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Everything posted by NorthSideSox72

  1. Not sure what good it does, but I feel like I should also express my regret and embarrassment here. My sincerest apologies to the Astros organization for whatever B.S. they had to put up with. I have no doubt that 99% of the people in the stadium have more class than to even think about doing something that stupid. But then, that's the problem, in any venue. I see a**holes at pretty much every venue I've been to, screaming obscenities, starting fights, and just generally being morons. The 'stros manager even said that this happens on occasion. After the thing with the KC coach being attacked, every incident here gets highlighted, so anything like this will be magnified. It makes us look terrible. Bring the scrapper to me.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Oct 22, 2005 -> 03:18 PM) I believe in Crede. Ha, and I thought my latin in high school was worthless. Correct! I suppose to be grammatically correct it would be Credo in Credem, but that would just look stupid.
  3. We'll be in 556 Row 14. We should be easy to spot. My wife and I will have this sign: Credo in Crede Kudos to the first person who can tell me what it means (It's Latin, if that helps). I put this up on another board a while back, so some may recognize it.
  4. PK is an anchor in that clubhouse, an elite power hitter (though perhaps not among the league's top 2 or 3), and a professional. He works his butt off to keep getting better. He plays better than average defense at 1st base. And he is one the fan favorites, if not the favorite. If the Sox can get him for anything like market value, given the extra income they will likely have to play with, I think they'd be making a mistake. Konerko brings a lot more to the house than the 40/100, which by itself is pretty huge.
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 11:13 AM) I'm not offended. I just thing it's common sense that since our pitchers will have to hit, they are practicing hitting. But by all means.. carry on with the grand stupidity. This is the second time in two days you have referred to me, and other people, as stupid. The subject of what our pitchers are doing, along with the questions about tickets lotteries, were found to be important enough to draw plenty of attention from readers and posters. You seem to be the only one who thinks these questions are stupid. In any case, I don't think it's necessary to insult people because the subject matter doesn't meet your particular standards. Show some common courtesy. Please don't do that.
  6. I think it happens to work out well that our two starters with .100+ averages are starting in the NL park, and the ones below .100 won't have to hit in games 1 and 2. Works out nicely, perhaps. Not that hitting .167 or .194 is anything spectacular, but .194 is closer to Carl Everett's BA than .091 is to .000. There's my deep statistical thought for the day.
  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 21, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) Cotts can hit, not that he'll get much of a chance to - hopefully. Mark is OK, Jon is a whiffer. Garcia can not hit to save his life. Not sure about Jose. Anyone else just shaking their heads as some of the effed up questions being posted the past few days..? Anyeone else shaking their heads at why Steff seems so offended by people's questions lately? I think this is a good one - our pitchers have to hit, it's new to them. This is a good subject. If you find it "effed up", ignore it.
  8. Sox Pitchers Batting, career (AVG/OBP): Starters… Contreras: .000/.067 Buerhle: .095/.136 Garland: .167/.231 Garcia: .194/.194 Bullpen… Cotts: 1.000/1.000 (1 AB, doubled!) Hermanson: .093/.151 Hernandez: .091/.091 Jenks: never hit Marte: .000/.000 (5 AB) Politte: .121/.189 Vizcaino: .000/.000 (2 AB)
  9. Not all the Sox pitchers are terrible hitters. Politte can hit. Others can too, though I don't know the stats. Hm. I think I'm going to go look them up right now...
  10. This could be very problematic. What if you are picking up tickets at Will Call? What if you are meeting someone with tickets? I'm glad I know now. Thanks for the info!
  11. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) :banghead Ever see Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? When they are walking through catacombs in Venice, the German woman points at some drawings on the walls and asks Indy what a particular one is. Indy says, "That's the Ark of the Covenant." She replies, "Are you sure?" "Pretty sure." I'd say I'm pretty sure on this one. I think there is an insider in the house, if I am interperet this correctly.
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 09:19 AM) But incorrect. http://www.internetnews.com/ec-news/article.php/1566561 Um... did you actually read the whole article? First, it uses the phrase "preferred provider". That is not the same as a contractual obligation. Second, it says nothing in there about what the details of the deal are regarding extent of control, and it still falls just fine into what Black Betsy pointed out. MLB's chunk goes through Ticketmaster, probably, as the "preferred" provider. The other tickets, well, we still don't know, do we?
