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Everything posted by spiderman

  1. Can a quick recap be provided of the situation? Has this stalled or is this expected to be completed? Is it Lawrie for prospects or is this deal rumored to be getting larger? Any other Sox nuggets?
  2. I'm probably one of the few, but I'm not opposed to the White Sox staying quiet(er) in free agency. My #1 focus continues to be rebuilding the minor league system and rebuilding it back. Having 3 draft picks in the first 50 or so picks is a good start, but they need to keep these picks and not be tempted on a free agent. They have addressed the catcher spot, and have internal options at 2B (Sanchez) and SS (Saladino). These may not be exciting options or even guys they can win with long-term, but why not find out next season? Same with the OF - Tryce Thompson is a good defensive player, the White Sox were high on A.Garcia before his 2015 season and they still have La Roche under contract for next season. I'm not saying to not make any moves, but avoid longer term deals, especially on stop-gap type players. If there's a player who is available who they believe can be part of a winning team beyond next season, I can support that, but I'd rather not lock myself into bad deals all to slightly improve. So, who on the market (or in a trade) can complement the young pitching staff that the White Sox have built?
  3. QUOTE (reiks12 @ Dec 8, 2015 -> 09:09 AM) Rick Hahn on MLB Network Talked about "untouchables", Chris Sale, Jose Abreu, and Jose Quintana Interesting note, while Hahn was talking about the untouchables he said "Carlos, err... Jose Quintana". Rodon is not an untouchable? Or maybe he has Cargo on the mind? I don't read anything into this. First off, he may have just given 3 names off the top of his head. Secondly, as good as Quintana has been, he should never be on an untouchable list. That's silly.
  4. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Dec 8, 2015 -> 10:25 AM) Teams are targeting SS Tim Anderson, #White Sox's No. 1 prospect, as well as pitching prospects in trade talks. https://twitter.com/philgrogers/status/674263367234789376 While he is the White Sox top prospect, how does he stack up overall? I don't hear his name mentioned amongst the overall talent in the minors, but I'm hardly an expert on minor league talent.
  5. Gyorko has pretty good power number for a middle IF...Jay had a down year this past season, but had been a pretty good hitter previously. Not sure what each team is looking to do...
  6. If the White Sox want to move him, it comes down to 2 possibilities: 1) White Sox agree to pay most of his remaining salary. They don't have a history of doing this. 2) White Sox trade him to a team that has a need for 1B/DH and receive back a player making similar money. This would be the more likely option, but the number of teams that need La Roche is probably on the lower side.
  7. QUOTE (glangon @ Dec 8, 2015 -> 03:58 AM) According to Bob Nightingale on Twitter. Bob Nightengale ‏@BNightengale · 20m20 minutes ago The #Whitesox shopping LaRoche, hoping to clear money for big bat I wonder if we can get anything for Adam Dunn MkII or will we have to package a prospect to get anything back. They must be desperate to get Upton What is he owed - $12 or $13M? Who do they think would want him? If other off-season moves are dependent on freeing up money by getting a taker for La Roche, it will be a quiet off-season (not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion since I am afraid of what they may do to their minor league system when trying to patch together a team).
  8. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 7, 2015 -> 02:43 PM) Miley signed an extension last feb so it's possible. From what I gathered, Boston got rid a guy they didn't need after signing Price. Miley has worked with the Seattle coaching in the past so that was probably a factor also. Found this in the ESPN story - money wouldn't be a factor much. Miley is guaranteed $15 million over the next two seasons, with a club option for 2018.
