'm trying to guess which player will get designated for assignment pending unconditional release first.
  14. QUOTE(stretchstretch @ May 28, 2007 -> 03:35 PM) are there any replacements for Guillen out there who can motivate players into battling for wins and working through struggles. all the talk about the pen, lack of speed injuries, etc doesn't cover up for that "dead look" of the players. MN came back from a 12gm deficit last year to win the division because RG WOULDN"T ALLOW them to stay down. OG has no sense of being able to demand and get the most of his players. Can an entire pen of 6-8 guys go from unhittable to horrible without SOME blame on the coach?Origami is the japanese word for paper folding is there a japanese word for team folding....
  15. QUOTE(salty99 @ May 28, 2007 -> 12:32 PM) It is not speculation. Day and Gonzalez were called up.I called it 1:45 am. He did ok in spring training and Ozzie has his favorites.
  16. QUOTE(diegotony06 @ May 27, 2007 -> 11:24 PM) All he needs is a couple sessions in the cages with Greg Walker, that should help him. I think the Craig Wilson move is good. I think the braves did some premature waivering on him. All Craig needs is some consistent at bats and we may see him duplicate some of his pittsburgh numbers. If that doesn't happen we can call him a grinder or something.
  17. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ May 27, 2007 -> 11:43 PM) Per Roto. Are the Rays actively shopping Crawford? Or is the Elijah Dukes (What a nut job.) situation created some hesitation on their part? pitching wise he's not a prospect but can strike out. He'll be 28 next year what the heck I say we should give Dewon Day his day in the bigs.. Cooper can make him throw strikes cut back on his walks. If they call him up his arbitration clock is already clicking if that is a deciding factor... he did ok in spring training not real good now.. Can't be any worse than the player he's replacing....
  18. How about Collaro he hits lefties well strikes out little too often 19 times in 77 at bats with only 3 walks. Although he does hit with authority against lefties. In 77 ab he has 25 hits 7 doubles a triple and 4 homers. that's an extra base hit every 6.41 ab. I don't know how that translates into AAA stats or major league totals. I have no knowledge of how well he plays the outfield what positions he can play. Can anyone elaborate.
  19. from what I read after last season surgery to Joe's Back would have been done right after last season's conclusion. It was Joe and Boras's decision to rehab the back and avoid the surgery. If the surgery would have been done Joe would have been able to play in spring training or soon thereafter. Hindsight is always 20/20
  20. QUOTE(rangercal @ May 21, 2007 -> 11:56 AM) I'd love to run over his typing hands with a Hummer I hate Mariotti no matter what he says. The whitesox should have won all three games.. We choked. The cubs/sox series is important to both sides of town but is more important to the south side because we don't want to be beat by a bunch of losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 21, 2007 -> 11:07 AM) Ah the ole disc injury again. I have a herniated disc in my lower back and sciatica that I've been dealing with for about 8 years. I've learned to live with and deal with the pain as best as I can. You learn how to move and how to not to move, how far you can bend over, how to put your shoes and socks on, etc. When I have a flare up, I go on oral steroids (not the Barry kind) for a bout 6 days, sometimes it helps. The next step for me would be the injections and finally surgery. After hearing so many horror stories, I think I'll live with and deal with the pain before I let them cut my back open. Maybe some day they can replace discs with artificial ones, or maybe just kill the nerves that have the pressure on them. I cannot imagine anyone playing sports professionally with the same injury. Good luck Joe. Stenum Hospital provides the most advanced Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR) procedures and implants available worldwide. Here you can learn the truth about new improved ADR designs, Multi-Level Disc Replacement, Lumbar and Cervical ADR, and the truth about the risks involved with some implant products still in use today. Disc Replacement, developed in Europe over 15 years ago, is now in use all over the world, and has all but eliminated the tragety of spinal fusion. At Stenum Hospital it has been taken to the next level, high risk revission surgeries have all but been eliminated, and ADR is used to create multi-level solutions for both the lumbar and cervical spine. Even with fusion and adjacent to existing fusion! At Stenum Hospital surgeons can go beyond simple disc replacement or fusion to create a complete multi-level spine solution which can include combinations of ADR, stabilization, fusion, and other treatments, if needed. Are you confused about whether Disc Replacement is for you? Maybe you have been told you are not a candidate for ADR, that you need fusion, or nothing can be done! Stenum offers free remote evaluations, so you can get the truth about your options. Click here or go to "Patient Area - Evaluation Form" above at any time to begin the simple evaluation process. Due to regulatory restrictions, limitations of the approved products, and the inexperience of many surgeons, many patients will be exposed to unnecessary risk, get fusion surgery, or continue to suffer needlessly. Most, never knowing there are better options available, and surgeons with the experience and technology required to help them. Many surgeons can only treat the L4-5 or L5-S1 of the lumbar spine, not L3-4, or the cervical spine. Some still think ADR is only a single level solution. This is far from the truth! Many multi-level Disc Replacements are performed with great success, and L3-4 or Cervical ADR is quite