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Everything posted by captain54

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 26, 2016 -> 11:57 AM) This from the guy who is crying about being called a JR hater for routinely hating on the teams ownership. Yeah, um, ok. Apparently comprehension really is a fleeting skill. I JUST..literally JUST posted, and reminded you... that I have dealt with JR and there is no hate in my heart for this man… Here's what follows.: This from the guy who is crying about being called a JR hater for routinely hating on the teams ownership Obviously, you are the last person that should be coaching people as to their comprehension skills….
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 26, 2016 -> 07:30 AM) But completely unrelated jokes about people's home towns are evidently kosher, got it. If you want to play the maturity card, at least pretend to live up to it on your end. GMAB. You evidently can't handle a debate without resorting to insults, but then you get upset when someone calls you on your hating of ownership? Yeah, OK. I think you might not be ready for the sandbox. You don't have any problem dishing out daily insults towards Sox fans… Questioning the loyalty of a lot of us who have been thru thick and thin as Sox fans for nearly six decades…. But yet, you can't handle a little good natured ribbing about NW Indiana SW MI.. You are TRULY a piece of work..
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 02:08 PM) Now if you want a real example of arguing with yourself... Nice try, but a...no. The roster has turned over multiple times, yet the status quo of the front office remains. Those involved in throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks, are given opportunity after opportunity, despite the franchise bring stuck in quicksand And let's knock it off with the "Reinsdorf Hater" crap, shall we? I'm one of JR's biggest critics as far the transgressions of the ballclub, but personally I've dealt with JR thru charities and he's one of the nicest guys you could meet. I don't "hate" people unless they've committed some act of atrocity. I'm sure most JR critics feel the same. Of course, I get that you need to paint people into this lunatic box in order to flesh out your narrative. But please, knock it off. It makes you sound like you're in Junior High
  4. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 01:50 PM) If JR replaces KW and RH, I wouldn't shed any tears, but from the sounds of it, that isn't happening, so we have to hope that this is the offseason where their plans actually work. Every year, it's a roll of the dice.. the fan base is tired of it… the roster has been turned over numerous times in the last few years and have produced ZERO results.. which gets back to the "trying" issue again.. by maintaining the status quo in the organization, despite the results, it sends a message to the fan base that you are tolerating mediocrity….
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 01:36 PM) Way to take it out of context. The entire thread has been about the ballpark deal. That is exactly what that was about, and it was stated as such multiple times. With the I think Simone Biles would be impressed with the gymnastics you are going through here to turn this into something else. The gymnastics I am going thru is trying to debate in circles with you…. one more time.. your comment from 7:16 am today... Eh, you can rationalize this all you want, but you are still missing the essential truth at the base of it all. If the fanbase invests in the franchise, the franchise is better for it. If they don't, they are worse off. The results of the fan base are right in front of you. The thread may have been about the ballpark deal, but you CLEARLY are taking an opportunity for another dig at the Sox fanbase….
  6. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 01:09 PM) As to the product on the field, it hasn't been up to par, everyone knows that. They are trying. I pretty much agree with everything you've said.. You make total sense... I have no argument, except for the fact that they are "trying" "trying" in my eyes would mean serious evaluation and if need be, making people who are, and have been in positions of authority accountable for performance… "trying" to make the ballpark a fun experience? I think they've accomplished that.. If they want to run the franchise like Great America and cater to a date night, family crowd.. that's fine… that's how it's been and they have their 26th out of 30 in MLB attendance and seem to be OK with that… An elite, powerhouse of a ball club, that strikes fear into the hearts of the opponent, and is fitting for a major market city? JR has people in power that have been "trying" to do that and have failed.. it's time to give someone else a "try"
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 12:52 PM) Also, never said that. I said that fan support makes a difference in resources available to the franchise. It would be nice if you were going to attribute things, if they were at least correct. For starters.. let's look at your comment from 7:12am today, to Lip: "Reading what you post is completely different than what you just said" Then we have your comment from 7:16 am today to Thad Bosley "If the fanbase invests in the franchise, the franchise is better for it. If they don't, they are worse off. The results of the fan base are right in front of you. Any reasonable person would assume a couple of things from this comment a) you personally have an extremely negative view of the Sox fan base b) the source of th e Sox woes are their whiny, disloyal, unfaithful fan base. Your backpedaling is furious and impressive…I'll give you that.. You could generate the power necessary to supply the towns of Michigan City, all the up the Red Arrow HW to Sawyer, MI, with enough electricity for a year...