  9. Did the Red Sox get rid of any salary in that deal by moving Miley?
  10. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 7, 2015 -> 01:28 PM) So I'm not going to make some big winded post as what I am posting is purely based upon conjecture (along with some of Hahn's quotes) but I've heard Hahn talk a lot about working to fix our offense, but like last off-season, I've heard so little about our defense? It just makes me go hmmm, have we learned nothing from our struggles the past few years. I realize that good defensive, OBP guys don't grow on trees (and to be frank, OBP and good defense are the Sox two biggest achiles heels) but for us to consistently talk about offense just strikes the wrong chord to me. I have watched a team that has been fundamentally bad for the past few years and last off-season we tried to fix the offense while ignoring defense. Sox deserve the benefit of the doubt cause they have yet to make a move this off-season that made the defense worse, but they also haven't upgraded the defense either (which is fine...only position they addressed was catcher and net net I'd say that move was defensively neutral to slightly positive while offensively having the upside to be positive). I'm not exactly sure if they have a true direction other than patching together a team each year that may compete. They have the makings of a pretty good pitching staff. It isn't perfect, but with no moves, I feel comfortable heading into the season. I think the pitching will likely be the strength of the team as well. Saying that, it's hard to argue that the team shouldn't just focus on making the defense a strength or, at least, upgrade it from last year, and there are some simple ways - Tryce Thompson getting regular playing time in CF, and a full year of Carlos Sanchez at 2B. Getting Adam La Roche more playing time at 1B would improve that position. They may be able to upgrade defensively at SS / C as well (perhaps marginally). They may not be a great defense, but there are definitive ways to improve the defense to where it can better complement the pitching staff and enhance that strength. If they do end up addressing major league needs (like the offense) by trading minor league talent, that's another sign that they are primarily interested in patching together a team for 2016 that can compete as opposed to taking a step back and realizing that the minor league system needs to be a place where they can complement their team. When you have a patchwork plan, every off-season, sometimes it may work, but long-term, it feels as if the team is never going to set itself up for an extended growth period. In my opinion, I'd rather see them focus on the minor league system - no free agents that will cost them a pick, for example, is a rule that is important to me. If they do want to shake up the major league roster, it needs to be for younger talent (young talent in the majors or on their way). It may be exciting if they trade for a fun offensive player this week, but what will be the long-term cost? Defense should be a huge priority when evaluating any free agent. That simply has to get better, and making it better will, in theory, mean the offense doesn't have to be perfect if the pitching staff is successful most days.
  11. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Dec 7, 2015 -> 10:36 AM) Let's hope. I'd love to see a big splash, whether it's by trade or FA signing. Dynamic means impact, right? It's one thing to find a "guys" to fill out the holes they have, claim that they improved upon these holes, and hope for internal improvement offensively that will complement the defense. It's a whole different approach to realize that the offense needs impact hitters in the middle of the order, probably 2 to make next year interesting. If they can do this without damaging their farm system, that would be a good act. Not sure if that will be possible though.
  12. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Dec 7, 2015 -> 09:57 AM) Was watching MLB network this weekend and one of the Sox-beat reporters was only chatting about the Club. He said that right now, Saladino is the plan for the starting SS position. Has anyone heard the same? Whoever said that is speculating. It may turn out to be correct as he is probably their in-house option at the moment.
  13. QUOTE (LDF @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 09:07 PM) it is not hahn that is the problem. it is his bosses. Why is Hahn not responsible for his role as GM?
  14. QUOTE (daggins @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 09:32 PM) I don't think the offense has to be as good as you guys seem to think. Replacing Avi (83 wRC+, -1.1 fWAR) with JUp (projected 121 wRC+, 3 fWAR for 2016) is a huge difference. Even getting Lawrie vs the crap we trotted out there in 2015 is probably a ~3 WAR swing. This team could be pretty good as long as the stars show up. Defense matters, especially when the White Sox have the makings of a pretty solid pitching staff. How do Lawrie and Upton rank defensively? If the White Sox were to acquire Upton, would that mean more Thompson (for his defense) in CF (or RF)?
  15. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 08:55 PM) Brian Bilek ‏@ChiSoxraBBit 7m7 minutes ago #WhiteSox talking to free agents with QOs attached. Upton is their prime target. Should be an interesting few days. There were rumors at the deadline that the Sox liked Upton. Don't think giving up the draft picks is a smart strategy. This team needs as many of them as possible. Rebuilding that minor league systems should be a TOP priority. As for Upton, if they were to do this, why is this a good / bad move? Why type of contract would he get? I know he's another high strike out guy, but with high HR potential. Is he a good defensive player? The White Sox do need more thunder in the lineup, but why him over Heyward, for example (I realize there are different skill sets).
