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Everything posted by captain54
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 09:20 AM) Maybe I will jump on the outrage train. I hear sometimes you get free stuff. I guess I will never really understand this kind of attitude from you, and others like you.. That if anyone expresses any negative or questioning tone toward the Sox organization, they are immediately labeled as outraged lunatics and disgruntled a-holes who are never happy with anything… That's really not fair.. or accurate. You can't blow off every negative or critical comment as illogical or irrational.. This is an organization that is in a pretty deep funk, fighting for their lives to stay relevant in this town. It's been exposed in a lot of ways.. a big market team with a pretty mediocre track record over the last decade..and at or near the bottom in terms of attendance or TV viewership.. I guess also maybe in your ideal world, fans should just go the games and keep their mouths shuts.. and if they don't like it, don't b**** about it, just don't go to the games… Is the organization accountable to it's fandom in any fashion? Or do the White Sox simply exist for the benefit of providing very lucrative salaries for players, administrators, and already very wealthy investors? Im not trying to be a sh*t to people, and I truly do respect everyone's opinion and right to say what they feel.. Ultimately what the Sox do or don't do doesn't affect my day that much.. even during the season.. but to discount the fact that there are passionate fans who have grown up with this team and want desperately to feel some kind of pride, rather than frustration.. that's just not realistic, and not being honest about what state the franchise is in...
QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 11:38 AM) So you expect people to take you at your word? No dude.. Do the research yourself and look it up..
QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 04:39 AM) That said, the natives are growing testy, and rightfully so. It's not about Don Cooper, though. If he said "f--k you!" to every fan he came across, it would matter not at all (unless they were kids) as long as the pitching staff led the world in war, whip and fip. One of the things Cooper said in one of his recent online rants was, (not an exact quote)…"if you are going to be a negative or complaining fan, we don't want you as a fan".. If you don't think this could be damaging in some respect in the Sox attempts to regain some relevancy in this town, then I basically think you are choosing not to look at it realistically This was directed at both season ticket holders, past season ticket holders, or possibly potential season ticket holders.. Basically saying. "if you don't agree with what we do f--k you" It's not what Cooper says or does that is the issue, IMHO.. it's that it raises the question of whether this reflects the organization as a whole's attitude toward the Sox fan.. People are going to go to games, or not go to games despite what Cooper says, I agree with that.. It's not a issue that is at the forefront of what the Sox are faced with approaching a new season, but I think its noteworthy in that this happens again and again.. a high ranking member of the Sox organization disparaging the paying customer..
QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 09:23 AM) Oh, you really know what happened with all of this? My bad, JR. Didn't know that I was dealing with Sox brass in the know Why don't you post your irrefutable proof of Don Coopers (supposed to be private) interactions? Because I'm not obligated to provide information that is easily attainable online.. or prove anything to anyone.. Go to the Sox Pride and Passion FB group and the Donny Cooper FB page and do the research yourself, if you are so inclined.. My guess is that you'll figure out a way to poke holes in it either way.
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 22, 2016 -> 03:46 PM) Now if you will excuse me, I have to go complain about the $10,000 I never have gotten for sharing that powerball ticket picture. congrats on being that rare human being that never questions anything or has an issue with anyone at anytime…kudos to you.. must be all that hand holding and Kumbaya singing. I'll have to try that sometime...
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 22, 2016 -> 03:45 PM) The link that was posted the other day is still active. that's not what I'm talking about… old links weren't erased, however there weren't to be any future discussion on FB of that nature
QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 21, 2016 -> 07:30 AM) Cooper is Cooper. It's not going to keep anyone from attending a Sox game, except for those who weren't inclined to go in the first place and were deliberately looking for something to faux rage against. Non-issue. Moving on.... For the record, and for those willing to spout an opinion (funny how people have opinions about everything, even "non-issues") without knowing what really happened with all of this… the Sox got wind of all the Cooper FB stuff and told him to shut it down.. if it was a non issue and inconsequential, why did they intervene?
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:20 PM) Get your Facebook friends to protest at USCF. Block the entrances on Opening Day, there should be enough people outraged like you, and call for Cooper's head. Wow . I guess you told ME.. I couldn't possibly have a comeback for that..
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 10:07 PM) There is no way a guy who gets so irritated on a message board using pal, doesn't blow a gasket when a customer tells him his service blows. It is funny, Cooper's passion in life gets ripped, he defends it and rips people , that is wrong, but you doing the same thing, no problem. Nobody cares here about it, and only a select few even care about it at a place they freak out when stripes on the road pants get changed. Difference is, I"m not a high ranking member of the Sox organization, with the potential to further damage an already shaky relationship with the fans..
