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Everything posted by captain54

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 5, 2015 -> 08:59 PM) I think the thought process really went off the rails in the 2014 offseason. Fine, Adam Dunn and the 2011 team turned into a disaster. 2012 was somehow better, then in 2013 we had to begin tearing things down. We moved off Peavy, we cleared salary, we started giving time to young guys. We successfully brought in Abreu, so we started gathering pieces...then the 2014 offseason hit. In the 2014 offseason was where we really blew it. We made so many basic errors, so many flaws in our thought process. That's where we shortcut the path we were on that could have actually worked and could have actually worked at building a strong, deep roster. And the end result is that now we're back to having to fill gaping holes on the FA market and worrying about a roster with little depth and we'll need to rely on rookies and we've got a lot of weak defenders but I'm sure it'll work better in 2016 so let's spend big again. Outstanding post. Required reading for every Sox fan
  2. QUOTE (Thad Bosley @ Aug 5, 2015 -> 08:52 PM) No, what JR was "mocked" for back then, and ever so rightly so, was for trading Alvarez, Hernandez, and Darwin away at the deadline when the Sox were in 2nd place and "only" 3 1/2 games out of first place. It was a travesty then and criticized not only by a fan base excited about a potential trip to the postseason - a rarity in the JR ownership years - but across baseball circles as well. add to that the fact that Ventura had just come back from a bad injury and was just hitting his stride. The funny thing was, even without Alvarez, Hernandez, and Darwin, the Sox continued to make a run and even closed the gap somewhat until Cleveland finally pulled away..
  3. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Aug 4, 2015 -> 10:34 PM) . As far as Ozzie, he quit on the team in 2011, b****ed and moaned about his salary and contract. Insulted the fan base numerous times (remember his comments about the fans not liking his lineups? Or how about the infamous "pissing on statues" comment?) If Ozzie was the last manager on Earth, I'd say no thanks. Mark That was four years ago and I think most fans' memory is probably a little short in that respect. Remember, Robin was the Anti-Ozzie, and there was gonna be a newer, happier franchise once Ozzie was gone.. Well, it hasn't exactly turned out that way… Yes, Robin has 1 year left on his contract, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Reinsdorf is a smart enough business man, though loyal, to ease Robin out replacing him with Ozzie next year, if it meant a possible uptick in ST sales for 2016... True.. Ozzie doesn't know when to shut up, but neither did DaCoach and the DaCoach is still one popular guy in Chicago..why? because Chicago fans are big and boisterous themselves with their opinions.. I'm not saying Ozzie is the best choice to replace Robin.. But he certainly would be a great choice to maybe generate some interest in this franchise that continues toward irrelevancy in this town..
  4. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Jul 11, 2011 -> 12:58 AM) I suppose it's possible Ozzie is somehow not motivating these guys, but I really don't want to believe that at all. Pitching is good, D is pretty good, and the obvious suckfest on offense is killing us. Why is it Ozzie's fault that everyone sucks, that we can't blow a team out, that we have to scratch and claw our way to one-run victories? I hate watching every at-bat; I've never seen so many popups in my life. Why can't we hit line drives? What happened to doubles? Doubles are great but our guys are never lacing balls down the line oppo. Oh and it really sucks that our 14M, career 1-dimensional DH is now 0-dimensional. That one hurts bad. If you watch the Twins approach at the plate, it's completely the opposite to that of the Sox. Singles hit up the middle, batters finding the holes in the defense and punching the ball through. Watch the Sox hitters and you get guys up there with long loping swings, swinging for the fences, swinging at bad pitches, pitches out of the zone, pop ups, double plays... why do you think its so hard for the Sox to bring a guy in from third with less than 2out? they are under the league average in that respect. Because they don't have the discipline? Because maybe they're not capable? If Ozzie is epousing a more disciplined approach at the plate and they can't get it done...a) its Kenny Williams fault for putting together a roster of stiffs b) if they have the talent to be disciplined at the plate and they aren't doing it despite what Ozzie is preaching, then they've tuned Ozzie out and he's lost the team.
  5. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 10, 2011 -> 11:06 PM) For the first time in many seasons, you have the feeling that if KW went to Konerko/AJ/Buehrle at the break and asked them if they could win the division with the team they had on paper, they'd all say "games aren't played on paper or on the back of a baseball card" and that SOMETHING needed to be done to change the mix/chemistry. The mix/chemistry has been bad for a while now. After it all felt apart during the last half of 06', its been one excuse after another. Two slow starts in a row (10' and 11') and the organization is still not convinced that maybe they don't quite have the formula down to put together a consistent winner and the the magic that worked in 05' has lost its sparkle. What's funny is, you will never hear anyone in the organization, ANYONE, even hint around to the fact that MAYBE they were wrong about the team that was assembled to compete in 11'. No reason to change the manager, the hitting coach, the GM...nope, everything is fine. The fact is, this is NOT one of the elite teams in MLB. $127 M payroll in a major market and I sat there and watched the other day and watched a ball game, a team that had absolutely no life offensively or otherwise. Something is not right, AT ALL in this organization.