common. You may be considering the Charite Disc. We have found through years of experience that this 3 piece sliding plastic core design, requires difficult and risky excess distraction of the vertebra for insertion, which may contribute to future instability by stretching the ligaments. In addition, prosthesis dislocation and plate subsidence has been reported in as high as 20% Charité patients. Maybe you are considering the ProDisc, studies report that 8.7% required revision surgery (studies and our surgeries required no revisions with Maverick). We find the ProDisc procedure much more invasive to the vertebra than the new designs. Link to ADR Studies The risks involved with these early implants, concerns about revisions and the lifespan of the plastic core, should be disclosed, and the improved implant designs available at Stenum should be considered. See Maverick Lumbar Disc and Spinal Kinetics Cervical Disc Tragically, patients with severe loss of disc space, previous surgeries, more than one level needed, and many other factors may be excluded from ADR surgery in error. Additionally, it is quite likely that single level ADR procedures are often performed when multi-level indications exist, resulting in poor results and risky second surgeries. New implants, available at Stenum, offer improved design (reducing subsidence and dislocation), have increased stability, are easier to implant, and have no plastic core. You need a surgeon with the experience and freedom to consider all the affected levels, all the treatment options, and create a total multi-level solution, if needed. Nowhere else in the world does the incredible experience and state of the art technology exist, to successfully perform these complex procedures, other than at Stenum Hospital. Single level, multi-level, multi-device, lumbar and cervical ADR, are all available for you with a service level that will take care of all your needs while abroad. At Stenum Hospital we offer free evaluations and complete surgery packages. At Stenum Hospital the doctors can create your spine solution from an extensive list of globally available device options. At Stenum, L3-4 ADR, Cervical ADR, and Multiple level ADR is common. Also, ADR at levels adjacent to previously fused levels, even multi device ADR plus fusion procedures, for more advanced multi-level cases, are done with great success. ADR surgery requires a high level of experience, to get the correct diagnosis and surgery plan, avoid risks to vital organs, and carefully balance proper implant placement with the resulting impact of the procedure on the spine. You should only allow the most experienced spine specialists, with hundreds of abdominal approaches done, perform this complex procedure on you. These leading surgeons are now treating international patients at Stenum Hospital. Over 400 Americans have come to Stenum for ADR! To begin; complete the online form. Send images, patient data form, etc. to Stenum. In 2-3 weeks you will recieve your diagnosis, surgery plan, cost, and scheduling instructions. Click here to begin the evaluation process. just to let you know the technology is here. Stenum Hospital Heilstaettenweg 1 Ganderkesee Germany 27777 Phone: 011-49-4223-71335 Fax: (+49) (0) (4223) 714420 US Spokesperson Jim Rider 866-544-8252 | diagnosis | testimonials | technology | locations | about stenum | patient area | contact us | site map |
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 21, 2007 -> 08:41 AM) /stayed at Holiday Inn Express last night During negotians last fall I read that Joe's back surgery would be minor.... He could have easily recovered by even spring training. He opted for therapy. Now 1/4 of the season has expired and his back problems have reoccured. This problem will not go away and he will be free agent. A free agent with a bad back will not get the bucks that a free agent with a good back will receive. Fields is not the best fielder and presently is not hitting the best in AAA but I believe will do credible replacement in Crede's 15 day absense..
  23. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 21, 2007 -> 09:40 AM) His two seamer is the big difference maker to me. The first time I saw him break that out is when he had that long relief gig against the Indians. I think it also helps with contract negotiations. When you have some available arms or other options, then they cant put you in the corner. KW did that with Garland and Contreras and pitted them against each other. The first one to sign, and then both of them sign within a few days of each other. Russell, Gio and Floyd all have plus stuff as well. Floyd just needs to be rebuilt mentally and needs to throw strikes. I think what we saw with our AA so far, allows KW to use guys like Broadway and Haeger as trading chips for the trading deadline. Broadway is just about ready but I dont think it will be with us, he doesn't project as top of the rotation. But his numbers look good, and he was a former number 1 so he value is at an all time high. How about the Massett Danks trade now .....two starters for McCarthy.
  24. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 19, 2007 -> 06:07 PM) I'm the biggest sox fan in the world but my daughter married a cub fan therefore their son, 6 year old is a big time cub fan..He Loves Derrick lee. That grandson told me that the sox will win tommorrow because Carlos is pitching. Being a grandpa and knowing where the sox are going I told him Carlos will do ok against us and the cubs will sweep us. ......Actually what I was thinking and not saying is that Zambrano will probably look like Cy Young tommorrow after pitching like crap so far this year........
  25. listening to the score they said that Masset will start tommorow against the cubs can anyone enlighten me further on the reasons he will be starting anyone hurt?
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