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Everything posted by captain54

  1. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 12:33 PM) 9.) Rushed Rodon to MLB Rodon is doing just fine for a softmore what's a "softmore"
  2. Danks must have really been finished with that release and the Sox to eat that salary…. If he had anything left in the tank he could at least have been used to soak up innings...
  3. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 12:47 PM) My guess is that JR pulls the plug sometime between July of 2017 and July of 2018 and that he puts the team up for sale afterwards. The chances of JR selling the team before his passing is extremely slim.. the capital gains tax hit would be outrageous… not to say he doesn't have other assets to cover it, but he's a frikkin tax attorney…. more likely that his portion of the Sox lies in trust, waiting to be inherited by his heir, who will escape the estate tax as a trustee
  4. I don't think there's ever been any sports organization in the city, that I can recall, that spouts as much meaningless crap via the media .. it's borderline insulting…. why even bother?
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 19, 2016 -> 08:25 AM) So what can a restaurant do to earn your business that isn't winning? Provide a great atmosphere, great service, be a good fit for your entertainment dollar. Family friendly if you need that. They need to provide a quality experience for the time and money you invest. It would then follow that the Sox need to make certain they have set the table for a quality experience. They know that both teams will play some of the highest level baseball on the planet. (After all it is the MLB, name a better league anywhere). The home team may not win. But if your favorite actor is in a movie, do you care if the movie wins an Academy award of not? I don't think the passionate devoted fan is looking for a WS title every single year. Or a Michelin rating, every year, according to your analogy. However, the point of sports is winning. To create a buzz among fandom that your team could POSSIBLY take a WS title. When was the last time we can honestly say that was a realistic attainable goal for the Sox? So basically, what you are saying is that we should treat a Sox game like going bowling, an amusement park, a movie, a weekend in Wisconsin Dells. Just More or less forget the fact that the season is basically over in June. That's the way it's been for the past few years, when you look at the atmosphere in the park. The last few games I have gone to, there is more excitement in the park when the "wave" gets going than in the actual game
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 19, 2016 -> 02:05 AM) But yeah, I agree it won't happen because it's not in the self-interest of Hahn or Williams to do so...whereas they will keep trying to convince JR they can turn it around. "Gamblers' chance." Only when he says "enough's enough" and puts his foot down will that actually happen. One thing, you can be virtually certain that JR's going to be super reluctant to take on any more salary commitments that go beyond 2016. I was watching a crazy thing on YouTube. A prank, or social experiment, if you will. They had a guy go up to random women and ask them if they wanted to have sex. Out of the 200 women he approached, only 1 said "yes" Translated roughly to the White Sox philosophy, they would tell you "hey look, our approach worked once, it can happen again if we just keep at it"
  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 19, 2016 -> 01:36 AM) It's pretty obvious after watching all of these AL Central teams that the Indians have the best overall team, in terms of starting pitching and offense. I believe you'll see the Indians win the AL Central, and the Royals take one of the two wild card spots. Both teams will end up with between 88-93 wins. The White Sox start July with a breather in the schedule. I believe if they can stay within 5 games or less in loss column or a playoff spot, no matter how many teams in front, you will not see a sell off. I believe they are counting on Morneau, on Shields to figure it out, on other players available at the deadline, and on the fact that there a ton of divisional games in September I have to believe Hahn and Williams are in hot water with JR. To start dismantling pieces that they probably convinced JR to sign off on, is in essence, an admission of their own failure
  8. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jun 19, 2016 -> 01:07 AM) We've been through this debate since 2007 and what you're suggesting hasn't worked for 9 years. When is enough enough? I agree. I think Sox fandom is weary. Another bad stretch and the season will be a repeat of the last few.. The battle to .500 The organization fears throwing a bunch of prospects out there and allowing then to ripen on the vine. As far as fan reaction to that scenario? I don't see how it can be any worse than it is now.
