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Everything posted by captain54

  1. QUOTE (GreenSox @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 10:15 PM) I wish they would give Steverson someone new from Charlotte to work with. I heard they are working with Chance the Rapper on learning to hit the off speed stuff
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 05:03 PM) Tuffy Rhodes and Buddy Biancalada agree. I thought it was Biancalana. Not Biancalada
  3. The Sox could not beat the Royals in 2012. I think they only won 6 games. That fact alone made them look like pretenders. As it turned out, after they beat Detroit in the makeup game on Monday in mid September, things were looking good. They then beat the Royals in the first game of the next series, but then got shutout by "Cy" Chen, and lost that series. A sweep by the Angels followed that, and then they lost every series of the year until the last one. Bottom line, I think the Sox paid the price for not being able to beat the lowly Royals that year
  4. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 11:16 AM) It would be nice (and important) to start beating someone in the division not named Minnesota. Mark The Sox have 15 divisional games in June. Mix in there, Boston, Toronto and Washington. 3 off dates in June. You've got the Royals missing a few key pieces, Byrd for the Indians out for the year. And the Detroit rotation a mess That sweep in KC is gonna haunt the Sox. That's a series that should have gone the other way, with a Sox sweep. There are 20 something divisional games in September. By that time KC could be healthy again. Damn
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 2, 2016 -> 05:42 PM) Hi Trump. Whoa. I'm not sure where the Trump thing came from. But, you got me. Well played. I lie mortally wounded. Congrats
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 2, 2016 -> 04:44 PM) And I wish people would stop pissing into every thread that isn't full of woe and angst. I didn't come here to start an argument or a troll war, just a simple entry on a fan forum, relaying my point of view. It's not a right vs wrong thing. Sorry if you can't handle that. That's unfortunate Woe and angst would more relate to human injustice, inequality, the fact that people can't support their families or that young people are being killed in Chicago, almost daily. Not whether the Sox can right the ship and fix the pen, whether Abreu can start hitting, or whether or not they can make at least the 2nd WC in October.
  7. I wish people would stop with "the Sox are above .500 and in 2nd place on June 1st. Everybody would have been happy with that pre-season" That's not the point. During the course of the first 1/3 of the season, the Sox lost a 6 game lead and then dropped 2 games back. That's a pretty alarming swing. Despite that, the season proceeds as is and the status quo remains Hahn's recent comment on the state of the Sox seemed to infer that the same bunch got the club 13 games over at some point, so it's certainly capable of doing it again. Yea Rick. But the same bunch also was capable of a 7 game losing streak and some historically horrific loses. So equally, they are capable of that as well
  8. QUOTE (ronkark @ May 28, 2016 -> 01:42 AM) Thoughts. Abreu - Another K with runners in scoring position. I'd rather Frazier up late because he has shown clutch-ness. Abreu has not. Crazy idea: What would Abreu bring in a trade. He's 29 already. Slow and doughy. Poor D. That gonna get better in future years. Cash in now. Get a package of ready now players or soon to be. The magic "3 yr plan" called for the "core". (Abreu Sale Eaton Robertson) to remain in intact thru 2017. Remember? While everyone gets all crazy, I'm gonna sit back and relax. According to Kenny we're only in yr 2 of the plan. It's all working like a well-oiled machine
  9. When Reinsdorf did more interviews, like.. right around the 2003 season, he was asked what the chances were of Jerry Manuel being replaced…. I believe it was Mike North on the WSCR… who, more or less, put him on the spot.. His comment was "Every manager we hire is given a roster of 25 players. What he does with those 25 players determines whether or not he is under consideration of being replaced" I'm not quoting verbatim, but you get the general idea.. I find it interesting that the same philosophy has never been applied to Robin… a choke in 2012 and 3 successive losing season, and it's the players who are thrown under the bus, by management...
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 25, 2016 -> 05:50 PM) Hahn is Williams, Williams is Hahn. Don't trust either one of them, really. Hahn's perfectly fine negotiating contract extensions and with the business/administrative side and will never do anything to embarrass the organization in terms of PR like KW, but talent evaluation? Not really his forte. You can't give Hahn credit for Eaton and Abreu and then turn around and overlook 75% of the remaining moves that have backfired and put this organization more and more behind the 8 ball. I'm not even sure you can applaud him for the Shark deal or Frazier if we don't get to the playoffs in the next two years...especially if everyone was wrong in their assessment of Trayce Thompson. Time will tell on that front. Holding on to that draft pick is turning out to be a critical error (see Bob Nightengale article at USA Today about Fowler) error as well. Being stubborn to show SOMETHING for the Shark deal isn't helping us when we really need it, at the MLB level, RIGHT NOW. I think this comment is on the money. Just substitute Ventura and add Hahn, and this organization is trying to do things exactly as it did in 2005. Not being able to develop position players has really taken its toll, and even a complete dedication to that concept could take a good handful of years to get where it needs to be.
