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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. Can somebody tell me where i can find in game pictures of Sox players. Im trying to make a new sig and I can't find any good ones of Pods. I've tried searching Yahoo, and Google and nothing. I've seen alot of people on here with some nice pics of him. Anybody wanna share a secret???




  2. QUOTE(soxhawks @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 08:18 PM)
    i think eckstein sucks i would hate to have him on the team, he reminds me of willie harris with a bettter average and slower.  he is the most annoying player in baseball i want to punch him every time i see him



    You cant beat him up that would be a hate crime in today's America


    He is Jewish

  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 09:51 PM)
    I just think it's going be unanimous though.  We all want to see this team win so bad; none of us care who we're playing. 


    I follow this team, and I want to see them win the World Series.  I don't root for this team to play a particular team in the World Series, and THEN win the series.



    I see what your saying, I too would almost have to go with option 1. but wouldn't it be just the Sox luck if it did happen that way, I mean with the evident lack of respect we get in the baseball world. I would just love to have them win one just so they can tell everyone else :finger

  4. QUOTE(papachiba69 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 09:17 PM)
    @0 years later no one is going care how tough the opponent is, only that the sox won.  Anyway the NL team couldn't be that weak, they would have not only had to make it to the playoffs but win two series to play the Sox



    C'mon now guys humor me ok? I did say hypothetically

  5. Ok




    If the Sox went to the World Series this year and you were told that this is the last time that they would make it there in your lifetime, and you were given these choices which would you choose:


    1) Their opponents are the absolute weakest team in the league so they are guaranteed a win, but are subject to carrying the title of fluke champion.




    2) Their opponents are the best team(or next best team assuming the Sox are the best). And risk the chance of them not winning at all.



    thats a tough one for me I'll answer later

  6. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 04:55 PM)
    Yep, awesome enough to have spelled Robin incorrectly.


    a REAL fan would have noticed that in the sig is Podsednik, not Ventura, therefore the word ROBIN, with one B would be inappropriate, whereas ROBBIN' as in robbing or stealing, which is something that Pods does best, would not be


    get it? ;)

  7. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 06:11 PM)
    This is often a common problem with new people who do not know the rules.  I was "suspended" from the site for a day a few weeks ago, when I first discovered it, for calling names.


    I do appreciate the rule, and you'll find that it actually makes life easier here at soxtalk.


    PS... what do you guys think of the first sig I created?  good? gay? I'm teaching myself photoshoppy.



    Its pretty damn sharp for your first time. Photoshop is a very involved program but kick ass once you get the hang of it

  8. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 05:58 PM)
    In the simple words of a man you despise:


    "Uh oh! BYE BYE!"


    I believe that was a personal attack. Qwerty and I, as well as a few others, know that these are not tolerated here at SoxTalk.



    Where do you get your info from, cause nothing, in any post i have made here, even comes close to saying that I despise DJ, or anyone for that matter.

  9. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 05:54 PM)
    Nah, dude, you got it.  Just be careful.


    I didn't mean to make it sound like I was picking on YOU, I just wanted to know why you've started two threads asking negative things about hawk.


    Lesson learned, let's go on.


    Besides I really wanted to know the reason Wimpy left too cause I liked the both of them together. I had heard about the whole child molestation but I didn't know that it was Hawk that leaked it.

    I just assumed that maybe Hawk was overpowering about the way that he wanted things to be run in the studio and Wimpy couldnt deal with it anymore.


    sorry again bout that my Irish temper got the best of me, I assure you it wont happen again


    let me buy you a cyber beer :cheers

  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 05:45 PM)
    I'm thinking you don't know the rules here...


    So let me very clear.


    I asked a question.


    You f***ed up with your answer.


    Would you like to try again?


    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, without calling you any names.


    I simply made an observation and asked what the f*** was up with that?  I didn't say, "what the f*** is up with YOU", did I?


    Would you like to try again, skippy?


    Ok, I was out of line a bit with the name calling, I apologize. But I didnt appreciate being accused of bashing anybody, especially when it is clear in many of my posts that I very much like the Hawk. Next thing I know others (DukeNukeEm) were posting stuff complaining that Im b****ing and I didnt want it to get to people ganging up on me about this. I was trying to squash it but I kind of went overboard


    Im sorry


    Kick me off if you must I understand

  11. Shortstop: David Eckstein (.284-2-24-46) has become a surprise All-Star, while Juan Uribe (.246-6-38-36) has been a surprise disappointment who makes his 2004 season look like a fluke at this point. Edge: Cardinals


    Third base: Scott Rolen (.251-5-26-27) was an All-Star starter selection before bowing out because of an injury-plagued first half, while slow-developing Joe Crede (.242-12-37-32-2) might never be confused for an All-Star. Edge: Cardinals



    Now Im not trying to say that Uribe hasnt been a bit of a disappointment this year, but look at those numbers. Aside from the lower average Uribe's are clearly better, at the very least I'd say they are EVEN




    And Crede, God knows how I feel about him but his numbers are better than Rolen's injured or not. "All-Star selection" if the guy isnt producing, just being an AS selection doesnt make you better your performance does and until he starts performing id have to give the edge to Crede and the WHITE SOX

  12. and have always wondered why.





    Why exactly did Wimpy ever leave? Cause isnt he broadcasting for some other team now, if I aint mistaken. I miss that pudgy bastard. Not that I don't like DJ, just Tom was more funny in a non-goofy ass catch phrase sort of way.


    Was it cause him and Hawk didn't get along, cause I always kinda got that vibe from them.



    oh well :gosox1:

  13. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 04:22 PM)
    1000X better example of a suck ass, dissapointing, underachieving pieace of s*** player  than Mike Caruso.


    On a scale of suckiness:


    Scott Ruffcorn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike Caruso


    I got a couple more

    126snyder.jpg 067merullo.jpg


    and our secret weapon coming out of the pen......


  14. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 04:13 PM)
    This is bulls***. I really don't understand why people continue to rag on my boy Mike Caruso, out of all the POS players we've fielded over the past 10 years why do people keep s***ting on Mike. He's not the only suck ass, dissapointing, underachieving player we've had, he isn't even the best example of such a player


    Leave Caruso alone god damn it.


    Im sorry Kalapse...........here does this make you feel better?


    my new dream aquisition


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