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About Nyx81

  • Birthday 11/19/1981

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    around the area

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Q or G.Beckham
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  1. Caller on espn mentioned the name Mellody Hobson. Does she own 30%? All I could find was 1 article about it. Wouldn't the other owners have to agree to moving or does Jerry have ultimate decision power?
  2. This isn't really going to happen, is it? How embarrassing
  3. Is this tweet supposed to make us feel better?
  4. https://tse1-2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.592594ea3afa171c3c37abc9044fd6f3&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fvv41HlvfogHAY%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=ZI40XwgmoK7g9pFNRxFNUw
  5. ? I have less than 100 posts in 13 years. I probably don't matter, just wanted to say it's nice to see the old regulars.
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 4, 2017 -> 11:04 AM) I SURVIVED THE GREAT SOXTALK BLACKOUT OF '17! !!!! Went to reddit to look for answers. Thank goodness your back, I was worried!
  7. You cannot go wrong with Tom Ford, U have good taste! They make fine female fragrances with I love. I find gourmand cologne off-putting. Cool Water is icky but aquatics are nice if done right. Want to sample Versace Eros before I purchase. I will not blind buy perfume/cologne, no matter what the reviews are.
  8. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Dec 27, 2013 -> 01:09 PM) Hopefully they signed him to a 20 year deal for eleventy billion dollars. My fingers are crossed. Not cutler news.
  9. Bears announcement coming soon. Heard on espn1000. Cutler extension?
  10. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Nov 23, 2013 -> 12:20 PM) When the hell is this MRI? I got a feeling the Bulls know it's a torn acl and are just working on a way to release the results if that makes sense. I thought the same. I'd figure he'd have his MRI this morning. What's taking so long?! According to @WojYahooNBA : DRose is a couple hours away from getting an MRI in LA
  11. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Nov 21, 2013 -> 04:19 PM) Can we call him injury prone or is it too soon? I don't know as much about basketball as you guys but...IMO yes, injury prone. I'm a fan of his btw.
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