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Posts posted by spiderman

  1. 26 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    Who?  There isn't a better alternative on the 40 man roster.  They're paying Leury regardless. Cutting Leury and signing like Jonathan Villar - what does that accomplish other than spending more $?

    The constant Leury handwringing is so dumb.  It was a terrible deal; we can all agree on that.  But there really is no reason to cut him right now.  

    He has a place on the roster as a utility player, but not as a platoon/regular starter (as he has been used). No reason to cut him, but they need to use like he is the last positional player on your roster (which he should be).

  2. 4 hours ago, hogan873 said:

    Used sparingly getting the occasional start at 2B and in the OF, he's fine.  He can play multiple positions and is a decent utility guy to have on the roster.  TLR's blatant misuse of him, and the fact that he gets paid WAY too much money makes us despise the guy.

    That's it here. He really shouldn't be starting, just a guy you put in late in games or extra innings where you start to run low on players. A very rare start, but largely coming off the bench later in games as needed. He's been way overused. If he is playing too much, it probably has something to do with the organization not filling in holes this off-season.

  3. 12 minutes ago, he gone. said:

    I don't disagree with you. But clearly the White Sox are not choosing the other route of others (Cubs, Padres, Astros, etc. etc. of spending/pushing pedal down during their window)... so my guess is at the very least they are very much entertaining this scenario. We're doing our best Brewers impression. Their GM had to come out and say they weren't trading Burnes or Woody this offseason, but they did trade Wong and Renfroe. They did trade Hader. The Sox are the Brewers. 

    Let me put it to you this way ... lets say you trade Hendriks for Vaughn Grissom + Soroka and then trade Giolito for Alek Thomas & Josh Rojas. Or Giolito for Bret Baty. Or maybe something like Robert for Jazz Chisolm and Pablo Lopez... (now ... please ... don't get on me for "that trade is so lopsided". I'm just throwing around examples. Examples where you trade a Gio or Hendriks with 1 yr of control left to plug another hole with more control while getting MLB talent back. It's not necessarily punting 2023 and beyond ... it's "retooling" especially considering we have a pretty thin minors system and we're not going to resign a lot of these guys ... 


    Let's just for sits and giggles toss around the first two trades in a video game scenario ... you basically replace gio in rotation with soroka. you plug in grissom to 2B. You move graveman into the closer role and have alek thomas manning RF or LF with Rojas as a big upgrade at UTIL. Is that a better team than currently constructed? It's just food for thought and probably what the Sox are mulling. 

    It's just disapointing to see the White Sox have to make a choice like this when they can just spend money to fill holes, even players to 1 year deals, and avoid longer-term commitments. At the same time, they will tell you they are competing for next year, but have to trade players who were thought to be key components of a playoff roster to avoid adding payroll. It's just not serious.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Balta1701 said:

    Because this (dumb) idea is not that trading Hendriks is a path to rebuilding, the idea is that it’s a path to helping compete in 2023. You fill a hole for 2023 and free up money that can be used to fill the other hole.

    If their budget is fully tapped out already,  trading Hendriks for someone who doesn’t contribute this year leaves them with a weakened bullpen and the same holes in the OF and lineup. It’s an even worse setup than the already bad move of trying to fill an OF spot with a rookie from the Hendriks trade and having money for one more signing.

    I don't think they would be trading Hendriks to rebuild, more address positions of need. Trading Hendriks for younger players, regardless of position, would also free up money to address 2B or OF if they don't address that in a trade.

    Trading Hendriks when they are trying to compete this year is a mixed message. Yes, they can probably give the closer job to somebody else in the bullpen and survive, but they have made the bullpen a high priority each off-season, probably in part, to account/supplement the starting rotation.

    It's frustrating as a fan to see the team having to deal from strength to address other holes rather than just spending money. I just don't think it makes much sense, and the (dumb) idea of trading for unproven players to fill needs rather than acquire the best talent will satisfy the actual roster deficency's also. If the team they are talking with has a 2B who helps the club great. If the team has a SP who they can get, why not address that? It's still probably a need given the rotation.

