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Everything posted by BFirebird

  1. Damn..just turned it on. I guess I missed some runs. Let's get some more!
  2. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 07:42 PM) I think Youk is pumped. Apparently so. 3-3 w/ 2 2Bs.
  3. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 07:41 PM) Or the real Aaron Cook, for that matter. We always seem to struggle against guys like Cook. Baffles the mind.
  4. What did they do with the real Dylan Axelrod?
  5. QUOTE (kapzk @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 07:33 PM) Viciedo maybe shud have caught that Couldn't tell on TV...but i bet he broke back 1st. That is why he didnt get it.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 11, 2012 -> 12:01 PM) I'm really excited about Beck. It will be interesting to see if the Sox changing him back to what he was, brings his stuff back. As am I. I don't follow the guys in the minors as close as most of you here...(I get most my minor league info from everyone else here), but I will definitely be watching his progression closely. If they know what can help him get his stuff back...it will be easily one of this organization's biggest steals.
  7. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 01:32 PM) They're speculating that there's more to it than meets the eye, non-baseball reasons. Decepticon?
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 12:43 PM) I don't mind this lineup today This. I believe they could still win with this lineup. Also, it is not worth the risk of burning guys out with this heat. Dunn and ADA were due a day off at some point, and Flowers for AJP is day game after night game. Pretty standard I think. Beck's leading off is a little strange..but with no ADA he is probably only real choice.
  9. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Jul 5, 2012 -> 11:02 AM) He seems 100% healthy right now. His defense has been outstanding (he made a couple plays last night that he would not have if he did have a bad back), and he's doing a fine job at the plate. It was really cool being there at the game and see him make the game-winning hit. I think it's fair to say that he is already a fan favorite. I thought the energy in the park was great last night. Usually when i go on a fireworks game I think the crowd sometimes isn't into it, but last night people were into the entire game I thought. Even my wife commented on how enjoyable and exciting the game was...and she hates sports.
  10. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Jul 4, 2012 -> 11:36 PM) Was at the game. The energy was incredible. Youk...okay, he was a steal from Boston. Was there as well and agree. Very good crowd tonight and were into the game throughout. Youk is quickly becoming a fan favorite.
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 28, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) He looked great at the plate His homer was an absolute bomb to right.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 27, 2012 -> 08:10 PM) Which is exactly the same thing we always wanted to see out of Quentin, Beckham, Viciedo, etc. Exactly. If Beckham can learn that...he would be doing better than he currently is. He has improved, but I think he can really help this team even more if would improve that aspect of his game.
  13. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 27, 2012 -> 10:52 PM) Yankees website shows: Nova vs. Axelrod Warren vs. Quintana Kuroda vs. Peavy Hughs vs. Floyd There was a mention earlier today that Garcia will be taking CC's spot. Not sure how that's gonna play out. Garcia pitched today in relief when Pettite broke his foot....so he will probably have to wait 5 days.
  14. Rios has quite a few BIG homers this year...so it seems to me like he has more than 10. I guess he also got off to a real slow start with homers as well.
  15. 19 pitches through 2. Very economical.
  16. QUOTE (ChrisLikesBaseball @ Jun 27, 2012 -> 10:26 AM) Yankees beat writer just reported CC to the DL. Looks like the Sox catch a break! Not to celebrate an injury...but heck ya! Also I think Colby Lewis to DL as well..we miss him on the 4th. (I think he was scheduled to pitch that game).
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 11:00 PM) That's also cause he's very hard to strike out This is true.
  18. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 10:57 PM) Not to sound too much like Hawk but Rios seems to hit the ball with authority and get robbed a lot this season That actually would even happen to him a lot last year...even though he sucked. He seems to hit liners right at people quite a bit.
  19. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 7, 2012 -> 09:13 PM) LH hitters have no fear of MT anymore. Nope.
  20. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 5, 2012 -> 01:53 PM) In that youtube vid it looked like Basto had eye makeup on, lol Maybe he is an Andy Pettitte fan.
  21. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 5, 2012 -> 01:42 PM) Sox philosphy shifted a decent amount under Bell and Lauman. Gotcha. That was right after the whole Dave Wilder debacle right? In your opinion..or anyone's opinion really, have these changes brought better prospects in? I know we are still considered the bottom of the barrel..but it takes more than a few years to get out I would assume. We know Sale has worked out thus far...but are there other guys recently drafted that have been at least somewhat valuable? Sorry for all the questions, but I don't follow the draft and low minors as much.
  22. I have an organizational question to throw out there for the ones in the know. Have the White Sox done a lot of re-structuring with their scouting or philosophy or anything? I guess what I am really asking is...does it appear they are going after different kinds of players for a reason or just going after best available?
  23. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 1, 2012 -> 03:26 PM) My aunt is giving me tickets to next Saturday's game vs. the lowly Astros. Who is scheduled to pitch? Christopher Sale. I MAY just see 21 K's in a game. I'm soo pumped. I'll be there as well. My wife works at Ace Corporate..and it is Ace Corporate Day! Can't beat $13 tix. I am pumped to see Sale pitch. So far somehow Danks pitched every game I went to, except when Quintana subbed for him.
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