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 18, 2016 -> 10:12 PM) Ultimately, that's the argument. That fans should support their favorite team NO MATTER WHAT. That the Sox are a "public good/service" provided for the benefit of the community (notwithstanding the huge profits being extracted upon sale of the team and yearly profits/taxpayer subsidies) and that the community "owes" their support. If the community owes their support, and if the fans should support their team no matter what, and if there is no legitimate basis for any criticism or skeptism from the fan base...the organization could literally put a AA team on the field and point the finger at the fan when there are 10k fanny's in the seats, on a good night. And berate them for their lack of "loyalty"
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 10, 2016 -> 05:20 PM) You're not angry, you just don't want anything that won't give the answer you want to see. Pot calling the kettle "black"
  11. I don't think KC is gonna sweep the Sox. I think the Sox will pull at least one out. It is likely though they get swept by the Nats If the Sox did happen to get swept vs KC, no. Robin stays. The players get thrown under the bus
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 8, 2016 -> 08:59 AM) For Hahn and KW or both to fire Robin now, they would be putting their necks on the line because if the team didn't suddenly improve, the arrow points at them. Would anyone blame them for not doing that? Robin is the scapegoat for this season if they fail. If they fire him and still fail, it goes up the ladder. I think this is one of the most accurate insights I have read on this forum…Nobody knows exactly what is going on behind the velvet curtain at 35th and Shields..For all we know, JR has sent out his axe collection for sharpening, preparing for multiple heads to roll… Also keep in mind, KW made his splashy move in late 2011 hiring the anti-Ozzie, and proclaiming that he was absolutely the right man for the job…Hahn, in 2015, amid the angst and outcry for a new manager, firmly stated that the problem was absolutely not Ventura… Doesn't look too good when you can the guy that you went out on a limb to publicly endorse...
  13. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 8, 2016 -> 10:52 AM) You are not going to get an answer because they can't tell you anything. What they can do is gripe and proclaim their gloom and doom anger at any player, coach or manager or team owner, who happens to make themselves a target for the day. I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty that the amount of angst, gloom and doom is in direct proportion to fans frustration as to how a Major Market MLB franchise, and a WS Title in 2005, was followed by 11 yrs of a brief playoff appearance. Despite the fact that a second tier of Wildcard was added. I agree, you are correct there are people that just get off on b****ing. But point the finger at the fan, rather than the real sources of the problem...? .well, let's just say, the logic eludes me
  14. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 8, 2016 -> 06:22 AM) OK, Ventura resigns. What is it that you, captain54, will do to change the culture of the clubhouse and make this team win again? I'm not suggesting that I have the solution to what ails the Sox in the clubhouse, guy…I'm not paid to make those fixes... I'm offering an opinion and speculating on the dynamic of the Sox hierarchy and how things may be playing out, based upon my decades of experience as a Sox fan under the JR regime...
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 7, 2016 -> 11:14 PM) If they don't do it soon, the natives are going to wise up and turn on Hahn, KW and JR. Or Hahn/KW will turn on each other to blame the other for this current predicament. Somehow, Don Cooper will survive it all. On the other hand, Ventura is a KW hire. More than likely with JR blessing it. Ventura has gotten a free pass through all the suckage so far, and Hahn always comes forward to claim the fault lies not in the manager. I just don't see this trio publicly admitting they blew it. Only way RV goes during the course of the season is if he resigns.
  16. QUOTE (SonofaRoache @ Jun 7, 2016 -> 10:12 AM) I was under the impression managers actually conducted and oversaw events called practices where they went over hitting, fielding, pitching, bunting, and real game situations to help the players get better. Guess I was wrong. Here's an idea.. .just throwing it out there.. how about the Sox acquire players who already possess those skills, or develop players to acquire those skills?
  17. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 7, 2016 -> 11:06 AM) You can't live in the past. What is happening this season and what happened each season for the last 11 plus years can't be compared apples to apples When you have fundamentally the same organizational philosophy and same decision makers involved, and the same Chairman involved in day to day operations of the franchise..and a shuffling of management entirely disconnected to performance.. it's absolutely apples to apples...