  11. QUOTE (Deadpool @ May 24, 2016 -> 11:27 PM) If the White Sox blow this and Ventura isn't fired, I'm not sure Robin could do anything to get fired. If Ventura is fired during the course of the season, JR and Williams would be admitting they made a mistake in giving him the gig. So it's not gonna happen, because I don't think Hahn has the final say in the matter Since 1981, no Sox manager has been fired during the tenure of the GM that hired him (with the exception of Terry Bevington
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 19, 2016 -> 08:24 AM) Sox still at .600 which is a 97 win pace. It was obviously going to slow down and there are always bumps in the road. It's a 6 month season playing almost every day. Do that at your job, and notice the ups and downs. The 2005 World Champions once lost 7 consecutive games. The gamethreads really are ridiculous. All the problems with the team. No talent, the manager is horrible.... If the Sox have these problems and are playing .600, what exactly does that say about the other teams and the other managers? You make some decent points, however.. IMHO I believe your logic is flawed on a couple of different levels… - The average working Joe has room for error in terms of performance over the course of the year.. If their performance however, results in below average performance over multiple years, they will likely be replaced. – If your took your vehicle to have service done at a particular establishment and they just couldn't get it quite right over the course of the years.. let's say you were even stranded a few times because of a breakdown.. I doubt you would be very understanding of their tendency over the years to f***k things up.. - The 2005 Sox lost 7 in a row while being around 12 games up in the division with 6 weeks to play..plus they had multiple home run mashers, a stable rotation, and a bullpen that had performed consistently for 75% of the season to that point... slightly different scenario - a .600 record is meaningless, both positively and negatively, with only 25% of the season in the books… - It's not a question of Rick Hahn not being capable of trying to improve the team, or Robin not being competent, or this.. or that… The problems with the Sox run deeper.. The entire organization has crapped the bed, collectively, in terms of results... since the fiasco in late - mid September 2012.. that's a disappointing end to one season, followed by three full seasons of very underwhelming baseball….coming into 2016 we have the same exact (for the most part) conglomerate of decision makers responsible for not only everything post 2012, but a playoff drought now entering it's 8th year… So given all of that, what kind of money would YOU put down in Vegas on a 97 win record, or even a 90 win season, when all was said and done? -
  13. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 19, 2016 -> 01:58 AM) In other words, no to all of these moves...for now. First place teams can't afford to panic, or the season's already lost. There's too much veteran talent in that clubhouse and Chris Sale's smelling his first Cy Young. They should be able to keep it together, or Ventura will be shown the door. Which brings up the point. The Sox have 11 games coming up with KC and CLE. Go 3-8, and they will be battling DET for 3rd place. A turning point in the season if there ever was one (Of course, go 8-3, and this weeklong nightmare will be forgotten) The point? Let's say come Memorial Day, the Sox are falling further back in the Central and we're back to exactly where we were in 2015. "In the hunt for the Wild Card" How probable is it that Ventura is launched by mid-season?
  14. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 18, 2016 -> 12:21 PM) The place would have been full if JR didn't let Harry get away 34 years ago. This Reinsdorf outfit has had 36 yrs to try to put asses in the seats. Still haven't been able to figure it out Maybe more wacky promotions? They've got Bring your Pooch day/night. Then there's Elvis night. How about combining them and having fans bring their pets, dressed as Elvis, Night? Sound like a winner to me. Or maybe Don Cooper dressed as Elvis for home games, the remainder of the season?
  15. QUOTE (shakes @ Feb 23, 2016 -> 05:47 PM) If you want to argue they don't spend wisely or their model is antiquated I won't disagree. Although, I do think they are slowly headed in the right direction. Before you know it, the window will close on the opportunity of having the two studs, Abreu and Sale, being able to at least sniff the playoffs…. So much of it is based upon whether or not the Sox have young position players who can make an impact…Based upon the track record over the last 16 yrs, do we have any real evidence of that?
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 23, 2016 -> 12:33 PM) Funds must be tight league wide Yes.. there have been reports that JR and Kenny Williams have been spotted around town driving used, hi mileage Hyundai's..