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 07:58 PM) Yes, people need to get over themselves if they think this is really something worth getting upset about. I can even get something like a DUI, beating his wife, etc... but some supposed facebook private messages? Find some priorities in life. If Cooper went public, on radio, TV, social media, etc.. and said.. "I LOVE Fords.. I think Chevy's SUCK!" and people were upset about that.. I would say totally . that would be out of line.. However in one of these FB exchanges, Cooper said, roughly.. "if you are a fan that is unhappy and complaining and negative, we don't want you as a fan anyway" Now this was addressed to anyone who complained about the Sox.. whether they be a season ticket holder, a past season ticket holder, or a possible potential season ticket holder… I'm not sitting around frustrated and fuming about this. trust me.. but it sure piques my curiosity about how things are done behind closed doors at 35th and Shields
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 07:47 PM) Your post at WSI. You sure seem offended to me. If you are not offended, why did you make such a big deal about it here and at WSI? never once in the thread did I explicitly state I was offended or disgusted.. I brought it up on WSI as a topic of discussion, and thats all she wrote, pal. But feel free to paint it whatever color or shade you'd care to..
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 05:59 PM) It is pretty apparent you tell the neighborhood kids to stay off your lawn. You're at least as cranky as Cooper. True. I tell the kid next door to stay off my lawn.. and go deep for a pass…because when the weathers decent we throw the football around.. I get along just fine with everyone in the neighborhood, young and old.. But again, I get it.. You need to paint me as this cranky complaining lunatic fan in order to support the points in your argument.. That certain fans like to complain, just to complain..so ultimately the Sox are justified in calling out their fans for whatever reason.. Its hard for me to take you seriously and have an intelligent discourse when you just throw stuff out there with clearly no idea what you're talking about.. and that's happened now twice in the same thread… My main goal in my business, as in any business.. is to maintain a healthy, working sustained relationship with my customer..yes, sometimes they are clearly wrong..but.. the last thing I would do is call them on the carpet and dress them down.. my main focus is: yes we have a problem here, but. let's try to work together to fix it… True. if I as a consumer. and in this case, a consumer of a ticket or tickets to Sox games…consumer of concessions, parking,etc…. don't feel I am getting my money's worth.. I am free to choose to not go back and spend my money, as a statement of my disapproval.. But now you see my friend, apparently people are doing that.. walking away…bottom of the barrel MLB attendance figures not to mention lowest in MLB RCN Prime Time TV ratings.. When a person with a major role in the organization goes public and rips into fans for their non attendance, as if to say "how dare you not attend games!"…I believe that to be quite appalling.. apparently you and other don't . so be it
QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 05:52 PM) Omg my teenage daughter is less drama. We get it, you are offended that someone who may or may not have been Cooper dared to say we don't need you if you don't support us. Shake your fist at the sky, Abraham! . I'd appreciate if you didn't put words in my mouth. I never said I was offended. I said I was interested in the topic of discussion. But guess what? You get to have the last word. Go for it! Have a nice day
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 04:37 PM) People think they are way more important than they really are. Let me be the first to say it, no business owes you anything. The White Sox owe you nothing. Then I would assume then that if you go to US Cellular and pay top dollar to see MLB, and the Sox decide to put their AAA team on the field, you would be totally cool with that because the Sox don't owe you anything.. no business owes you anything You're kidding, right..? I happen to be an independent business person and I damn well owe the people who pay for my service something. Timely delivery, professional quality product and service… Good Lord...
QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 04:45 PM) We get it man but i think you're overlooking the "who cares" aspect of this fake news. It's a damn shame we're grown men and women talking about such a useless topic. Such an outright useless topic. Damn shame. It's like getting mad at your mom for getting pissed or having a mood swing. "Mom you have to answer for this. How dare you. No mother of mine isn't perfect. If the PC & PR police dorks were here I'd have them arrest you. Turn in your keys on the way out of your own house." So basically if it doesn't interest you it's a bunch of crap and we should all shut it down.. Who appointed you all high and mighty in terms of what people should or should be interested in? What would you rather discuss? Lets go over the potential starting lineup for the 2016 opener.. for the millionth time… or lets discuss any other you deem appropriate.. God forbid someone discuss something that doesn't interest you.. I find at least it a topic of note, that a high ranking member of the Sox organization got busted (assuming this is 100% true) for expressing his rather disparaging opinion of Sox fans.. I'm curious about everything Sox and the Sox organization… is this the way the organization as a whole feels about their fans? Is Cooper basically the hothead that ends up not being able to contain the corporate restraint? There's a lot more to this story than maybe you're aware off. He really went off on some people, some season ticket holders… Bottom line.. I get it.. there's a certain faction that must desperately twist any negative attitude about the Sox as rants from a bunch of whiny babies and lunatics.. It works out great because it helps support their superior view of themselves as the more knowledgeable, calm, restrained, professional fan...
QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 03:25 PM) The real life to athlete life comparison is weak. It's not even remotely the same planet and you know it If you want to be butt hurt about Facebook messenger comments that may or may not be real, whatever. Live your truth, rage on, fight the good fight Athlete life? we are talking business and marketing 101… where normally when there is a problem with the product, or attendance in this case…you address what YOU are doing wrong, as opposed to what the CUSTOMER is doing wrong.. on second thought. you may be right.. life at 35th and Shields reflects more of an insular "company softball team" mentality, as opposed to life in the real world...
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 03:09 PM) The other thing is the assumption that whatever Don Cooper thinks reflects the entire White Sox organization is just some more craziness. If every little thing about being a White Sox fan pisses you off so much, spend your time doing something you enjoy. You will be much better off. Don't need you to tell me how to spend my time, pal. Been a Sox fan going on the 6th decade..and it's gonna stay that way.. and I'll maintain my skepticism about the organization, whether you disapprove or not.. Your opinion and point of view isn't Gospel Truth.. There's no way for you to know one way or another if the common attitude in the Sox organization is or isn't scorn and derision… I never assumed that what Cooper thinks reflects the organization.. I'm suggesting its within the realm of possibility.. Has the organization ever issued a disclaimer when Cooper went off on one of his radio rants? Not that i recall.. Have they ever ordered a cease and desist on his disparaging the paying customer? apparently not, because ole Cooper continues to get his shots in.
QUOTE (Joshua Strong @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 02:29 PM) Totally agree You are a regular customer at a restaurant.. the ownership changes the menu, the decor.. the quality overall is not to your liking.. You and others decide to go elsewhere..suddenly the restaurant is empty most nights.. The owner or members of the staff go public and rip their former customers.. disparaging them, in some ways insulting them.. placing the onus of their failure to draw customers on the actual customer.. rather than flaws in their operation… Apparently, you would probably agree with this scenario as well...
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 01:54 PM) That's where Lip got it. The whiners here can't hold a candle to you guys. Well, you don't know the whole background of how this thing got started, so basically... you don't know what you're talking about, so we'll leave it at that… there's whining there but its no more or less than any other fan board… of course, in your fantasy world it sounds like your panacea is for everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya, despite three losing seasons…
QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 01:38 PM) It's from WSI. They literally get upset if the guy taking the money in the parking lot isn't smiling at them. I am totally serious. You're wrong. It's not originally from WSI. I'm totally serious
QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 01:35 PM) I just can't imagine getting worked up about this. It's not a question of getting worked up. The bigger issue is: is this an indication of how the organization as a whole views their fans, with Cooper being the only one with the juice to actually express it? When Cooper has ripped the fans in the fast, has the organization ever come out to offer a disclaimer?
