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Everything posted by bighurt574

  1. Nothing wrong with trying to negotiate the best deal you can. I don't expect a player to cave and accept less than market any more than I'd expect the team to cave and overpay. In Paulie's case, this deal was likely the best he was going to get. Baltimore and Arizona weren't going to beat it. Maybe Texas does if they miss on Lee, but if Paulie waited for that, the Sox offer disappears.
  2. Konerko still has to find a team willing to give him $15M/year. Easier said than done.
  3. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Dec 7, 2010 -> 01:15 PM) CSNChi_Beatnik Brett Ballantini Konerko/Landis shooting for the moon--$15 million. Goes against the grain of how PK spoke of his next gig (not nec. top $) at season's end. 3 minutes ago There's nothing wrong with having a high starting point, doesn't mean he'll get it (the bidding on Dunn was supposed to start at $60M over 4 years). I get the impression that the Sox offer will be the top $$$ offer, unless someone unexpected jumps into the bidding.
  4. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Dec 7, 2010 -> 12:53 PM) Dunn isn't a 1B though. They're the Orioles, who knows. One wouldn't think they'd want to offer a bunch of money to him but one wouldn't have figured the Tigers to throw mountains of cash at IRoid and the Venezuelan Piece of s*** several years ago either, and that kind of worked out for them... for a while. I know Dunn and Konerko are different players. But unless the O's value Konerko way more than Dunn (seems unlikely), the O's reported offer to Dunn tells me they're not throwing around the type of money they'd need to throw around to land a major free agent. The O's don't really worry me here.
  5. QUOTE (chisox2334 @ Dec 7, 2010 -> 12:36 PM) I wonder if Baltimore Orioles offer was that big to Konerko I doubt it. The O's low-balled Dunn (reportedly $10-11M/year, I believe), so I doubt they're offering $15M/year to Konerko.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks Werth is grossly overrated? He's a good player, but $18M/year for 7 years in his 30s? No way. This contract could end up worse than Soriano's.
  7. I'm sure we're sending at least some $$$, but it still helps.
  8. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Dec 2, 2010 -> 11:24 PM) I like Sale in the rotation...make a small deal with Philly and get someone like Antonio Bastardo to take Sale's place in the pen. I believe great pitchers should be starters and Sale looks like a great one. If he's in Chicago I hope he starts, but I believe he'll begin in the pen or AAA...we'd have 3 lefties ... Sale, Burls, Danks. Im cool with that. +1 At most I'd keep Sale in the bullpen for 1 more year if team needs really require it, but you can't just preemptively start moving quality young pitching from the rotation to the bullpen just b/c of some vague injury concerns. Anyone can get injured. If he's a starter let him start.
  9. Now we have Dunn and Jackson! Suck it, Bowden.
  10. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 08:35 PM) Reportedly the DBacks are floating him in trades. Doesn't this make so much sense for the White Sox? He still has 5 years of control, he is relatively cheap, and you can still drool over his tools. We're get him in about 15 years.
  11. I always thought Hahn was more of a legal/financial type. Is there any indication he knows what he's doing with personnel decisions?
  12. I know it's the last weekend, but that might be the worst 3-4-5 in the history of baseball. The Sox should offer AAA ticket prices at least.
  13. QUOTE (SexiAlexei @ Sep 28, 2010 -> 06:00 PM) This is what worries me. I might have missed something, but if I buy tickets at the beginning of the season and then the team tanks, I'll have spent more on tickets than the people that buy these "dynamic" tickets? If this expands to the whole stadium, why would I buy tickets at the beginning of the season (except for games that will sell out quickly)? Maybe it's not a big %, but it seems like they'd lose some ticket sales in the beginning and hope to make that money up closer to the game... In that case, it's reduced to a gamble -- if the team is doing well, you probably got your tickets cheaper by buying early, and if the team tanks, you paid more for your tickets by buying early. That's really not all that different than the current situation with the secondary market -- i.e., in some cases, you can find tickets for under face value, while in others, you'd have to pay above face value for tickets.
  14. I like the idea of starting the season with Vizquel at 3B, give Morel some AB's in AAA, and then promote him later in the year. Is Teahen even movable if the Sox offer to pick up half his contract?
  15. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Sep 17, 2010 -> 01:12 PM) the same way the Twins do it. Easier said than done. I don't think the Twins target a higher level of success than the Sox, they're just better at achieving it. That's an entirely different issue.