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 6, 2016 -> 09:10 PM) Seems like every time the White Sox get swept (or lose three consecutive, in the Indians' series), we keep going in the opposite direction and our opponents use the positive feeling to elevate their level of play. I think losing Melky for the series really hurt the Sox.. I think they would have, at least, won one of those games, as opposed to being swept.. I think there's a big psychological difference from being swept to losing a series… The Sox play Central opponents an awful lot in September.. more so than any other month in the season….and that's gonna be the mantra of Hahn/KW, etc. to ward off the doubters.. But here's the thing….the Sox have no recent history, to my recollection… of putting the pedal to the metal and finishing a season like gangbusters.. their title year, 2005, had it's an almost historic collapse in the form of almost blowing a 15 game lead…until they miraculously pulled it out in the final weeks… They have the ace in hole of being aggressive and maybe having a little $$$ to spend, in order to make it interesting come trade deadline…But with a killer schedule still remaining in June, and all of July left to play without reinforcements… it could all be a mute point…if in fact we have seen the "true" White Sox 2016
  19. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 09:06 PM) Honestly, it actually has NOTHING to do with Ventura. You see, what happened was - in this ever connected cosmic dance called consciousness, that Tuesday night I broke up with my lady. Shock waves of disdane were sent rippling throughout the stratosphere and resulted in the White Sox becoming unhinged. Blame me or the old lady - not Robin. Comedy Gold. This. Yup
  20. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 08:45 PM) I'm not a Robin apologist. I think that he's a semi-decent manager and could live with or without him managing the Sox. The best thing that I can say about him is that he doesn't abuse the pitching staff and that he's done a decent job of managing/calming/motivating the not-so-smart contingent of the clubhouse that went wacko back in March. The worst thing that I can say about him is that he's given declining players such as LaRoche and Rollins too much slack. Where are the managing/calming/motivating skills, since the Sox took a mental knockout punch in the disastrous Tuesday nite Texas fiasco, from which they have seriously nosedived?
  21. QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 07:35 PM) Once again, changing manager would be an attempt at fixing one of the known problems for the White Sox. Not the only problem. So bringing up Greg Walker as some kind of diss makes no sense. Just go to your dozens of games and enjoy your losses. Keep in mind, the same mopes that hired Ventura, will be responsible for finding his replacement, if and when the time comes
  22. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 07:25 PM) It really hasn't. no manager would have won games with the 2013-2015 White Sox. But keep kidding yourselves, It's funny you mention that because, I was just thinking of an interview that Reinsdorf gave in 2003, right around the time that Manuel was under fire for lack of results. When asked if replacing Manuel was being discussed, Reinsdorf's response was..."Jerry Manuel is given a roster of players. The results he gets, or lack of results, from the players he is given, determines whether or not we need to think in another direction" It's interesting how Jerry Manuel was launched for not getting the most out of the roster he was given, but Ventura manages not be held to the same standard
  23. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 06:11 PM) Feels like it's about the perfect time for KW to make some incendiary statements that throw Hahn/Ventura under the bus and attempt to distance himself from this current mess.... More than likely, for Kenny to dip into the excuse bag on the Detroit sweep and site the absence of Cabrera and Jackson. My crystal ball tells me the standard tossing of the players under the bus, will follow. Immediately followed by the outrage by KW, that how dare the lack of player performance screw up his 3 yr plan
  24. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jun 4, 2016 -> 10:03 PM) My preference is to be a scarcastic witty ass and say stupid meaningless s*** like, poop. However, that innocent token towards freedom of speech hath been revoked. Rain on my f***ing parade. Rain. Rainbow colored glitter filled rain. With unicorns. Dancing unicorns. Sparkly dancing unicorns. Sarah Palin is on the Soxtalk.com board. Wow. Cool
  25. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 4, 2016 -> 09:31 PM) We started to comeback and just fell a bit short todaym I feel good about tomorrow I'd probably feel good about tomorrow too, but I just watched the Sox lose against a pitcher who had an 0-4 record against then and a 6.00 era. They fell short because of a recurring theme of wasting away a big inning in the first, and Albers again wetting the bed. To each their own, but sorry, I can't sit here in denial thinking everything is a-ok when we see the same issues over and over again I get that the whining and gloom and doom gets old, but at some point the whining about the whining isn't any better
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