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He'll Grab Some Bench
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  1. Clemens should be bottled. That is all.
  2. Uribe doesn't have a bad back, he is faster and has a quicker swing. Thus a brighter future. Both are dumb, hitting IQ-wise, though.
  3. First come the foul liners into the seats, like yesterday. Then come the soft line-outs to RF. Then come the gappers and one-hoppers. Then again, he's fooled us plenty in the past, you know, let's wait until he gets back to .260 first.
  4. Is it me, or has Uribe leveled his swing just a tad and is finally letting the ball get a little deeper on him? The timing isn't there yet - witness the numerous hard-hit foul balls down RF line last night, but I'll take anything I can get from that doofus.
  5. Did you think that dog could actually play 2B? Between Crede, Uribe, Iguchi and Konerko.... we don't do well with pop-ups/FB, to put it mildly.
  6. October baseball's too crazy to ever just cross a team out like that. Rememer that Cabrera start in Baltimore where we scored 8 runs or so without a HR? Who knows, these schmucks may repeat the feat in October - in spite of their best efforts to screw things up I'd much rather Sawks, A's go into Postseason looking past the "overrated" White Sox. You just know our guys perform better as underdogs. Much better.
  7. Three woids: it's over. ALC race, that is. So don't be such a scoreboard-watching pussy. Seriously.
  8. Do you see Owenes as able to get on base at .400 clip? I know his LF skills are fine.
  9. Cornea doesn't do the actual "processing" of visual stimuli.
  10. Stupid/intellectually-disingenuous pro-roid rhetoric that you hear so much in bars and whatnot. Other than becoming stronger, quicker, fresher and arguably (HGH) better able to see the seams... No, there are no benefits to juicing. Players are stupid. And the huge post-roidal drop off in production is purely coincidental. Right.
  11. Meh, Ozzie's "reasons" are usually as arbitrary as they are back-firey. The man is a moron - just look and listen to him, then watch his manage. Luckily, the pitching is manager-proof at this moment, so we're well positioned to win. But I am sure he'll run the arms into the ground sooner than later.
  12. Well, this is your chance to get enlightened. Tomorrow, I'll be somewhere else.
  13. DH/LF merely means he's a DH/emergency LF.
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