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Everything posted by BFirebird

  1. QUOTE(IamPabloOzuna @ Jul 9, 2006 -> 02:17 AM) So recently i went shopping for a sox t-shirt...i have plenty of bears and bulls gear but for some reason, as far as the sox go (the team i support the most) i only have caps (about 8)...So i bought a konerko jersey t-shirt. My question is where are the Jermaine Dye shirts....everywhere i went to look for a shirt was strictly Buehrle/Pods/Kong/Garcia/Thome..yes alot of ppl are left out, but Dye is huge. Where are the Dye jeresey shirts??? I have wondered the same thing. I have tried to get one for my sister...Dye is her favorite player but have been unable to locate one.
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 03:10 PM) Boston's starters are #10 in the AL in ERA, CHW's starters are #4. Boston's Bullpen is #6 and we're #7 in ERA. Boston's offense is #3 in the AL, we're #1. Balta 1 Frankensteiner 0
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) I thought he was unreliable coming into the year, as we had no track record for how he would perform. Also, the weight/velocity issues were concerning. I will say this though.....it's more exciting watching Jenks pitch than any other pitcher in Sox history (outside of post-surgery Parque). Especially when Parque faces Mike Cameron.
  4. Surprised Mirabelli is still in there.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:52 PM) Overuse last season (understandable). Ozzie's also been managing our starters like they were as effective as they were last year, even though they're not. I shudder to think about how bad our pitching would be without Jenks being so freaking good this year. The funny part is..at least among the 'experts'...jenks was the sox most unreliable part of the staff. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:52 PM) For some reason, I just have faith in Garland now. Seriously, for like the last 3 or so weeks, I've feel good when hes pitching. Vazquez and Garcia make me nervous though. WTF Was that Holliday Inn commercial?!?!?!?!?!? Weird.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) It's amazing how much they resemble us from last season so far. Almost a complete carbon copy.
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) But why would B-Mac leave? He had to update his MySpace.
  8. Here comes the Big Papi homer...a la Hafner off of Cotts.
  9. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) No he has his twinkies stashed in the pockets
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:18 PM) Santana, Liriano, Radke, whoever got me on that one...but the twins probably won't make it.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 8, 2006 -> 02:15 PM) Yes, but it's also painfully clear that they're still the #4 starting staff in the AL despite all those problems. And it'd be pretty hard for them to do worse in the 2nd half than they did in the first. Definitely..and name a 4 man rotation that you would rather have going in to the playoffs?
  12. wow..nice play by too hot to trot on that one.
  13. I think everyone needs to slow their roll on the staff for a minute. Sure our offense is carrying us right now and the staff vastly overachieved last year and are underachieving this year but they will come around. They will not be able to duplicate last year's numbers but I never expected them to be that great again this year and neither did Kenny and therefore upgraded the offense. Remember...baseball is a LONG season and has many peaks and valleys....no need to jump on and off the bus so quickly.
  14. Fulltilt and PokerStars are both really good. the animations and characteres on Fulltilt are a little cooler to watch.
  15. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 01:02 AM) RVD jobbed the WWE title and the ECW title on successive nights. They had to re-write Raw and ECW to take the straps off of him. Van Dam and Sabu are lucky to keep their jobs with the new wellness policy that WWE has in place. Everybody knew Van Dam lit up. Hell, last year at the One Night Stand PPV, Heyman cracked a joke that he wasn't crying in the ring but that his eyes were watering because Van Dam and he were smoking a joint. If anybody watched the ECW TV tonight, the Philly crowd was letting Van Dam have it with chants (granted, they were pissed all night with chants of "Shut the f*** up", "Boring!", "You suck dick", "You take steroids" etc. to other WWE performers that were squashing ECW performers) of "Marijuana!" and chants about the wellness policy infractions. Yet they're still supportive of him -- despite him f***ing up. I'm sure the SciFi censors had to be happy with those chants going over the air unedited for the most part. And after you've seen half the matches Sabu's been in -- Vicodin seems like it is something he would have regularly. Vince really needs to give up the booking of ECW and give it to Heyman. This generic hoss-fest, lame ass amateur night stripping and terrible gimmicks galore is really grating to classic fans of old ECW and new fans trying to get a feel for what the cult following was all about. ECW isn't "sports entertainment". It was gritty, counterculture, indy, wrestling with great angles. RIP WWECW 2006-2006 Post of the week right there...very well said.
  16. QUOTE(Felix @ Jul 7, 2006 -> 03:21 PM) I would take Red Sox fans over Yankee fans any day of the week. As would I. I have been to both parks and I really never had any problems with Red Sawks fans. They were actually pretty nice to me at least. The Yankmee fans were pretty obnoxious.
  17. Hopefully MB pitches better this time I go to the game...at least I know the amenities will be better for sure.
  18. Happy Bday BMac!!! Once the players start to be younger than you, you feel old like I do today. Granted it is only 1 year difference.
  19. It appears to be a lack of confidence problem to me...which in turn effects his location. His location has been terrible and thus he has been hit around a ton. If he can regains his confidence he would be fine but I do not see that happening any time soon.
  20. QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 10:35 PM) Alright if you want to go that way, who's lost games to KC? More importantly...who is 1-5 versus the Sox?
  21. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 10:14 PM) True. I'm not saying he's all the way back yet. I just think the guy deserves some props. He's takin' a beating on this board. He does take quite the beating but it was deserved when he was getting it. He was not locating, throwing inside enough and he knew it. He is not a strikeout pitcher....so if his location is off he will be off. He does deserve some props though for making some adjustments.
  22. Great game from Garland..2 great starts from our starters in a row. Who says we cant pitch? Keep it up boys!!
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