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Everything posted by illinilaw08

  1. Juan YES Cliff YES Now lets get some insurance here
  2. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 09:37 AM) Did'nt Ozuna have a couple of hits off him last time? Yes he did, and if I remember correctly he had another one taken away by a very nice play in the field. Of course in that game he also made a brutal error, but I suppose thats going to happen with Pablo in the field
  3. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 08:12 PM) It's still against baseball's unwritten "rulebook." It takes balls to put the lead run on base. Ozzie definitely has balls. No one will ever argue that point.
  4. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 07:58 PM) are you shtting me??? This is an interesting decision with no one on base and 2 out
  5. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 07:53 PM) Swinging at the first pitch usually does that. We have no plate discipline outside of a few guys. Namely Pauly and Juan lately. You really cannot say enough about the recent turnaround of Juan Uribe though. I never thought I would be agreeing with a post about Juan Uribe plate discipline, but his entire approach at the plate has changed recently.
  6. And MB really needs to settle down and start throwing like the pitcher we've seen earlier in the year.
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 10:55 AM) I think the real key question this offseason is how much more salary Reinsdorf gives KW to play with after this season and the associated attendence surge, ratings blip upwards, and (hopefully) extra sellout games in the playoffs. Everything else depends on that. We have several guys who will have salaries going up from this year - Garland, AJ, probably Everett, Crede...we will be taking Thomas and maybe a relief pitcher or two off the lineup and saving a couple there...the big question is how much Reinsdorf is willing to spend (and what sort of deal the Hurt might be willing to make to see his 16th season on the south side) Exactly. With the increase in attendance this year displaying a direct correlation between winning and overall revenue, I can see Reinsdorf increasing the payroll next year to keep the team in contention.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 5, 2005 -> 06:28 PM) I believe that's what Sexson got last year...and I'd put Paulie basically at the same level in terms of total value to some franchise. Here's the 2 things we have to consider; our budget, and how much better he would be than Gload. First...in terms of our budget...if we give Paulie $11-$12 million, that may mean sacrifices elsewhere. If you give me the choice between Garland or Buehrle and Konerko, I take the pitcher in a heartbeat. If you give me the choice between paying Paulie a few extra million and picking up Everett's option...I probably try to hold onto Konerko. This is the Carlos Lee trade dilemma...by trading the big salary of Lee (and by dropping Ordonez) we were able to add almost every one of our key additions this season - AJ, Tadahito, Dye, Dustin, Pods, Garcia. The real question though might be this...we make a playoff run...and that has to put a lot of money in JR's hands...especially with the attendance burst that we've had this year. That has to help. And I know I'll be buying a lot of merchandise when the playoffs hit. The other issue is his replacement...we could maybe save $10 million a year by going with Gload. Can Gload hit .310 and 15-20 home runs? If he can do that...that's a real savings and a limited downgrade. But if he can't do that, or can't stay healthy for a full season...then Paulie rapidly becomes the best option we have. Downgrading from 40 homeruns to 15-20 is not going to cut it. And expecting Gload, a very unknown quantity for an entire season, to hit .310 is foolish in my humble opinion.
  9. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Sep 5, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) Mariotti is in the process right now of writing an article about how the Sox are going to win the series. The great thing about Mariotti's brand of journalism is that if you write enough articles contradicting each other you are bound to be right.
  10. QUOTE(SpringfieldFan @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 08:11 PM) Garcia has just had the worst luck pitching performance since Andy Hawkins Ironically enough, I was just thinking about that Andy Hawkins game today. I think i was 7 when that happened. Come on PK!!!
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) He blew the hit-and-run. Ozuna should have been out by 5 feet if the throw was good. In Iguchi's defense, that was a dirty, dirty pitch Santana threw on the hit and run... not defending the eventual strikout, but not many hitters would have made contact with that one.
  12. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 09:17 AM) If Buehrle gets any sort of fine, Im gonna be really pissed. If anyone gets fined in that instance, it should be the umpire. In a 2-1 game, ejecting a team's ace in a situation where a warning would have ended everything was a joke.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 1, 2005 -> 06:14 PM) Sweeney >>>>>(infinity)>>>>> Konerko If he could ever play a full season he would be anyway. But I agree, Sweeny is a class act and one hell of a hitter.
