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He'll Grab Some Bench
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  1. Once again our hopes have been raiseed only to be destroyed when this team does not make the playoffs. KW has failed to provide this team with an additional bat that it so desperately needs to get to the playoffs and survive thereafter. In years past when we were trying to catch the twins he made trades. This year the "chemistry" B.S. prevails. Now, we will limp into Sept and end up being the biggest disappointment in this city's baseball history. I dont understand how the powers that be in this organization dont realize that you cant have two automatic outs at the end of the lineup (crede, uribe), and u cant have a bench with automatic outs (timo, blum). The rest of the lineup is filled with average hitters. This puts too much pressure on your pitching. However, we will here the garbage that everyone wants too much for their players, we cant mortgage the future, nobody wanted to trade with us, and of course, the team chemistry crap. I am begining to wonder. With this year being a great attendance year, maybe the organization just wants to pocket the money, and feed us the standard excuses. Hmmm...
  2. I think everyone here would be back on the bandwagon. Why is it so terrible to criticize your teem when they have been underperforming, and to point out flaws in the team's game. It seems that once u do that u r no longer a fan. Thats how they treat people at WSI. Its hypocritical to attack flub fans when they think there team is going to the playoffs when they are 8 games out, but yet when a sox fan takes a realistic look at their playoff chances they are not true fans. It doesnt make sense.
  3. At least we would trash our own team unlike the scrub fans whom blamed it on a dork in the stands.
  4. Im predicting NO DEAL, and we lose the division by one game, and become the biggest embarrassment in this city's baseball history. FIFTEEN GAMES UP AND LOSE THE DIVISION. THIS REALLY SUCKS.
  5. I have also had it with this "chemistry" s***. Quality players go a long way in winning world series. Boy, Manny Ramirez is such a clubhouse cancer. He would so much upset team chemistry. No team could win with him...
  6. Two weeks? With the exception of the series against cleveland and the orioles we have sucked this whole second have. Going from .600 plus ball to under .500 is trending downward, and we have been doing that for about SIX weeks.
  7. All those teams are trending upward we are trending DOWN. We are running out of steam, and without help we are done. As far as Griffey, I am positive that if you offer to take enough of his salary he would be ours. This bulls*** about the owners not wanting to trade for him because he makes their team more attractive to sell is completely rediculous. If you take long term debt away from a business, that business becomes much more marketable. If I were buying the Reds, I would want a clean slate and no deffered contract money to deal with. Ill buy my own talent.
  8. I dont understand why people are buying this "its a terrible market for trades" s***. This is a bad excuse. If u believe that Griff is the key, or Huff, or whomever, u do what u have to do to get it done. No excuses!!!
  9. With all the hoopla about this special season, it all comes down to this. If KW does not bring us a quality bat by the deadline the organization has failed us. This Griffey thing smaks of the sox not wanting to take enough of his salary to consumate a deal. Where there's a will there's a way. I could care less about prospects. When u have a chance to go to the series u do whatever it takes to get those players. Even if u overpay its understood. IF WE DO NOT GET HELP WE WILL NOT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS, AND THIS WOULD BE A BIGGER CHOKE JOB THAN THE '69 FLUB CHOKE. KENNY DONT LET US DOWN!!!!!!
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