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 23, 2016 -> 10:36 AM) The fact that they are still looking, while useful players are sitting out there tells me everything that I need to know. The most negative will take it as the teams management is either stupid or negligent. I think that is just silly. The powers that be (billionaire investors accustomed to juicy dividend checks) opened the checkbook post 2005 and the FO couldn't make it happen… 3 Playoff appearances in 16 yrs… rather than "stupid or negligent". . how about just "ineffective" ?
  18. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 28, 2016 -> 10:24 PM) Goods points and could not agree with you more. Too many fans are focused on what did not or has not happened yet instead taking a few steps back to see what has actually been accomplished so far. The Sox are in a much better place than they were at seasons end. Was talking to some Angels fans…. the FO starts the season, and the fans come to expect nothing less than at least a playoff spot every year, a chance to compete for a World Series in October.... the mindset is that anything less than that and the season is a failure.. Here in Chicago, Sox fans are pleased that. "at least we are better than last year" Pretty sad that our standards are so low..
  19. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:15 PM) That he has an opinion? I am an employee of the state of illinois. I know my opinion about the state is vastly different than the view of the governor and legislature. People even employees are entitlted to opinions. I would not put that on the rest of organization especially the view of a cantankerous old new yorker. I could see if Cooper expressed this to someone over a drink at a bar or whatever, but to put his opinions (rather negative toward the paying customer, I might add) out there over social media, radio, TV, etc? I would think someone in the the organization might tell Don to knock it off. Its not like they are at capacity with season ticket holders…its like the last thing the organization needs is another reason for fans to possibly stay away…
  20. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:29 PM) There's really not much effort involved at all. If you click on the number of posts in a particular thread on the main forum page, it tells you how many posts each poster has in the thread. Now 63 (at that time) divided by 21 (at that time) isn't really that hard for me to figure out in my head. I am not pissed off at all, it just seems strange that you have the time to lead the charge b****ing about something that nobody else seems to really consider a big deal but don't have the time to present any evidence when asked. If you have the time to calculate my posts.. you have the time to join facebook and look up all of this info on your own.. seriously, that's how little effort it takes.. Guys, it's been fiun.. but I'm out.. this is bordering on the silly.. if not absurd.. have a nice weekend...
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 01:20 PM) That you are spending time worrying about what Don Cooper supposedly thinks. I'm not gonna keep going over this. You've already chosen to believe that I'm sitting around wringing my hands over what Cooper says.. I've stated about a million times already that I find it interesting, and at least worth noting.. and THATS IT!! You may not think, or most here is this little circle of Sox fandom may not think, that was Cooper says has any consequence… I know tons of Sox fans who are pretty incredulous over what Cooper had to say.. they just aren't on an internet board, not all of them anyway, expressing their concerns... It's tough almost impossible to have an intelligent interchange with someone when they've think they've got it all figured out.. when they don't So its been fun.. but later.. have a nice weekend..
  22. QUOTE (ptatc @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:47 PM) I think its pretty safe to say that any one coach doesn't speak for the entire organization. Maybe Brooks Boyer but not a coach. When a member of the organization, coach.. executive.. investor.. player.. whatever.. says .. "if you complain, WE don't want you as a fan anyway" What would that lead you to believe?
  23. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:18 PM) Seems like you have the time, I mean you have been a member here for over 10 years and 1/3 of your posts are in this thread. the fact that you actually calculated all of my total posts and then counted my posts on this thread and figured the percentage. is a little alarming… I'm sorry my recent posting trend doesn't meet your approval… Kindly off some tips on how I should post to insure I don't piss you off in the future..
  24. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 12:35 PM) Two things. 1) you're talking about a closed group on Facebook so its not easily available to those not in the group. 2) not everyone is on Facebook. two more things: 1) About 90% of the human population that uses a computer and is regularly online, is on Facebook.. if you chose not to go that route and tap into all that info, that's not my problem. 2) you put in a request to join the group.. there are 100's or 1000's of members.. its not some elite selective thing
  25. QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 11:55 AM) That's just it, I don't see it being an issue worth looking into or making a stink over. My point is that you want to discuss the issue without providing the info needed to have a proper discussion. To be honest, you're coming across as just spamming SoxTalk to get members to join the Facebook group where Cooper supposedly had these exchanges with some fans. With all due respect, couldn't be further from the truth.. I didn't even start this thread.. I just looked it up myself when I heard about it and posted it on another board..another poster read it there just passed that along here… Do you really think I have the time to document this whole thing when it's easily available online for anyone to read? C.mon..
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