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  1. It has to be brutal sometimes being in the political public eye. On the other hand, as I heard some Senator say yesterday on the news, no one dragged me here to Washington kicking and screaming. Condi is so private (some would say secretive) that I find it really hard to picture her running for the top spot, especially with her never having submitted herself to the electoral process to date. Interesting, though – I don’t often refer to people I don’t know by their first names. And everyone seems to do so with Condi------and Hillary. But with the latter, maybe sometimes it’s just to distinguish her from that other Clinton. Too bad Colin Powell didn’t run when he had the chance and his stock was highest. He could have been a big unifier.
  2. I think it will be interesting to follow Obama's career. But he certainly needs some seasoning on the national stage so that everyone can get a better idea of the sort of leader he would be. I can't imagine him leading the ticket in 2008.
  3. To quote George: “Only in America could a guy like that find work.” But who among us hasn't been in that position?
  4. Well, yeah, there is the problem right there.
  5. Dang. I was going to make an Edgar Allen Poe joke, spelling Ussher incorrectly. But I see you did it for me. Edit: Maybe this is deeper than I thought. Now that I see the good Archbishop is further demeaned in your post.
  6. The bad thing about perfect payback is that the person can never be aware that you were the cause of it. The good thing is that you get to appreciate it without suffering any repercussions.
  7. Defensive much? Yeah, well maybe you have reason to be. Let’s break it down, shall we? You start a thread called “You’re Invited” You post links to photos and a video clip of a 7th grade girl You say “I'm so going... Who else is gonna crash the partay with me?” You post her real name and where she lives. And then you’re shocked, SHOCKED that someone asks what’s up with that? Uh-huh. So in response to my reasonably neutral questions you: Post a photo of black people Ask if I’m Jewish Say that you are 9 years old. Um, okay. And now you’re saying “this girl would probably suck some guy off in the bar of a bathroom in a few years.” Oh wait, it’s not like you REALLY said that. No wait, you really DID. Smart Lighten up, you say? Honey, you have no idea. But may I make a couple of suggestions? Find some age-appropriate female interests. Soon. And you might start giving some serious thought to scrubbing that hard drive. You’d be amazed how little it takes to get this Justice Department curious about you.
  8. Ah, another deep thinker of intellectual rigor for my ignore list. Buh-bye!
  9. I find that mildly disturbing. What's he doing with his mouth? Please, make it stop.
  10. For you and everyone who really believes this - how wide an intellectual net are you casting on this subject? Many conservative civil libertarians are appalled. Here's one place you might start, that bastion of Communism, the Wall Street Journal: Wiretap Furor Widens Republican Divide
  11. But if they're in kid's toys, how expensive could they be? Or maybe I just didn't read the article closely enough.
  12. Suit yourself, I guess. What I was wondering was what we’d find on YOUR hard drive? LOL. In this day and age, you might want to think twice about posting stuff like that, even if it does float your boat. Know what I'm saying? Wink. wink.
  13. Thank you for the info. So why don't some manufacturers make fridge magnets out of this material? I hate those cheesy tiny iron ones that always fall off 'cause they're so weak?
  14. I may not be understanding what you mean. Do you know this person? Are you really making fun of this 7th grade girl? Or just her bat mitzvah? Or do you just get off on posting stuff about 7th grade girls? How old are you?
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