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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. The only reason the Sox would trade for Roberts is if they thought he gave us the best chance to win the World Series THIS YEAR. And if they think that is the case then they should do whatever it takes to make it happen, if it means trading Fields, Anderson, whatever. As thin as our farm system is now is the time to get it done, I don't care about next year or the year after that. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed anyway.

  2. That is well over if you are supposed to be a journalist or an editor. Its a large error to call it almost 1100 when its ten+ past 1100.


    Its a stat I knew off the top of my head. That's pretty sad and I have no idea why you are defending this guy. Poor research, poor editing, poor general baseball knowledge. Its like he didn't care at all that frank has hit many home runs since eclipsing 500. He had to know that griffey is chasing 600, its all over the place.



    Well if you read the article it say right in it "Griffey and Thomas have hit a combined 1,110 home runs".


    Why the need to be so nit-picky?

  3. Just an advance warning, let's keep this thread polite.



    Honestly wondering, should I just stay out of this thread?


    Don't forget...............you've been warned!

  4. I still cannot dismiss the fact that we went against the Sox wishes in getting that surgury done much sooner. Like a year. But no, Crede listened to Boras...and tried to play through it, which in turn made him lose all of 2007.


    If he got the surgery when the Sox wanted him to, chances are he doesn't sign the 1 yr. contract for '08 and he's hitting grand slams and making dazzling plays for another team already.

  5. I agree with what most other people are saying. The Sox will hang on to him as long as they are in contention, but if come July they are way back I think they will try to move him. I would hate to see him go, but I don't see the Sox handing him the kind of money Boras is going to demand.

  6. Boy I remember when we had Scott Fletcher at 2B, he sure could catch the ball, but he started losing his bat. Ended up batting around .200. So they started playing Joey Cora in his place. Man that was a big mistake. He must have cost us at least 5 games that one year cause he couldn't throw the ball to first base. I'm pretty sure it was '91.


    Yeah I'd definately take the defense over 30 or 40 points in a batting average any day of the week. Especially from someone with World Series experience.

  7. It's 91 - 0 now! :headbang


    The day the statue is revealed, Kenny better not be around



    Do you think if KW did show up Frank would be like "YOU STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS, YOU STAY OUT OF FRANK THOMAS' BUSINESS!!!"

  8. Oh, he is a great guy and was great with the fans. But in the clubhouse, he was erratic. If he was going good, he'd be fine. But if he was doing bad, he wouldn't be so fine.


    I think I recall a time when he said all he cared about was hitting home runs, and nothing else.


    Thats funny, cause Swish just did a radio interview the other day, and when asked what kind of teammate Frank was he had nothing but good things to say about him.

  9. The White Sox are second in the MLB in runs scored. I think station to station is working just fine and that stealing bases is overrated by a few people. It has it's value, but why would you try and mess with something that's working so damn well right now?


    Owens wouldn't bring much that this team needs...sure he brings speed, but he also brings no power, a bat that's less than great, and mediocre defense in the outfield with one of the weakest outfield arms in the system. I'll gladly take Brian Anderson - who has better power and all-around defense (which is more important than the power) who himself has a bit of speed - over Jerry Owens on the bench.


    And, if I may ask a serious question...what exactly is wrong with a station-to-station offense? Sure it's slow, but one guy isn't going to change that, and right now, it's producing like mad.


    First of all, Brian Anderson is currently on the roster, so he has nothing to do with this topic.


    and Secondly sure everything is working fine right now, we have timely hitting, lots of 2 out RBI, plenty of power. But what happens when that all comes to a screeching halt?? You have to start manufacturing runs, the same credo that '05 team lived by. And to manufacture runs its kind of hard to do when you are waiting to string 3 hits together to do it.

  10. I watched every game that year. They defined stacked. Cleveland may have been upstarts, but the Sox could flex their will at any time.


    I watched the majority of the games that year as well, if not all of them. The sad truth is I cant remember what happened last year, let alone 14 years ago. But I do remember being really worried about Cleveland and the Braves.


    I also remember the Sun-Times kept the season going after the strike using some computer that simulated the rest of the season and the playoffs. They had the Sox winning the World Series over the Braves I believe, which I thought rocked. Had to be a little hometown bias going on though.

  11. But if he's already on the roster, he CAN come in and steal a base while pinch-running, can't he? In other words, whoever replaces Ramirez/Richar doesn't necessarily need to have Owens' skill set with Ozuna already on the active roster.


    Sorry I misunderstood your post at first read.


    who replaces Ramirez then, is the question?

  12. Reinsdorf already spoke on this issue, and stated that he will get a statue and his number will be retired as it should be. He was the best Whitesox hitter of our lifetime. This is why 94 upsets me so. That was the time for that group of talent to get to the WS. They were a juggernaut of that year. It would of been them and the Expos of all things most likely in the WS.



    I would hardly say we were a juggernaut. We were only 1 game up on Cleveland who had a pretty stacked team, and we were 3 games behind the Yankees. Yeah we were a good team, but I don't think in anyway it would have been a cake walk through the playoffs.

  13. Carlton Fisk got a statue look at the way he was shown the door he didnt even go into the hall as a white sock


    That is a good point!




    and lets not forget, while all these other guys were juicing, Frank took a firm stance against doing drugs. And that is what I admire about him the most.

  14. No, just that if you're going to make a point and call somebody out, it has to hold water. To tell me that there is a possibility a propsect will flame out in the majors is to tell me nothing.


    And to say that just because someone is a career .300 hitter in the minors doesn't make him an all-star second baseman either.

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