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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 02:53 PM)
    There's plenty.  I just can't narrow it down to one.


    Todd Ritchie

    Royce Clayton

    Juan Agosto

    Joe Borchard

    Mike Caruso


    "hate" is too strong a word for these guys.  They just didn't cut it.  "disliked" "drove me nuts" or "plain 'ol sucked"  probably fits better.


    Jaime Navarro  -  you can say "hate" for this guy.


    you forgot Steve Sax talk about drove me nuts :banghead

  2. Ok


    Steff is right in the fact that I shouldnt assume that all White Sox fans are Frank Thomas fans, I get that. What I dont get is how can you not be?? Save all the outside negative publicity that he gets or has gotten, he is a player and should be judged by the things he does "on" the field


    all that said tho, I bet that if i polled 100 Sox fans, 99 would be Frank Thomas fans


    and I'll stick by that

  3. I'll make it a bit simpler for people that just cant grasp it:



    Frank Thomas = White Sox since '89


    Curt Schilling = Red Sox since '04




    Chances of Red Sox fans not being a fan of Schilling > Chances of White Sox fans not being a fan of Thomas


    Final Thought:


    Not a fair Comparison

  4. it says there is no room for him. with Pods coming back in order to get Carl in the lineup he will have to DH and it seems that PK has been doing that a lot lately, probably because of his ailing back. So if PK DH's that either puts Carl on the bench or he plays the field to rest one of those guys. Having Anderson stick around would be pointless cause he wouldn't have enough time to play and I think they want him to get in AB's cause thats the only way hes going to improve

  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:57 AM)
    Please don't presume to think you know what would leave my mouth, or the mouths of others. I was specific in my comparison to respecting the play of a player and not the person. Nothing at all to do with tenure. Don't try to alter my comments to make them seem something they were not.


    My point is Frank has done more for the Sox than Schilling has done for the BoSox, so that is not a fair comparison.


    and for the record I was not speaking of your mouth, but mouths in general so no need to get all worked up

  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:48 AM)
    Maybe it's different for you. Why not just leave it at that.


    There was a period of about 8 years where the name Frank Thomas was synonymous with White Sox. When you think of the Boston Red Sox, in the past 8 years there are probably 10 other names that would leave your mouth before the name Schilling

  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:41 AM)
    Keeping in mind that appreciating his efforts and being a fan of his are 2 different things. I know a bunch of Red Sox fans that can't stand Shilling but realize the effort he gives while pitching.



    Schilling is completely different though, he hasn't spent his entire career on the BoSox

  8. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:35 AM)
    No offense, but I don't think there's a person on this site that isn't a fan of Thomas as a player.  He's done great things for this team.



    thats all that I was trying to say. I wasn't trying to point a finger at Boz, in general I was just saying its kind of hard to claim that you are a Sox fan if you cant appreciate what Frank has done for this organization. thats all

  9. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:28 AM)
    Fair enough and I agree.


    But, at the same time, wouldn't it be bad ass to have him in the dugout for our playoff run?  I for one would be estatic.


    I mean just picture this scenario.  We're facing the Red Sox in the ALCS, Uribe has a horrible AB his first time up.  He goes back to the dugout, the camera pans to him sitting next to Big Frank.  Then Juan comes up for his next AB.....WAYYYY BACK, YOU CAN PUT IT ON THE BOARD, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, the thought of this.... :headbang


    To further clarify my earlier post.


    They were talking on the radio the other day, I cant remember if it was 670 or 1000, but they said Frank was planning to join the team in the dugout very shortly.



    No hard feelings

    just a huge Big Hurt fan :gosoxretro:

  10. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 10:44 AM)
    Still not an excuse IMO.  All he needs to do is sit in the dugout and be with the team.  He is on the team, right?  We are paying his salary, right?  This is a situation where...1) KW won't tell Frank anything and 2) Reinsdorf okays this kind of behavior from Thomas.


    Could you ever see Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams or Mo Rivera becoming injured and then not traveling with the Yankees and attending games?  It would never happen. Hell Jeter could have a broken neck and I'd be willing to bet he'd make an appearance at the stadium.


    It's time for all of the Frank Thomas apologists to step up and defend your boy.  Wait, it can't happen because there is clearly no excuse that he is NEVER with the team when he is injured.  When he had his arm injured a few years ago, he was never at games then either.


    Just say no to a Frank Thomas appreciation day unless he wants to become a part of the team on an everyday basis, not just when its convienient for Frank.


    Except he is planning on being in the dugout. Expect to see him very shortly.



    People that do not like Frank Thomas = No true White Sox fan

  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:12 AM)
    So how do you actually get a bunt down???  Can someone explain the stickwork in detail?  I can't do it to save my life.


    It is definately a timing thing. I bunt all the time with Pods and Willie and am very successful with it. you need to aim with the left analog, as well as bunt with the right. you want to wait until the ball gets the closest to the plate without missing it completely. You gotta just slap at it, with a quick tap. it is kinda hard to explain it with text, and over the net but i hope i at least helped out a little bit

  12. whats with everyone jumping on Jenks' nutz. He is good, but he isn't proven, and has no experience. Let the kid learn a little first. Hermie has over 30 saves and only 3 blown, all that with a bum back. I gotta go with what works. If it aint broke dont fix it.

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