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fry the twinkies

He'll Grab Some Bench
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About fry the twinkies

  • Birthday 06/06/1988

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    whatever gutter i have collapsed into

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)

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  1. I don't know who you are. I found this title from another sox forum. I forget the name.
  2. WHAT!!!??? I'm not bashing the Sox here. NSBB said that they don't want that type of language on their board. I also called the Yankees the "Yuckies", said all Pujols can do is swing for the fences, and wrote in my sig that the general public is fat, lazy, and stupid.
  3. You have no faith then if you don't believe your team can come back. I still think the Cubs can catch the Cards. They have 14 head-to-head left w/ them.
  4. YES! I'm just asking everyone not to get too wild just yet. The 2 temas have 13 head-to-head, and the Twins have a track record of ruining their season. I just want everyone to remember that the Sox have to take care of business w/ them before we all go wild.
  5. My computer has multiple logins. I could register at the library, then I could post from a different login on my computer. They only blocked one login. But I also got a new computer recently.
  6. You know I'd root for the Cubs, but from what I've seen, y'all hate both the Cubs and Twins. Idf they played for the World Series, who would you root for?
  7. WHAT!? I'm not bashing the Sox. I'm just showing my displeasure w/ Tribune.
  8. They kicked me off for spelling Pujols's name "Pooholes", although I did get a new computer. Is the IP different on a new computer
  9. No they aren't. The move to get Lofton, Ramirez, and Simon was good. Getting Nomar was good. Dumping So-So was good. Giving up Willis to get El Pulpo was bad. Giving Garland for Karchner was bad (from a Cubs view). Trading Palmerio was bad. Getting Lofton and Ramirez, getting Nomar, and dumping So-So.
  10. I'm a fan of Chicago baseball. I'm a fan of baseball. I have my teams I like and my teams I hate, but the only time I root against the Sox is when they play the Cubs.
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