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Everything posted by NorthSideSox72

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) This is a bit different than putting his hands down her pants, inside her waistband is different verbage than he shoved his hands down her pants. Remember this is a 6 year old also. I agree, big difference. That's why I'd like it if the "reporter" who wrote the story had done a little more actual reporting and journalism. The article is just far too vague and thin to make any sort of judgement.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 02:56 PM) When objectivity and sanity goes out the door I think this school district should have better things to do. What a bunch of morons to suspend a 1st grader for this. That news article has little information in it. It could have been an overreaction, or may not have been. If the kid stuck his hand down her pants, and if he did it repeatedly, maybe he needed to stay home for a day or two. Since the only person they cited was the victim's parent, what can we really know? Nothing. I reserve judgement on the suspension. That's some pretty pathetic news reporting in that article, BTW. How about some facts? How about asking the school or the teacher?
  3. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:35 AM) The question is...what are they going to say next year? "You again?!"
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 11:20 AM) I don't think any of those staffing changes compares to the job we did in sending folks right out of the College Republicans and Heritage foundation to go and orchestrate the rebuilding of Iraq. My personal fav is still "Brownie". Put a guy in charge of the largest emergency response agency on earth who hasn't ever been within a mile of a disaster. Aside from how dangerous that was, it was poilitically idiotic. As a Prez, you can be fairly sure that some large domestic disaster will occur during your term. And you KNOW that event could make or break your reputation. And you knowingly put a useless favor appointment in charge of FEMA? Moronic.
  5. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 11:18 AM) Yea, I guess that makes sense. They don't know when/where the picture was taken... It's about the difference between a law violation and an ordinance violation. If it was a violation of criminal law, the police could (if they so chose) pursue an investigation. Whether or not they'd bother on something like this is another question. But this was a traffic ordinance violation. The police have to witness it to ticket her. A police camera at an intersection is, for legal purposes, a police witness. A paparazzi is not.
  6. QUOTE(whitesoxmurph @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 01:47 AM) The elements of the US Military that would be used in the 2 strike variants I listed are uneffected by the current situation in Iraq and Afg. The Subs and/or ships that would launch the Cruise Missiles strikes have little or no tactical job in the current war on terror, other than some ships inspecting and boarding vessels in the Persian Gulf. The Subs have no job other than surveillance and any Special Ops. that might pop up. The total time to launch these missiles is less than an hour most likely. As for the second variant, the planes involved for the most part are not invovled in Iraq or Afg. The Stealths are not needed and the fighter protection is readily available. It is mainly the Ground Forces (ie: the Marines and the Army) that are stretched pretty thin, but they will have nothing to do with this operation. I think you have missed my point here. As I stated, its not about the attach - its about the aftermath. What happens after the attack? Do you think Iran will just sit there and be upset about it? They will retaliate, quite possible against our assets in Iraq and Kuwait, but possibly elsewhere as well. Again, you need to have assets in place to handle the next few events, not just the attack itself. That may need to include troops on the Iraq/Iran border. And I think that we are short on those right now. QUOTE(whitesoxmurph @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 01:47 AM) The third point is one that I hear over and over. You are falling into a trap in thinking that the same tactical solution can be used in two very different situations. I agree that both countries and their leaders are dangerous madmen, who have or are going to have nukes. That is where the similarities end. I have been to South Korea, while in the U S Navy and the city of Seoul, with millions of people is within range of North Korean artillery. If we do a tactical strike on North Korea hundreds of thousands of South Korean civilians could be killed in an artillery in response. North Korea could also hit Seoul with a nuke and that would be horrendous. Up to a million people could die in that attack. That is a price that nobody can afford to pay. We would have to make sure that we wiped out all of North Korea's nuke programs and sites while also hitting and wiping out any targets that could hit the South. This is also impossible to do with conventional weapons and I don't think anyone wants to cross the nuclear threshold. Just as the United States had to use different tactics in WWII in regards to Japan and Germany, we now can not think of the threats posed by Iran and North Korea from the same tactical stand-point. The problem in the same (madmen with nukes) the solutions are not. I do agree with this. There are differences. I think its an indicator, though. I just don't see us attacking Iran right now. But you are correct, the tactical situations are different between the two.