    Hell, the Cubs are supposedly looking to sign 2 SS and move one of them to 3B. If you're limited by payroll, then be creative. This team needs more talent. Don't settle.


  5. What team(s) are in clear need of a closer? Are there teams that would take Hendricks even if his role is not necessarily as a closer? Probably a less likely scenario.

    Given that the White Sox have holes at 2B, OF and probably SP, that is the most obvious positions of return - 1 or 2 players, but if there are concerns on the quality they would receive back, why not just take the best player available who can help the MLB team next year? Yes, that would require Hahn to make other moves if he takes back a SS or 3B, but why limit a return? 

    Obviously it's disapointing that Hahn is publicly indicating that the payroll will not likely expand over last season and the only way to make improvements is really to move MLB talent to do so. Sort of seems like treading water in an off-season where the White Sox should be looking to add to the roster, not be bargain shopping or have to offset salary to acquire meaningful talent. It does make fans question how much this team wants to compete when they are doing it so restricted.

    Anyways, if trading is going to be the path that Hahn is going down, why not focus on the best possible return vs. limiting yourself to specific positions of return?



  6. 3 hours ago, Kalapse said:

    you just keep posting, huh?

    Its possible they cut back, but with all of the money already committed, that would need to be a sell off.

    Even if Reinsdorf is willing to do $200m, that is almost what they spent this year so Hahn is probably telling us a lot by mentioning the trade market.

  7. 8 hours ago, hi8is said:

    It wouldn’t shock me.

    I don't know the person sharing this rumor that has everyone upset, but an $8M increase in payroll after attendance went up doesnt seem like a major stretch. I really hope the manager candidates are clarifying what the front office will be able to spend though. It really is depressing to see the White Sox settling for backups at 2B and RF the last few seasons. They are spending more than enough to win, but the bullpen spending is a disease and Hahn should really be in trouble here.

  8. 1 minute ago, greg775 said:

    Sheets appears to be just another guy. He's no factor. Please please get rid of Grandal somehow. Trade him to some team any team Tell Eloy to drop 15 pounds, get limber this winter and go to Zona for six weeks and learn how to play LF. so that leaves Vaughn and Jose splitting 1B and DH. If Jose doesn't wanna, fine let him walk. I'd think Jose would 'possibly' be willing to adapt to halftime DH or even more. Maybe Jose won't find a team that'll put him at 1B and will prefer DH. There' just no logical reason to trade your best player. Dumb.

    Sheets has to be an occasional guy off the bench. He has some power, played ok, but he is a serviceable piece off the bench. Engel, assuming he is not a free agent, can fill out out the bench, but they need two starters. There is no way they can offer up Eloy as a serious LF.

  9. They cant have Jimenez or Vaughn playing LF or RF next season. Vaughn is going to play 1B and Eloy DH. I want Abeau back, but its hard to see a path here without this roster being clogged up again. They need corner OF help, great if one of them happens to be a lefty. The lineup needs a makeover though with the abilities to hit right hand pitching.

  10. Are those chants happening in recent games? Honestly, TLR has no business managing the team, but this team feels so broken in so many different ways.....just feels like doing that would make everyone feel better for a few days until we realize the players are still hurt and/or underachieving....this roster has like 5 1B on it, and the front office haven't treated the previous off-season like this team was actually a contender.

    I don't think TLR will be back next season, but he won't be fired. I think it would have to be some mutual agreement and he becomes a part of the organization.

  11. On 8/21/2022 at 4:35 PM, Balta1701 said:

    Just remember, if you keep Abreu at his current salary, you basically have no more money to play with. Effectively, re-signing Abreu to his current salary leaves the White Sox a couple million dollars below their ‘22 payroll. To add anything other than scraps, they would need to subtract someone if they can’t massively increase payroll. 

    With how their expensive guys have performed this year making their salaries almost unmovable, basically adding Abreu means you’re very close to “the team is on the field”, except you also lose Harrison and Cueto. This may be the right decision, but it’s one we should be conscious of.

    Fair enough. I do expect the White Sox to be active, but some of that will be via trades. I haven't thought about who they may be willing to move, but it's pretty obvious that this team needs more than some tinkering. I really hope they don't feel the need to continue adding to the bullpen - if anything, move someone from there if possible. 