  16. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Sep 17, 2010 -> 11:02 AM) here's what i don't like. While Williams would protest that the team's goal every year is to win the World Series and that anything else is a failure, in truth they're annually built to win 85 to 90 games, with the understanding that with some good fortune they might win 95 and a pennant, and that with a few injuries or off years they might slip below .500. 2010- Twins on pace for 97 wins 2009- Twins 87 wins 2008- Sox 89 wins 2007- Indians 96 wins 2006- Twins 96 wins 2005- Sox 99 wins 2004- Twins 92 wins 2003- Twins 90 wins 2002- Twins 94 wins 2001- Indians 91 wins 2000- Sox 95 wins So if that truly is the goal, we are undershooting what it takes to win a division. 85-90 win seasons won the division 3 out of the past 11 seasons. The average win total it took to take the Central was 93.27 wins. If you take 85-90 and cut it down the middle, to say 88 wins.. that would have won the division only 1 time!!! I think that's sort of the point, they're built for 85-90 wins in an average year, which usually isn't going to win the division by itself. There aren't too many teams in baseball that can have an average year and still expect to make the playoffs (the Yankees are probably about it). I'm not sure how you change that, other than being willing to throw another $20 million or more on the payroll each year.
  17. QUOTE (pcullotta @ Sep 15, 2010 -> 10:14 AM) What is really annoying me during all the MVP talk is the love for Robinson Cano. Avg - .319 Cano, .324 Konerko HR - 27 Cano, 36 Konerko RBI - 98 Cano, 104 Konerko OBP - .380 Cano, .402 Konerko SLG - .543 Cano, .602 Konerko OPS - .923 Cano, 1.004 Konerko Not saying Cano deserves it, but those are some pretty nice #'s for a 2B.
  18. With the FOX contract, why is it that Boston is allowed to schedule an early Saturday game but the Royals couldn't do it? Isn't the 1st game of the DH within FOX's exclusive broadcasting window?
  19. The big question for Konerko is HOF. He's already approaching 360 HR's and 1,850 hits. If he can put together at least another 2-3 solid years, he'll be in the discussion. I don't see him reaching 500 HR though. 450 is probably a realistic goal.
  20. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 09:48 AM) Just because you're not sure what you have in Hudson doesnt mean you trade him for that value. Edwin may have held alot of value to the White Sox, but that doesnt mean he had alot of value on the market. Thus, it was a fine idea to trade for him, just not at the price we paid. Obviously, you disagree, Im just saying I wouldve offered Holmberg and one of Flowers/Morel/Danks2, and maybe a throw in lower level guy. How do you know we didn't try? I doubt we came out of the gate offering up Hudson. In the end, Kenny obviously though Jackson was worth giving up Hudson if that's what he had to do.
  21. I don't understand why Manny couldn't fly in yesterday. Maybe he had to get some things in order, but that much is on Manny. Beyond that, the Sox should have sent a private plane to go get him if that's what it took for him to be ready to play tonight.
  22. Given that the Sox are now paying Manny over $100k a game, why didn't the Sox just line up a private flight if necessary?
  23. QUOTE (Soxman72 @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 01:37 PM) FWIW.....I was in Baltimore a few years back and did the stadium tour. I was told that the design group that created their ballpark first pitched the design to the White Sox ownership, but that it was turned down. The Sox claimed that they wanted a "new design" and did not want to have an old time feel to their new park. New Comiskey was approved to be built right before the boom of "old time" new parks like Baltimore. Baltimore did make changes to the original design (warehouse & the stadium is built into the ground. You enter the park on the main concourse). Sox ownership wanted a brand new concept for their park without obstructed views. Today there are obstructed views due to the batters eye and upper deck supports. I think it is a great place to watch the game and I enjoy going to the park. I know there are better parks out there, but it could be worse. We could be in Tampa. It's been a few years since I've been to Camden Yards, but it's not like the design is all that unique or anything. It's really those changes to the design that were Baltimore-specific (e.g., the warehouse) that made it distinctive. If you just took the basic design and plopped it down on the South Side I'm not sure it would be much different from what we have now.
  24. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 03:54 PM) If the Sox and Twins series go as planned we could be out of it more than the Dodgers by Tuesday. Would we still want Manny if we lose all 3 to NY and the Twins win all 3 vs. Seattle? We may not have a choice. LA can still dump Manny on us if they want. If we have a bad weekend, Kenny may just avoid sweeting the pot any.
  25. QUOTE (beckham15 @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 03:48 PM) They are only 5 gms back in the wildcard they aren't out of it by a long shot 5 games out is a longshot when you also have 4 teams to pass. Hopefully LA loses a few this weekend to knock them back a little further. I'm not surprised by LA saying publicly they're not inclined to make trades, they should be saying that no matter what to keep some leverage over Kenny.
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