  6. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) I thought he had the best job in the universe. 10 points for anyone who figures it out. I actually agree with most of what Mariotti said in that column....there's got to be at least 10 games in the months of August and September where the Sox "choked" away games they should have won.... His assessment of Garland's performance was unfair....giving up 3 runs is not great, but it's not in the "choke" category.... Would CLee and Magglio look good in the #3 hole....absolutely....Mariotti forgets though that Magglio was hurt most of the first half, and with CLee we don't have Podsednick, who was the catalyst for the great first half...so WITH them it's unlikely the Sox would have ever had a 15 game lead to fall back on.... His last statement basically inferred that the Sox don't deserve to be in the playoffs...again, that's a little unfair....all the 4 playoff contenders in the East and Central have holes.... red sox-bullpen yankees-starting pitching cleveland-defense white sox-low BA RISP if you have the record at the end of the year that qualifies for postseason play, then you deserve to be in the playoffs..... A better way for Mariotti to put it should have been ...."if the Sox can't get it done in the next 6 games against Detroit and Cleveland , then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs".....but of course, I think Mariotti just gets off on pissing people off...
  7. I honestly think that Ozzie is going nowhere in 2006, no matter what happens this year, but stranger things have happened in MLB.... I think Piniella would be a great fit as manager of the Chicago White Sox in 2006... In the Trib today it was mentioned that the chain between Reinsdorf, the Hawk, and Piniella is "transparent" (whatever that means).... do you think that means that the Hawk could have something to say about Ozzie's status next year?????
  8. How different would the Sox situation be if Clee and Magglio were here instead of Podsenick and Dye?? There is no question CLee's offense is sorely missed now..... Magglio was hurt the first few months of the season, but the last couple months Podsednick's hurt and a non-factor, so that' kind of a wash to me....Right now, you might as well put TPerez, Ozuna, or even Willie Harris in leadoff spot..I don't see where it's going to make much difference.... Despite all the talk of small ball, I believe it was really the pitching staff that carried the Sox the first half... Going into this season, it was clearly a case of spending on pitching vs offense.... But what if JR decided to go for it and spend for both???? where would we be now?? Regardless of what happens this season, it will be interesting to see how Kw and JR figure out where to go to get some offense for next year.....if they miss the playoffs, the drop in season ticket sales might mean more Borchard, Anderson, and maybe another mid level player to replace Carl Everett.....I find it unlikely that Big Hurt will be back next year....
  9. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2005 -> 09:58 PM) We're not the Yankees, Mets, Red Sox, or Cubs. Basically, that means that no one cares very much about the Sox. I don't think the national bashing will be all that bad. If the Sox fail to make the playoffs, they will have the distinction of being the team with the largest lead ever that did not make the playoffs....Brooklyn Dodgers in '51 were 13 up and didn't make it, and the Red Sox in '78 were 14 up and lost the one game playoff at the end of the year to the Yankees... the Sox were 15 up on August 1.... it will be history in the making and you better believe BBTN, Sportscenter and all the sports blab radio statons will be all over it.... if it happens, I don't plan on listening to any sports blab radio or cable sports shows until Christmas... Reinsdorf must be absolutely beside himself right now....I'm just glad I'm not KW, Ozzie, or any of the players and have to live it wherever I go....
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 12:11 PM) Welcome to SoxTalk! Was a member of the White Sox Interactive board since 2000 and was banned for telling the mods that their board wasn't nearly as negative as the Yankee/Met boards...
  11. The Sox are basically in the predicament they are in because the Indians have played lights out for the last couple of months....and all of the breaks that went their way in the first half are now turning the other way.. However, all the Sox needed to do to avoid the possible ultimate disaster of being knocked out of playoff contention was to maintain a .500 record or slightly above, which so far, they have not been done. That was not a lot ot ask. As of right now, they barely have a .500 record since August 1 when they had their 15 game lead... It's true, at the beginning of the season, no one expected the Sox to be in the positon they're in now...However, when you lose close to 15 games in the standings in 8 weeks, there is a breakdown somewhere... What Ozzie and KW have in their favor is that Reinsdorf is notoriously loyal to his people, and releasing any one of them is a reflective on the choices he has made. But if the Sox blow this thing, you have to expect a serious hit in season ticket sales/attendance next year, and Reinsdorf is going to need to address that issue. Justified or not, thousands of Sox fans are going to blame Ozzie, and Reinsdorf has to look at the bottom line and see that means thousands less people at the park...
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