    Also hoping that this team will be willing to spend more to add talent, but that may be stretch.

  12. 15 hours ago, South Sider said:

    I respect Abreus wishes if he wants to retire or sign elsewhere. But if he wants to come back you absolutely bring him back. He is the heart and soul of this team, a warrior, and the closest guy on this roster that we can say has a championship attitude. It's super unfortunate this hasnt rubbed off on his team mates.

    I want Abreu back on the White Sox. He's our best offensive player. If he wants (or gets) a 3 or 4 year deal, that's probably not the smartest move, but I'd overpay on a shorter-term deal (1 or 2 years). 

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Jnooch said:

    The thing I never hear anyone questioning is why Grandal is in the DH role when hes hitting under .200 and has 3 HRs the 

    entire season. This alone is reason for Tony to be fired. Grandal & Garcia should be released today! Both are sunk costs to the org.

    Grandal should only be playing catcher and platooning. He's not hitting. I'd much rather see Vaughn or Jimenez at DH the last 40 games. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, South Side Fireworks Man said:

    They are what their record says they are.

    That's true. Really, they have been a .500 team over the last full season since the all star break. It's a lost season to this point. If I'm Rich Hahn, it's just hard to justify making any large moves on a .500 team even if many of us think this team should be performing better than this.

  15. 1 minute ago, South Side Hit Men said:

    Yes he is. They haven't had a RF or 2B during this "multi-championship" window, and I'd argue they need a starting catcher as well now that Grandal is down (thanks for the five good months for $73M).

    Yep, don't disagree they didn't make the moves needed to make the team better in the off-season and these same holes remain. I would still argue though that this team should be better than they are performing. Hahn isn't wrong to expect his core players to be  playing better though.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 minute ago, ScooterMcGuire said:

    I would be very surprised if they did anything newsworthy. 

    I would be surprised by any significant moves also. I would expect more patch work type moves than anything that is significant.  

  17. 1 minute ago, South Side Hit Men said:

    The money has been spent.

    "My team is on the floor."

    - Rick Hahn

    Is he wrong? This team, at least on paper, should be better. They weren't urgent in the off-season and that is a letdown, but they also have enough talent to be better than their performance.

  18. Just now, ScooterMcGuire said:

    I mean, not too sure what people were expecting after this past offseason

    Fair point. They didn't exactly treat the off-season with much urgency to make meaningful upgrades at 2B, RF or to replace Rodon. They do like spending on their bullpen though.

    Again, not to say they won't make a meaningful move by tomorrow. We'll see.

  19. Just now, South Side Hit Men said:

    Yes, I don't think this trade was either a buy or a sell. It was replacing one of Tony's poor options with another.

    That said, I wonder if the Sox will acquire another catcher, unless they think Grandal will be able to handle more than 2 games behind the plate each week. Zavala as a regular catcher has to put fear in the hearts and minds of White Sox pitchers.

    Can't they add some 3rd catcher to the roster in September? It probably wouldn't be more than an emergency option though.

    Some people on this site and Twitter seem to think this pitcher can help vs. lefties, but they are taking on his contract for next season. Walks are major concern though. Seems like they aren't expecting Bummer to be back soon (or at least not counting on it) and rolling the dice a bit on a guy they probably think they fill a hole with.

  20. 10 minutes ago, Tnetennba said:

    But had no problem eating what’s left of Diekman’s deal along with sending cash. 

    Exactly. I don't know if they are taking on a massive long-term deal right now, but I can see them taking on money in the short-term, like this trade. We'll see.

  21. 5 minutes ago, maloney.adam said:

    Hahn is sleeping at his desk. Waiting for this deadline to pass.

    He's probably not sleeping at his desk. Let's wait to see if they are able to make any moves.

    They will probably do something because they are fortunate to be a .500 team playing in a bad division and only 2 games out. In most seasons, this wouldn't be a team I would be willing to make any significant moves - it's really up to the talent on this roster to live up to their hype. Does adding a decent starter like Quintana really change their fortunes? He could have helped, but it probably doesn't change the White Sox path for this season without their top heavy talent playing the way they were projected. 

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