  13. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 09:10 AM) MLB does control the tickets in the first instance. It keeps the number of tickets it needs for sponsors, rights holders, etc. and allocates them in the way they want. This is why the better the seat you have as a season ticket, the less likely that you will be to keep that ticket in the playoffs - MLB can bump you for a VIP. Once MLB releases the tickets it does not want to the White Sox, the Sox are in control from that point on. If the Sox have a contract with Ticketmaster for the sale of tickets, they have to honor that contract. If the Astros have a different contract in place, they honor their own contract. Well stated.
  14. QUOTE(Allsox @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 11:21 PM) Steff, give it up and don't bother explaining common sense or facts to these people since they're under the delusion they're entitled to World Series tickets because they're DIE HARD Sox fans....One thing I've learned over the yrs is there's no pleasing some of our fellow Sox fans EVER! :banghead I suppose this requires clarification: I am not under the delusion that I am entitled to anything. I am not one of the people who has pitched a fit that my status as a fan gives me the right to something. I have no right to anything in this mess. My beef, purely, is with the ticketing procedure. And my point of fact, again, is that some teams obviously have different deals than others. Therefore, the argument that the White Sox have no control is bogus, unless they chose to give up that control at some point in a way different than other teams. So as of now, after all this argument, no one can answer the key question: why did some teams have different deals? That, I think, would be a good question for someone in the White Sox organization to answer.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 06:26 PM) Wow... Obviously. Which is what has been being said over and over and over again here the past 3 weeks. :banghead Which means that the teams had or have some influence. My point exactly. It would be nice to think we could blame one thing (MLB), wouldn't it? But it's clearly not the reality. The team had/has some responsibility as well.
  16. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 05:19 PM) His logic is not flawed. The blanket statement "there is a deal between ticketmaster and mlb" doesn't explain anything. If it did, all teams would have the exact same ticket procedures. Exactly. And thank you.
  17. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 04:53 PM) Hey NorthSide, is your Sig possibly ar ref to the classic SNL Socrates sketch with Steve Martin? If so, then Steve Martin's skit, or equally, the line from Real Genius. Good eye.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 04:52 PM) The contract is not between the Sox and anyone.. it's between MLB and ticketmaster. Good grief... Kap.. I'll take the over for $50. So then MLB and ticketmaster just decided on their own to have lotteries for some teams and not others? I'm sorry but that seems highly unlikely to me. Why would they do that? Business is business. Power is fluid. Unless someone can show me a valid reason why some teams have different deal than others, I have to choose the logical conclusion that some negotiation went on between the teams and MLB and/or ticketmaster.
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) You are wrong. There are contracts in place. Then explain how St. Louis and Houston had lotteries. Somewhere along the line, at some point, choices were made. There is variation between the teams. Therefore, I cannot logically be wrong. Now, I certainly have no idea HOW all that went on, and wouldn't pretend to. But clearly, some teams have a different deal than others.
  20. When you don't like something your manager does, do you just take it, or do you at least TRY to negotiate something better? Personally, I take a crack at it. I think this situation is similar. The Chicago White Sox are, by legal precedent, an operating unit of MLB. That's why they can collude. Therefore, while the White Sox have no authority per se to do anything, they can do what any other business operating unit does - watch out for itself. I just wish they would have done that.
  21. You have to go through it more, apparently. I understand that MLB sets the rules, but as I pointed out, SOME teams have managed to put other processes in place. Undoubtedly, they negotiated it with MLB, but in any case, they stood up for their fan base. MLB has authority, but teams clearly have some influence, if they choose to use it. They chose not to.
  22. I got that same error! I opened up game 6, and lo and behold, I had the option for up to 4 tickets. I was psyched! When I tried to buy them, it say I couldn't buy that many tickets with my password. What password?!?! Clearly, there are some people who have access that others do not. I can't express how pleased I would be if Jerry Reinsdorff had the guts to stand up and do something different, like a lottery (ala Houston or St. Louis) or using tickets.com (ala Cubs). ^&^(*$&^#(*&^$#@*&^$#(*&^$#(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I have to admit, I do like Bat Girl's site. She's really quite funny.
  24. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 10:10 AM) If the situation being reversed means that the Sox have not been to a WS since 1959, then I go with the Twins. BUT if the Sox have already won a WS of their own, then I'd root for the Cubs. We have to win it next. Then they can win it and we can drop the stupid 'rivalry'. Do people really think that the rivalry would go away, even if both teams brought home trophies? I think not. I think the rivalry would be there, just as intense, even if the Chicago ballclubs won alternating championships for the next 10 years.
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