  7. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 10:44 AM) He didn't have a choice barring a national emergency or an emergency medical procedure. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Politically, no choice at all.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I wish MORE girls in Hollywood looked like Scarlett vs Knightley. Its not natural or healthy. ^^^^^^^^ Skinny is OK, but Hollywood is obsessed beyond reason. If I wanted ribs, I'd go to Carson's.
  9. The urban centers of the upper Rio Grande valley (ABQ north through Santa Fe to Taos) is failry to very left. The rest of the state is very right, and in fact, many rural counties in NM tend to vote big time for 3rd and 4th parties like Constitutional, Libertarian and Green. It's much like Colorado that way - a corridor of urban Dems, the rest of the state GOP. Wilson's district, NM 1, includes most of Albuquerque and it's suburbs, plus a large swath of mountain and rural area. ABQ is a weird city, in that it leans sort of Dem, but not as much as it would without the military. ABQ has a very large population that either works for the military, or does contract work to it. Oddly, her district specifically avoids the actual military base itself (Kirtland, Sandia Labs, Manzano Base). So I'd say she has a district very much on the fence, probably leaning further left as ABQ urbanizes.
  10. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 03:12 AM) I disagree. He just lambasted Obama for breaking his word. totally justifyable in my opinion. If you read the articles on this, including the letter that Obama wrote that started the whole thing, you will see that wasn't the case at all. I actually thought exactly what you did at first, until I did some more reading. Turns out what this is really about is that Obama and McCain have different plans for a reform bill, and can't agree on a compromise. Obama didn't promise to sing onto McCain's bill no matter what - he had his own, and decided at some point that he and McCain weren't going to see eye to eye. Now, I think its sad for both of them. But I think McCain (who I like, and have defended many times here) just overreacted on this one.
  11. QUOTE(samclemens @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 08:34 PM) and the gap between parties widens, and the election is so far away. It is pretty amazing. These two guys were both proponents of major reform, and both have a history of trying to bridge the divide. Then this happens. Ugly stuff.
  12. 1 question: Has anyone found an article yet that actually mentions any reaction from the King family to the service? I looked, couldn't find. I'd be curious. 1 comment: As I've mentioned before, I don't think this sort of thing will hurt the Dems at all. In fact, given the fact that their Bush bashing and rhetoric has already helped them out, and the fact that this was exactly the Dems' kind of stage, I think it might help them. I for one am not saying it was good, or even OK. I just don't think it will hurt the Dems in the slightest - even if it should.
  13. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 05:37 PM) What is NASA's stance on this? While finding the flying spaghetti monster pic, I came across this doonesbury comic, and thought it applied well to the topic of conversation. Enjoy. http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/images/NipplesGRAB.jpg Can I use that as my sig? Please?!
  14. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 05:37 PM) What is NASA's stance on this? While finding the flying spaghetti monster pic, I came across this doonesbury comic, and thought it applied well to the topic of conversation. Enjoy. http://www.berkeleybreathed.com/images/NipplesGRAB.jpg LMAO!!!! I cannot stop laughing. That is one of the funniest pictures I have ever seen.
  15. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) Hey guys, i'm currently pricing and trying to figure out what kind of car i'd like to buy. I'm trying to find a site with some decent classifides ad's and listings from dealerships. I have looked at autotrader.com and cars.com some and they are decent but I was wondering if anyone knew of any other site that might have a large variety or if there were any suggestions as to where might be better to look. Any ideas would be appreciated. vehix.com
  16. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 03:06 PM) Is that enough to get him banned for life? Pretty please? Maybe Andrew Jackson would change the mod's minds...... **post deleted*** Sorry, I was thinking of Andrew JOHNSON.