  16. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 06:59 PM) This has been brought up so many times. The answer is no. Why? Do you think he can repeat last year's numbers? If not, what do you think is reasonable?
  17. QUOTE (WhiteSoxLifer @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 06:35 PM) Wondering if the homerun derby affected him a bit You mean his swing got messed up? Wasn't last season more of a career year than a year we should normally expect?
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 6, 2015 -> 06:33 PM) Without knowing the price, it's hard to know what to think. I'd like him at third, I don't want to deplete our little farm yet with so far to go in rebuild. That's my concern. What is the farm system ranked right now? 15-20th overall? They have pitchers, not many hitters? They need to be developing as many as they can for the White Sox else they will continue to be stuck in this perpetual off-season of having to overspend on free agents to fill holes. Can they afford to be moving 2-3 of their better prospects for Frazier (or anyone else)?
  19. Any concern that Frazier had a second half decline after his all-start first half?
  20. Will the White Sox be content with filling their holes with stop-gap type players or will they attempt to shake things up with some significant trade? The White Sox rumor mill has been radio silence - the news of Flowers becoming a free agent was seen as a surprise, and Hahn's public comments were what made news of a 2nd catcher addition being close. There was a rumor about Nova, Lawrie, maybe Frazier, some drum beat around Quintana, but this has all just been speculation, not confirmed talks between teams. No idea if the White Sox will be patient (which isn't their usual style) and see which free agent bargains exist after the heavy spending or if they jump in to a free agent aquistion that hasn't been talked about or trade. I just hope that the White Sox pick a lane. Will there be a difference maker added to this lineup? This lineup needs legitimate hitters 3-6 and there are only 2 on the roster (Abreu and maybe Melky). They need another all-star in that lineup.
  21. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 12:25 AM) The question is in the title. Why should they keep him? Why should they not? You know where I lean, but as an economist, that always garners an "it depends." I'm drunk and bored and want to light a fire. I like chaos. But seriously..why not? I've been away. Talk to me goose. He may have the best contract in baseball, and is an elite, #1 type starter. He's still young as well. Any team that wants him would have to have an elite farm system, and I would want 5 of their top prospects. This would include young, talent in the majors as well. Even if there's wiggle room on the number of prospects to be returned, and the exact prospects, a team that wants Chris Sale would have to move it's most prized pieces for him, and that's not something some teams would probably do. By my above requirements, it would be very tough to move Sale to all but 10 teams (and that number is probably generous) amongst teams with strong minor league systems like the Cubs, Astros, Red Sox, Twins, Pirates, Mets, Dodgers and I'm sure there's another team or two, but it's difficult to get true value for Chris Sale given that the other team involved is unlikely to move as many pieces as the White Sox would want. It is frustrating to see the position that the White Sox are in. They have the makings of a pretty good pitching staff with some questions, but the hitting (middle of the order)/defense and the gaping holes all over the field really make it difficult to compete with the team unlikely to be big spenders as probably exploring more of the bargain additions this off-season.
  22. If the consensus is that Carlos Sanchez is the 2B for next season, does Fernandez have the ability to play defensively elsewhere?
  23. QUOTE (SouthSideSale @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 09:13 AM) Sluggers Chris Carter, Pedro Alvarez could help #WhiteSox but not with Adam LaRoche on books for $13 million -- unless Alvarez can play 3B. How does Alvarez grade out defensively at 3B?
  24. Does Carlos Sanchez grade out as a good defensive 2B? How does he project defensively at SS? I'm not convinced at all that he has a major league bat that can be in the lineup everyday, but he could be a 1 year stop-gap at SS (while waiting for Anderson) if there were to make a move for Fernandez. How much money will this cost? Is he a good offensive player, more of a defensive player, etc?
  25. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 08:43 AM) For those who don't think the White Sox are or have been rebuilding, here are the players still with the team who were with the team in 2012: Sale Quintana Danks Jones Are they rebuilding in a traditional way though? Clearly there is a lot of turnover, but how much talent is coming form their minor league system?
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