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Bubba Philips

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Everything posted by Bubba Philips

  1. QUOTE(beck72 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:43 PM) My guess is the sox would try to trade for a LOGGY, some one who has been tough vs. lefties, maybe has 1, 2 yrs experience. The FA's available will be overpriced and not very appealing In 82 days we can check our own farm grown talent.
  2. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 12:23 PM) Pablo Ozuna will turn 32 next August, so I think it's safe to say that any improvement on the defensive end is unlikely. And besides, based on what I have seen, he is an atrocious third baseman. You're saying that he's great, Forrest? Well, it ain't at 3B. Ozuna's throwing arm is not the greatest but he did make some catches off the line that Crede usually doesn't make
  3. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) I agree with most of this.. Exepct that KW was also High on Bochard, and would not give him up.. ANd now we see what we got out of him.. I want to see what anderson can do, I have stated since when I started being a middle market team we need a farm system that produces home grown talent we can use. I have a feeling Anderson is going to do fairly well, not great and not "Ortonlike" The good thing is that we can see if anderson does well.. If not KW will correct that mistake by end of June. I'm with you if we can't develop talent in our minor league system and use it we'll perish. Anderson will need some work but the other 24 can pick him up for a while as I remember the one game in Seattle where he hit the 2 home runs he picked us up.
  4. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Dec 7, 2005 -> 12:01 PM) Don't know about that, but Graffanino was a groomsman at Konerko's wedding. Graffanino went to KC because they have a profoundly Christian ballclub - not that he didn't like the Sox, but that KC was the baseball equivalent of a Christian high school. Maybe graff is the best Christian in the world but when he left the sox for Kansas city he left because he wanted to play everyday and Kenny W. did not see him as an everyday player. That's why.............................My choices are to go with Willie and Pablo both are great fielders and I see both improving.
  5. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Dec 5, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) Ja.. I agree, The yankess overpaid for JV..Who would have thought that!?!?! No way I trade Jon to AZi unless 2 players are coming back by the names of jackson and webb. ok, granted I would rather have garland for the future but if we can't resign him don't take the risk of losing him totally to free agency. I'm sure we won't be able to sign Joe Crede either. This might be crazy how about Crede and Garland for Glaus and Vasquez.
  6. QUOTE(AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Dec 4, 2005 -> 07:47 PM) If we were to trade for Vazquez then we would have to trade Count...imo oZZIE likes Vaquez, looks like Garland wants to see what the free market will bring him. I'd say garland cash and another player.
  7. I just read the mlb giants site and the site indicated that 6 players were added and six sent down to their triple AAa fresno affiliate. ONe sent down was Adam Shaballa a local illinois kid. My question is: do major league teams trade for minor leaguers, per say a minor leaguer for a minor leaguer?
  8. QUOTE(rangercal @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 03:59 PM) So Thome is 70 shy of 500. Looks like he'll get that here. maybe this year he'll make it 500
  9. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) The Marlins are very serious about moving Cabrera to 3B, it's his natural position and was considered a damn good defensive 3B while playing in the minors. Marlins are having a fire sale... Think about this Crede relatively inexpensive, a Boras Client
  10. QUOTE(3E8 @ Oct 31, 2005 -> 03:58 PM) Mench or Kearns would not really be an upgrade from Everett as a DH. Dunn is a completely different story. If he were on the team he instantly becomes our most valuable offensive assest (unless we have a fully healthy Big Frank). He would almost certainly cost us a starting pitcher, though. I think there is a great upside to Kevin Mench. He killed us. He made 345,000 in 05 better than carl numbers not quite KOnerko. Texas cut off contract talks with him. Can any one see him as either in the outfield or as a dh.
  11. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 04:50 PM) I never wasted my time watching Cub games before and I certainly don't plan to start now. Not my team = Don't care The Tribune Hype can't match the team on the field. A communication giant owning and promoting its own dismal excuse for a team that is unlikely to even win its division for next 2 or three years and that is if they are willing to spend more for free agent players because their farm teams don't provide much talent. On the south side we survive on less money, being much maligned in the press by the major networks, but somehow managing to field the best team in Major league baseball.
  12. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) Don't forget the HUUUUGE plays Rowand made in NY against the Yanks late in the year. Hot bed of voting media in the Big Apple. the coaches are the people the fielders have to impress. They may forgive what we can't and see more than statistics. like range track to the ball arms(accurate throws) Leadership. I am predjudiced as hell and we don't see every team on a regular basis. My vote automatically goes to Rowand he does have instinct good track to the ball and does play all out on every play and he's on a pennant and possible wseries champ. I'd say he'll get the nod.