  17. QUOTE(wilmot825 @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) I was reading the paper,not sure if was the Tribune or Herald, today and an article caught my attention. Carlos Lee may be heading back to the White Sox in enxchange for Jose or Dye. This could be just writters putting out crap for people to read or this could be reality. I say no to Carlos, bad defense and a big contract equal bad team chemistry. He wasn't even talking about offseason. He was speculating about the possible need for a big bat come July, and he mentioned both Chicago baseball teams, not just the Sox. Of course, predicting who might need what bats in July at this point is sort of ridiculous, if you ask me.
  18. Favorite Fantasy Football team name ever: Blood Bath and Beyond
  19. One thing that really amazed me was that ridiculous ad for that new men's razor (Gilette maybe?). It has 5 blades on the front, and one on the back. What's amazing about it (aside from the fact that the ad, and the product, are laughably stupid) is that the Onion did a parody article on this very thing: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/33930 I mean, how idiotic does this company have to be? Their products have actually, literally, fulfilled an Onion article about a parody of the future.
  20. QUOTE(juddling @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 10:22 AM) Personally...i think that if Muslims want to EVER be taken seriously by the rest of the world, they need to get a thicker skin and not resort to violence at EVERY percieved slight. Personally... I think that if the US wants to be the supposed purveyors or peace and democracy they claim to be, they need to stay focused on the problem at hand, instead of painting an entire fifth of the world with one dismissive brush. In case no one noticed, there aren't 1 billion muslims burning down buildings. There are a few thousand - a minute percentage of their religion. Let's act on the material problem. Let's deal with corrupt governments, and terrorists, and violent extremists, regardless of religion.
  21. I like the Ameriquest one on the plane, when the woman accidentally mounts the sleepy guy. It was completely unrelated to the product, but i thought it was hilarious.
  22. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 10:36 AM) Even if he's about to something bad, you can't just kill him. He has to literally be holding the detantor to the bomb or a gun pointed at someone and about to pull the trigger. It has to be a split second away, not minutes or hours. I'm not sure I agree. If its minutes or hours, and you are not able to detain him, then you kill him. But obviously your first choice is to detain if possible. But if some guy is trying on his dynamite vest in an apartment somewhere, and just received a call saying "go do it", you probably have to shoot him right there. Once that vest is on, if the cops show up to detain him, they'll all die with him. The general rule to follow is imminent deadly harm that cannot be stopped with a lower level of force. in that circumstance, regardless of timeframe, you shoot.
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 10:29 AM) That is not assassination. That's self-defense, and that's the only time when a government agent has the right to use deadly force in the United States. One of the big differences between us and the people we fight against is that we don't believe in killing those who oppose us. Especially within our country. When we start doing that, we start becoming the enemy we claim to fight. I agree completely. If the suspect is not about to do something bad, then you can't just kill him. You arrest, or track, or deport, or extradite, or whatever else can be done.
  24. NASA is a scientific agency. Meteorology and cosmology are sciences. ID and devine presence are not science - they are religion. Therefore, ID does not belong on NASA's radar. Its pretty damn simple.
  25. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 5, 2006 -> 10:51 PM) Newsweek's running a version on this story I've brought up...can the President order a killing on U.S. soil? This is not new, and I'm actually OK with the possibility, under certain circumstances. Waco was brought up as one possibility, though I think that was a botched deal, and I doubt the Prez ordered any sort of firebombing. Think about a police situation involving an Al Qaeda suspect. What if we had info that he/she was on the way to a target? You better believe the Prez would send the word down the line to all levels of law enforcement: kill the bastard. And so it should be. Heck, even high level police officials have the authority to order a kill in extreme circumstances. Again, it would have to be in defense of imminent deadly harm, but it can be done.
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