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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 04:16 PM)
    I'm thinking he wouldn't win s***.  In fact, to stop that from happening again the yanks should sue the fan and donate any winnings to charity.



    Maybe he wouldn't, but the people he fell on would. And you could bet your ass that they would win.



    QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 04:16 PM)
    You can't jump off a building and then sue the building owners....


    And by the by if you have a swimming pool in YOUR backyard and someone hops YOUR fence and drowns in YOUR pool YOU are liable for it if you dont have a no trespassing sign posted. Im sure some lawyer could make this a winning case.

  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 01:35 PM)
    I'm setting the over/under on 4 days until the next person attempts that trick.


    You can bet they'll be switching that setup around very shortly, to probably the way the Sox have it now. They cant risk letting that happen again, if he fell through onto somebody there woulda been hella lawsuits filed.

  3. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 09:29 PM)


    Sox win at Yankee Stadium.


    /enter debate(s)


    I don't ever want to see another thread on this site questioning why the White Sox get no respect by the national sports media.


    Look no further than the ninth inning managerial decisions.



    GREAT WIN!!!


    they never read your e-mail Addison them bastards :huh

  4. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
    While this may belong in the minors thread, I thought this might be a better spot.

    With all the rookies coming in and playing well across both leagues from as low as AA [like Murton, Francouer], the sox might be able to get a spark from one of their own. Jerry Owens is 2nd in the league in hitting [over .330], and has a great OBP [near .400]. With his speed and ability to get on base, he could really provide a spark. Whether its at DH or in LF [putting letting Pods, Dye and Aaron take some time off at DH], Owens could give the sox a lift as the regulars are tiring a bit. While Owens might not last long on the roster [hell, I'd put Carl on the 15 day DL to make sure his hammy is healed], the sox sure could use some energy that a guy like owens could bring.


    Any thoughts on how or if his skills could help the sox out this year?


    If we have to rely on an unproven minor leaguer to get us back on track, we are in trouble :o

  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 12:12 PM)
    Frank was here for a month.  the team functioned pretty damn well without him, and everyone complained about corpseball when he returned because he was station to station.


    this team relies on pitching and defense to win games. The offense comes and goes.  Its been this way since the first game when they won 1-0. Complaining about it excessively now isnt going to change anything. Aside from adding a KGJ type bat, this is what you are going to have in the playoffs.


    That is not entirely correct. There have been times when we were very effective at driving in the important runs. Lately, and last night was a perfect example, we are stranding way too many RISP. We had some golden opportunities to take the lead in that ball game but failed, which is something that we haven't been doing all year.

  6. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 01:41 AM)
    Relievers have their award--Rolaids Relief.


    Gagne received the award, amongst controversy, and he was absolutely dominant with a 50+ game save streak which extended the entire season.


    I don't care how 'money' Rivera has been, he doesn't deserve the Cy Young. Buehlre and Garland both deserve more consideration than him. It will be an absolute travesty if Rivera wins.  Yankees might not even make the playoffs!



    Did Thigpen get the Cy Young the year he broke the save record?? Cause if that doesn't get it for him then no closer should get it IMO. I would have to say that demolishing the old save record by what 15 or so?? That is otherworldly wouldnt you say?

  7. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:32 PM)
    Are we sure they're going to get 10 starts?  If September rolls around and we have a healthy lead, won't some scrubs be getting starts?



    that is a good question, but as far as pitchers go, do you want them out of their rythym?? Do you risk them getting rusty to rest them?? I thought keeping them pitching was the best thing to keep them from losing their stuff. I would think most likely that they will be taken out of games earlier, with lower pitch counts.


    who knows we shall see

  8. dear Yasny,


    i am very very sorry that i called u Peter Gammons!


    Mom says that I cant talk on the subject anymore, but pleez forgive me.


    maybe someday you could come over and we can trade baseball cards.



    yours truely



  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 04:30 PM)
    Lord help you when I am in the need of a Midol.... this is me on a happy day.


    Will you be shutting up soon...?


    Did I miss that apology..?





    If I shut up how are you going to keep beefing up your post total :rolly

  10. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 04:27 PM)
    Let's compare apples to apples, guys.


    Since divisional play began, what's the largest lead blown? In particular, since the three division format was introduced, what's the biggest lead blown?


    My point? Back in 1951 it was perfectly reasonable for an elite team like the Giants to overtake another team that had a helluva season, even though the Dodgers had a 13 game lead. There were only two leagues and no divisions.


    Oh yeah, and my other point is that again, if the Sox blow this I will eat a car.


    (stirring the pot)


    good point.


    can it be done? yes.


    will it be done? not likely

  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 04:09 PM)
    Na.. ignorant is pretty harmless..


    A personal attack would be maybe something like... calling him a dumbass stupid idiot for not looking up baseball history before flapping his gums....