24/7 Wall Street: Sox 5th largest declining fanbase in sports
captain54 replied to Lip Man 1's topic in Pale Hose Talk
QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 06:21 AM) Ratings is a percentage of households. Sox market is so huge, they are still pulling in more viewers than most teams. Yes, next deal won't be near what the Cubs get, but it will still be good. That's not true.. Forbes listed the RCN Prime Time ratings last October… Neilsen ratings take the percentage of households in the area tuned into the regional sports network.. the White Sox had less than 1% of households tuned into CSN during prime time, lowest in MLB... despite the size of the Sox market, the only MLB team with a lower cumulative viewership was the A's In contrast, the Royals had a percentage 12x higher than the Sox, and a cumulative viewership 10x that of the Sox, despite a smaller market.. -
Behind the narrative - A process underway
captain54 replied to NorthSideSox72's topic in Pale Hose Talk
QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 2, 2015 -> 05:56 PM) I appreciate the kind words everyone. Working around Kenny Williams was the hardest part about writing this piece. Simply put, I am not going to go under the Future Sox label and bash the President of Baseball Ops. I do think away from him there are a lot of changes and activities that have taken place over the last half decade that don't jive with the narratives at hand. Even so, the way JR was able to keep his guy and Hahn was crafty and costed coin. While I think you guys make good points that I don't necessarily disagree with, it's not in my best interest or the brand I am representing to hark on those sentiments. I thought your article was a good read, and I appreciate your journalistic integrity.. but a number of critical points not being addressed, made it an incomplete snapshot on what's really happening with this franchise.. What I feel is most absurd about the Sox Front Office situation is this: You have a current GM trying to clean up the mess created by the former GM.. this former GM now in a position of even more authority.. a heart beat from the Chairman… That's a pretty lofty position of power for someone who, yes… was in command in 05, but has subsequently sent this franchise into the dark ages… Also, there was really very little mention of Ventura and where he stands in the scheme of things.. -
Behind the narrative - A process underway
captain54 replied to NorthSideSox72's topic in Pale Hose Talk
QUOTE (Dunt @ Dec 2, 2015 -> 05:40 PM) Need to somewhat echo these sentiments. Brian, you wrote a great article and like everyone else, I appreciate your insight. I wouldnt label the problem of the White Sox FO as one of loyality, I see it as more of a problem of accountability. Kenny took over as GM in 2000 and in that time has been to the playoffs twice and won a world series. We are all thankful for that World Series, but it should not buy this type of freedom. Kenny ran the farm system into the ground along with almost completely ruining the White Sox presence in Latin America through his hires, why is he still around after 15 years? 2 playoffs in 15 years is such a poor resume for a team in a city the size of Chicago. It sends a message of complacency to the fanbase in my opinion. I will go one step further and ask why Buddy Bell still holds a position of power? If Buddy Bell is responsible for the development in our farm system (and the best homegrown players we have barely spent time in it), then how the hell does he still have a job? The White Sox havent produced a position player worth a damn in over a decade. I'm pleased the White Sox seem to be heading in a more intelligent direction as a franchise though. The talent that is starting to be produced by our farm is exciting and Im happy to see them re-establishing themselves internationally. I will say though, it is somewhat aggravating that they dont seem to go all the way in in any facet of organizational development though. For instance, if they are going to spend a 2nd and a 3rd round pick on FA in one offseason, doesnt it make sense to go over your limit in int'l FA the following July to keep an influx of talent coming in? Why did they even spend a 2nd and a 3rd last year in FA when there were so many other holes in their lineup? Im excited for them to have so many picks this coming draft and I hope they make the absolute best of them. Im sure that means this offseason will be less interesting than the fanbase is hoping, but those picks are going to be very important for this franchise moving forward. In terms of what this currently means for the White Sox major league team, well, that's kinda the most frustrating part. They have legitimate superstar talent there in Sale, Abreu, and maybe Rodon and have surrounded it with really nice core pieces in Quintana and Eaton, but if the system isnt really going to yield help any time soon, what good is it to have any of these guys besides maybe Rodon? They can keep trying to patch this up with band aids like they have, but that isnt really working. That is kinda babbling on my part. I guess my overarching thought is that I'm sick of the half measures by this organization. I appreciate that it might be going in the right direction, but it's been brutal to be a fan of this organization. Kudos to you on a very well written post. my sentiments exactly The big question is: the Sox are looking at a huge departure vs the way they've approached things in the past.. this is the intelligent direction you speak of.. Do you really trust this organization with developing and nurturing young talent? I'm not too concerned about the pitching, but defense and fundamentals don't seem to be this organizations forte.. thats all we need is to acquire and bring along these studs, only to have them never reach their potential in a Sox uniform.. -
QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 23, 2015 -> 04:29 PM) With the Cardinals, Tigers before this season, Twins trending back up, Royals, Indians with Lindor/Kipnis/Brantley/Gomes/Santana and that pitching staff...other than the Brewers sucking we're hemmed in right now regionally by better run organizations. And even the Brewers continue to wallop a lot of teams in attendance despite being terrible. I think its probably hard for Reiney to state specifics as to how things are moving forward in a interview....because there probably is in fact, no real clear direction forward Reiney does some great work with Sox Charities and is not a bad guy…I'd be happy with him remaining a figurehead in the organization.. sort of like the Queen of England.. formally in charge.. but not really in charge.. Yeah like thats gonna happen.