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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:53 PM)
    Tony has made me post a thread about this :P

    We're talking about camping out the night before, or something along those lines and just wondering who's done it in the past.

    What were your experiences like?

    How early did you get there?

    What's the sox policy on all this?

    and a question no one can answer:




    that is all.


    Grinder Rule #75


    Ixnay on talkin' about the ayoffsplay

  2. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:38 PM)
    Isn't baseball weird? Two years ago I despised this guy as much as any player in the league. Stick a Sox jersey on him and I'm one of his biggest fans.


    What if Saddam wore a Thomas jersey to his first day of trial?   :huh


    Id give him a bag of Doritos and ask him to kindly remove it. Then proceed to hand him a Wood jersey :D

  3. QUOTE(Reddy @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:33 PM)
    please no one try to refute this.  no need to start another conflict.


    whats there to refute?


    whats fact is fact


    and that


    White Sox team ERA 3.57 (best in AL)


    Red Sox team ERA 4.81 (4th worst in AL)



    my friend........................................is fact!!!

  4. QUOTE(UofIChiSox @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:31 PM)
    I sent one in early in the season asking Hawk about whether or not he really invented the batting glove and how it happened.  He didn't answer it during the game, and I wasn't able to watch the next game, but my buddy told me when he turned the game on the next day Hawk was going on and on about having invented the batting glove, so I guess it's likely he was answering my question, but I don't really know.


    i remember him talking about the batting glove thing. but then again he mentions that at least once a year anyway :bang

  5. Congrats to you A.J. and your new family


    and YES you are the best game caller in the AL



    White Sox team ERA 3.57 (best in AL)


    Red Sox team ERA 4.81 (4th worst in AL)


    not definitive proof that he's the best, but also doesn't hurt the argument either

  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 04:59 PM)
    Still, the fact that he's going to be out for the next 2 games should not make people happy that the Sox didn't trade for him. You can't be pining for him one second then you don't get him, he misses 2 games you you're glad you didn't trade for him. That makes no sense.


    Accept, nobody said that they were happy that we didn't trade for him. I merely said it may turn out to be good that we didn't. Don't twist my words around.

  7. Back during the Royals futility streak of 19 games I sent in an e-mail asking Hawk and DJ which they thought was harder to do win 20 in a row, which the A's did in '02 or lose 20 in a row. DJ said its always harder to win and Hawk said that they were both very tough to do. I TiVo'd it too, it was weird hearing Hawk say my name on the air, especially since it is so hard for some people to pronounce.

  8. QUOTE(shoelessinva @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 06:04 PM)
    I don't care who they are playing.  Heck, they could be playing the Stickney Little League All-Stars for 3 series in September.  As long as they get used to the feeling of winning and continue to build their confidence before October.  That is all that matters.  WIN, BABY!  And WIN often.  Learn to love the feeling and EXPECT that you will win each and every day!  That is where the confidence swells and how WS winners are born!










    J/K :lol:

  9. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 09:47 PM)
    I guess we could wait and see how the Sox do in their series against Vlad and Cy Supersize, but the Yankees seem the weakest of our potential first-round opponents.


    That said, Mussina and Small have given us fits this year.



    Yeah but I could live without seeing Chacon again this year.

  10. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 09:35 PM)
    No way. The lead is too close to the number of games we have left with Cleveland.


    I think the mantra for Sox fans in terms of the WC should be LET'S GO YANKEES.


    I dont know about that one either. I think I'd much rather face a team with a little less Playoff experience than the Yankees. Let Cleveland have the WC, but if we lose the Division to them, then we didn't deserve it anyway

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