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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. QUOTE(Wanne @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
    Well...after next Sunday...the Sox next 15 games are against the Yankees, Red Sox and Twinkies.  Any predictions on how many games we take out of those 15?  I'm sayin the Sox go 10-5 (9-6 at worst) in that stretch. :bringit



    I hope that we will do better, but realistically I think 9-6 at best. Unless Ozzie shuffles the rotation Buehrle wont face the yankees at all and Garland only once. And I dont know if I can trust El Duque and Contra to shut them down. Depending on which of these pitchers shows up:


    2 of 3 against BOS

    3 of 6 against NYY

    4 of 6 against MIN


    9-6 next 15 games

  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 06:07 PM)
    Since you probably aren't aware, he's driving a Jag.. not a Vette.

    Are you being a smart ass..?


    No he won a Corvette at the All Star game for being the MVP that is the reason for my earlier post. I thought you were being sarcastic in your reply so i edited my reply, but apparently you werent. my bad

  3. I wish these damn reporters would give it a rest already. Just because players wont act the way the media wants them to act they attack them. I personally dont give a rat's ass what a player does off the field, if he does what he is getting paid for on the field, Im a happy camper. So he made some dumb comments or whatever, show me one person that doesn't say some dumb s*** every now and again. You cant.

    A couple years ago he stopped at a gas station near my house(for what reason I have no idea) and people went up to him to get an autograph including my sister, and he signed many. On his own time not at some convention. To me thats class. He has done a lot for the White Sox organization but is often treated very unfairly in the media. I have always loved Frank, he is my favorite player of all time and nothing in the media is going to change my mind about that.



    He would get my vote for the HOF!!! :notworthy

  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 05:32 PM)
    The Whitesox failed on trade deadline day when they had a chance to catch the mighty Yanks and BoSox who are running away with this thing.    What is that Harold, the Whitesox are in first.  Does Torii Hunter know about this, his ankle is what.  OMG  I need to pour my tears in a triple cheese burger with all the toppings





    And to think that fat f*** once donned the silver and black


    what a f***ing disgrace :puke

  5. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 05:17 PM)
    Not only are we 15.0 games up on our division, but we're 10.0 games up on the next place team in the AL. 


    Not bad on August 1 to have a 10 game cushion for home field advantage in the ALCS...


    Keep kicking ass, guys, we're all behind you!




    Its too bad that we did nothing to make ourselves better than the Yanks and BoSox though

  6. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 04:40 PM)
    I wanna play the A's in the playoffs. Cause revenge is a dish best served in the playoffs. 


    Ever notice the A's are all white guys. A bunch of racists.


    Wheres the culture on that team.


    Eric Chavez is WHITE............WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN??!??

  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 04:07 PM)
    Vette...???  :huh

    I'm sure he'll choose the convertable Jag instead.



    as in the vette he got for being the all-star mvp



    wait...........did I just become the 3rd person to misunderstand you today??? :banghead

  8. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 04:02 PM)
    Sox won't clinch prior to Sept 1....how likely is it that the Twins and Indians will both lose 20-23 games this month AND the Sox will win that many?


    They'll clinch second week of september....



    Hopefully Sept 8th..........right???? :headbang :gosox3:

  9. Minny slap them around a little bit? I personally dont think it would happen but I seriously want someone to bring them back down to Earth a bit. Even though Minnesota is chasing us, they are on the verge of being passed by the Tribe anyway. I wouldnt mind seeing the Twinkies take all three from the A-holes.

  10. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 03:02 PM)
    Seriously, the streak doesn't really matter. There are a ton of circumstances entirely out of the pitcher's control that can interrupt a streak like this...a 2 hour rain delay in the 4th inning, for example, and of course a judgement call by a jackass umpire. Sure, it's a nice little stat to have, and something for Mark and White Sox fans to feel proud of, but at the end of the day I don't care. A couple of times it seems like Ozzie left Mark out to get his six despite the fact he didn't have it (@Oakland earlier this year and then last week).


    What's more important is that the team could've responded by laying down after their ace was tossed. They didn't...they finished the job and responded like a championship team should, unlike what happened out in Oakland when the umps took over the game with that Crede situation.


    Well put lil Bulldog.......................MERCY!

  11. QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 07:24 PM)
    Another Article, this time from the NY Sun.


    How To Win the Pennant Without a Decent Offense



    July 26, 2005


    First baseman Paul Konerko - the team's best hitter - has a fairly unimpressive batting line of .258 BA/.355 OBA/.487 SLG - respectable, but not what you'd expect from the best hitter on the best team in the league.



    How does this Douche bag figure that PK is the best hitter on the team :stick


    more bogus info from people that have never watched a single game

  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 26, 2005 -> 08:35 AM)
    We do not have a .300 hitter. When was the last time a team won a playoff series w/o a .300 hitter?


    ANSWER: 1997 World Champion Florida Marlins. No one in the starting lineup batted over .297, and only Gregg Zaun hit .301 in a meager 143 ABs


    And their team batting avg. for the year was only .259




    NOTE: The 1995 World Series Champion Alanta Braves only batted a mere .250 as a team as compared to the Cleveland Indians, the team they beat, who batted .291, and had 6 starters who batted over .300.

  13. QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 11:41 PM)
    Record v. AL Central: 31-7

    Record v. Others: 33-26



    Well the way I look at it. To win the World Series you only have to play .579 ball (11-8 if you take every team to the distance). Which is only slightly better than what the Sox have played against the combo of the other divisions to this point. But overall we are playing at a .663 clip. So as far as Im concerned this goofball can take his article and pound it up his 2-hole :chair

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