    But I would never do that...  :rolly


    Pot stirrer..  :stick



    Except I never said that it never happened. I merely requested that the person making the claim state some facts with his claim. There is nothing I dislike worse than someone who makes statements claiming them true without evidence to back them up. thats all.

  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 04:05 PM)
    Here's some memorable ones..


    1998 Mets

    The Mets needed just one win in their final five games to force a tie for the wild-card spot. They lost all five -- two to Montreal and three to Atlanta. They were shut out twice and scored just 10 runs in the five games. Sound familiar?


    1995 Angels

    The Angels led the AL West by 11 games in August, but two separate nine-game losing streaks between late August and late September, combined with a furious finish by the Mariners, dropped the Angels three back with five left to play. They actually won their final five games to force a one-game playoff, only to lose 9-1 to Randy Johnson.


    "We gave it away," outfielder Jim Edmonds said at the time. "It's not like we got beat. It's not like they beat us out of first place. We just gave it away."


    1987 Blue Jays

    The Tigers held first place for 33 consecutive days in August and September but then the Blue Jays rallied and took a 3½-game lead with eight games left to play. Never before had an American League team lost such a big lead with so few games left.


    The Brewers swept three straight from Toronto, but the Jays still led the Tigers by one game entering the final weekend when the two teams met at Tiger Stadium. Detroit won all three games by one run, with Frank Tanana outdueling Jimmy Key 1-0 to complete the "choke."


    1987 Reds

    The Reds jumped out early to a commanding lead and in August still led the Giants by five games and the Astros by 3½. However, the Reds went into San Francisco and lost four straight -- and dropped 10 games in the standings to the Giants in three weeks. Down the stretch, the Reds fired GM Bill Bergesch. Scouting director Larry Doughty quit. The hitting coach got forced out. The Giants won by six games.


    1978 Red Sox

    The Sox led the Yankees by 14 games on July 19. They still led the Yankees by 7½ entering September. But then came the "Boston Massacre" when the Yanks walloped the Sox four straight at Fenway Park. The Red Sox had to win their final eight games to force a tie. But you know what Bucky Dent did to Mike Torrez ...


    1964 Phillies

    This wasn't a choke, this was a total collapse. The Phillies led the National League by 6½ games with only 12 left. They lost 10 in a row, the Reds won nine straight, the Cardinals won eight straight and all three teams had a chance for the pennant on the final day. The Phillies bombed the Reds 10-0 but the Cards captured the pennant with an 11-5 win over the Mets.


    1962 Dodgers

    The Dodgers were up four over the hated Giants with seven games left. They blew it, losing their final four games. On the next-to-last day, St. Louis' Ernie Broglio beat Don Drysdale 2-0. The Dodgers still led by one game. Curt Simmons then beat Johnny Podres 1-0 while Willie Mays' eighth-inning homer gave the Giants a 2-1 victory over Houston. A three-game playoff was necessary.


    Billy Pierce won the opener 8-0 (Sandy Koufax lasted just one inning). The Dodgers won the second game. The Dodgers led the deciding contest 4-2 entering the ninth. Three relievers then combined to allow four (there were four walks, including Stan Williams walking in the go-ahead run). Giants 6, Dodgers 4. Cough. Gag.


    1938 Pirates

    The Pirates held a comfortable lead at the beginning of September. The Cubs sat in fourth place, seven games back. Chicago quickly moved into second and then reeled off nine straight wins -- including three in a row over Pittsburgh. The final win was Gabby Hartnett's game-winning ninth-inning home run in the growing darkness, known as the "home run in the gloaming."


    1934 Giants

    New York led St. Louis by 5½ games entering the final month. On September 16, the Giants held the same lead when the clubs met for a doubleheader at the Polo Grounds before a record crowd of 62,573. Dizzy Dean won the opener 5-3 for the Cardinals and then brother Paul pitched 11 innings to win the nightcap. The Giants faded during the final two weeks as the Cards won the pennant by two games.

    But my favorite...


    1951 Dodgers

    They were in Brooklyn this time, and held a 13-game lead over the New York Giants on August 11. But the Giants won 52 of their final 63 games, the Dodgers lost six of their final 10 and a three-game playoff took place. You may have heard of this one. Bobby Thomson's Shot Heard 'Round the World capped off a four-run bottom of the ninth in the third game, giving the Giants a 5-4 victory.



    thanks, but I wasnt talking to you

  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:54 PM)
    No, it wouldn't be impossible.  Are some of you not familiar with the history of baseball and some  of the big leads that have been choked away?  It has happened before and it WILL happen again.  Hopefully, not in 2005.



    Hey Peter Gammons since you are so up on baseball history, Why dont recall one instance when a team has choked away a 13 game lead past Aug 8th and I will apologize for this thread and shut my mouth about it from here on

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