  14. I was at the Hawks game where Savard's number got retired, Wirtz went up to give a speech about him, and you could not hear a word that he said, the entire stadium was booing. It's hard explaining to someone who is not a Hawks fan just how much Wirtz has setback this once proud franchise.
  15. I saw that on Around the Horn as well. My favorite arguement against the Sox in the postseason is "They aren't built for the playoffs." These guys are getting paid to argue about sports and don't understand that speed, defense, and pitching win in the playoffs. But you are right, no reason to get mad, just have to show them up in September and October.
  16. QUOTE(Bonkeymutt @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 04:36 PM) why the hell do you want a new ss? uribe is an excellent ss, and a pretty good hitter. (although he has no patience at the plate). does anyone else think the team should be left alone? we're 31 games over .500, what more do you want?!? Vizquel hits in the 2 hole, Uribe becomes the Joe Crede back insurance at 3rd and Gooch can hit lower in the lineup and become more of the power bat he was in Japan because Vizquel is very capable in the 2 hitters role. That is why you would want a new SS.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) This was what DeLuca wrote today in the Sun Times...if anything, this team needs a backup for Hermanson, not another starting pitcher. Even one of the other guys discussed here won't give us that. This team could use a backup for Hermy it is true, but if the Phillies arent dealing Wagner, and (as I read in an earlier thread) Seattle has said they are not dealing Guardado, then this deal fills two other holes on the team. It improves the rotation and the infield depth, to the point where if Crede's back continues to have problems, Pablo Ozuna does not become an everyday player.
  18. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) No, they didn't. I am assuming it is still Damaso Marte and Brandon McCarthy. They have always reported that and never reported anything different. Wow, Lowell and Burnett while just giving up BMAC and Marte. Please Score, be correct on this one!
  19. QUOTE(thelatinoheat_30 @ Jul 25, 2005 -> 10:22 AM) i dunno if burnett is worth mac and marte, just cause of his injuries and his .500 lifetime record. if you gotta trade contreras too, that's way too much to give up for an unknown. I agree that adding Contreras to the mix makes this deal far less appealing. Contreras is locked up through 2006 and it seems as though Burnett is nothing more than a rent-a-player. Also, Contreras has really shown some flashes of brilliance this year. Based on most published reports, the market has declined for Burnett and therefore, I feel KW will force the Marlins hand and make them accept just BMAC and Marte. I also agree with the earlier post that Marte's arm is in decline. Hawk made a comment yesterday that he is walking a lot of lefties. If a left handed reliever can't retire lefties, and you can turn him and a prospect into AJ Burnett, I dont see how that move does not make sense.
  20. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Jul 23, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) I listen to Ed and John. But, sometimes, when one of them says that an opposing pitcher has a really peculiar motion or one of the opposing batters has an interesting stance, I'll go to the other room and briefly turn on the TV to see what they're talking about. Hawk and DJ just don't give me enough, because they know that I'm seeing everything on TV. There are times when there's a pitch and they don't even say anything about it, because everyone watching them saw exactly where it was located and what the umpire's call was. Ed and John are, on the other hand, a consistent stream of information, which I find enriching. I mostly listen to Hawk and DJ, but when I cannot get to a TV, Farmer and Rooney do a great job as a broadcast team. I could not agree more with the point that Farmer and Rooney are a consistent stream of information. There is a ton of value added when they broadcast.
  21. I've read this site for a long time, but this is my first post. A huge win for the good guys tonight. There are a lot of positives to take away from this one, but I feel that two of the biggest positives are Garland pitching out of the big jam where he got Damon and Renteria to pop out and then Ortiz to flyout while surrendering no runs. Garland continues to pitch incredibly well when he gets himself into jams and pitching out of that one against the top of the Boston order speaks volumes. The other big positive from tonight is that it appears that Rowand has finally rediscovered his power stroke. That is the one aspect of his game that has been absent all year. Seeing him hit 2 homeruns in 2 days against a potential playoff opponent was huge. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, the White Sox have put up a lot of runs against Boston's top 2 starters, and Garland really shut down the Boston lineup tonight. What a perfect night, Sox win, Twins lose... doesnt get any better than that (except that the Cubs too lost). Now let's see a solid outing from the Duke tomorrow and bring home another win.
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