  13. QUOTE(innersanctum @ Oct 22, 2005 -> 11:19 PM) No!!! Not red and blue states again! if it were an we'd carry about 4 states electoral college result we would have lost by a landslide. Just sounds like a lot of dissappointed people to me about 55% for houston 45 for us.
  14. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 10:52 PM) St. Louie had 4K tickets per game and I think their stadium holds quite a few thousand more. In that context, it would appear that our percentage of tickets available was higher. what did we take 4000 seats out of the cell could have used them in the playoffs
  15. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 12:58 AM) Hey, what do you have against Kotex, anyway? Do you prefer some other brand? I believe kotex is a brand name I prefer he'd be called something more generic
  16. QUOTE(Princess Dye @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) i dont particularly like Mariotti at all, but these are some good points (and i'm not saying you do). the article picks up on some interesting things that are going on in town right now. obviously generalizing about Sox fans as neanderthals is too much... but if under the 'humor' he means that Sox fans tend to have the self-victimization thing going on... then it's not far from the truth. he's a pud. but he's right that most Cub fans...those who really care about baseball.... are either rooting against the Sox... or with them in a not-so-passionate way. the social-club Cub fans (which make up most of their revenue) are all fully jumping on the bandwagon... since we're the hot thing now. and of course, we're a fresh, new reason to drink. Excuse me but here is no point to Moronotti articles. We are sox fans as it was once said and is more true today. If you want to get drunk and have fun go to wrigley if you want to watch a good baseball game go to the south side. We are the the few the proud. Moronetti just wants controversy to get us going. Appeal to the 80% who are cub fans.
  17. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 06:57 PM) St. Louis, because I live there and have lots of Cardinal fan friends. I think we will beat either team if our I have for game 5
  18. I got em but not at the cell. Cards have to pull it out.........
  19. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) I'm sure it's his signature that was set up on his emails as soon as he got the job. He probably forgets it's even there. That being said...that is damn funny!!! LOL!!! hey Boyer if someone in his office is reading this. Some place I saw that the idea of watching the sox world series game at the Uic or at the Cell would be great. Most of us don't stand a chance of getting world series tickets an oppurtunity to see the sox with other fans would be nearly as great.
  20. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 12:57 PM) my old man is a cubs fan & didnt even call to congratulate the entire ALCS. that is why hanging with everyone in anaheim for the 3 game set whom i didnt know for one minute was so extra special. this is a time for the real fans to hang & revel! American League! BTW WGN is abdisimal. THEY HAD COOKIE SHOW ON THE 12:30 news? F THEM! I CANT WAIT THE UPCOMING WEEK! I've been use to the Whitesox snub for as long as I can remember. AM radio 670 sitting on the kitchen tabel the play by play by bob Elson. THe chance of seeing the sox on tv not very good. We lived south of chicago so when the sox changed networks we listend to the radio. The media and even the sox made it difficult to see our games but they never stopped the radio waves and nothing stopped me nor my father nor will it stop my grandsons his children and I'm guessing their grandchildren from being sox fans.
  21. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 10:42 PM) Dye has run hot and cold all year. Amen brother. How true. you forgot he got a base hit before Konerko pooped out. WHen Dye is hot he's hot. I thinks if he gets a couple of solid hits he could start on a good streak. He can be very streaky. but who can we replace him with TIMO-Willie- Blum-Ozuna or Carl.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 10:06 PM) sorry didn't want to question that. but a chisox guy who sat at old comiskey drinking all night and swinging at the other teams fans doesnt start a rally crede. Contreras pitched well enough to win. He made a mistake on pitch selection to Anderson and should have thrown home. Where is all this running the pitch count up everyone was swinging at the first pitch not trying to take the ball the other way. Byrd only threw 84 - 87 miles an hour. Aj can hit but he needs to start throwing runners out even with a pitchout couldn't do it. His throws however; made Iguchi make some mid air flips that would make tens in the Olympics. If Pods can't steal bases or lay down a bunt that makes him another weak hitting outfielder. Consider Ozuna who can bunt or Willie who can run. .Oh when KOnerko came up with 2 on I thought wow if he hit a homerun he'd have a helluva payday as A free agent but he did manage to pop out .
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