  8. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 12:29 PM) But they aren't winning and they do suck and we've all been complaining about the product on the field for years and nothing has changed. This is just like an extra (albeit minor and silly) nut punch from a franchise going nowhere. Man, you nailed it.. with the glow of 2005 completely faded and a fan base on a serious decline, consistently mainly of the diehards.. I think going nowhere would be about right… a sports franchise is about image and perception (is this the cool place to be?)… in addition to an exciting product on the field. . read some interviews with Andrew Berlin, one of the Sox investors and potential new owner… these are almost his exact words, verbatim..
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 12:32 PM) This is a franchise that has turned over the entire roster in the last few years, and has made a ton of moves specifically in the last two years. The problem isn't worrying about the product on the field. The execution hasn't been there, but it hasn't been for a lack of effort. Acccording to you, the franchise is in a funk because of it's lack of loyal fan support… if you're gonna switch lanes, kindly use your turn signal...
  10. QUOTE (miracleon35th @ Aug 25, 2016 -> 12:32 AM) This is just another opportunity for trolls to try to spin this in some negative way. The fact is that naming rights have been around as long as inflated player salaries have been. Look around ANY major league ballpark and see signs for WINTRAUST, NUVEEN, Budweiser, XFinity,... plastered on everything in and around the ballpark. It's just part of the business. Fans don't have to call Sox Park anything but Sox Park or Comiskey. I certainly won't. My GF doesn't follow baseball. Doesn't follow the Sox or Cubs. Doesn't know anything about naming rights. She's the least knowledgeable person about sports I believe I've ever met When I told her about the new name for the south side baseball "stadium", her response was..laughter Then. "That is really ridiculous" Is she a troll?
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 22, 2016 -> 01:43 PM) A writer on their site that has written several posts with critiques toward Reinsdorf. oh yes.. gotcha thanks
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 22, 2016 -> 12:47 PM) , especially considering the on the nose critiques from Larry who's Larry?
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 22, 2016 -> 11:19 AM) If there is anything worse than the progressive Flo poetry ads on radio I haven't heard it. I agree.. an attempt to be bad as in "so bad it's good" .. uh, no... Check out some of the Jan Terry music videos from the 90's.. one is voted worst music ever It's almost horrific to watch..
  14. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Aug 20, 2016 -> 03:11 PM) Sure thing. But if Peavy hadn't ripped his back muscle off his spine and TCQ actually recovered from punching a locker I have no doubt there would have been more playoff appearances. If Adam Dunn wasn't a pile of horsemeat, there would have been some more playoffs. I'm not saying the FO is perfect but I think people need to cut them some slack when they point their finger clammoring like an old drunk, "16 years, 2 playoffs!" That's insane. The team looked darn good every year on paper from 2001-2013. Many devastating injuries to key personnel. It's been 3 years since they decided to flip cores & go young, cut them some slack. Almost competed during the process too. This is one of the sillier comments I've read, as well as inaccurate . If you are backtracking 3 yrs, how exactly did the franchise "flip cores" and go young? Back end of 2013 they dumped Peavy and loaded up with Avi Garcia. Maybe I'm missing something something here, but I fail to even remotely follow your hypothesis Every team in MLB, every damn year, looks good on paper. This isn't a fantasy league, it's professional Major League Baseball. Please stop with the excuses already. Don't add to the nightmare. No MLB has a crystal ball, granted..but how is it that the Sox continually run into injuries, bad signings, underachievers, guessed wrongs, and other this and that, contributing to a franchise sinking further into irrelevancy.? The only time there's any notice off the Sox these days is when there's some sort of cartoon dysfunction happening. 16 yrs..2 playoff appearances and 4 straight losing seasons. You can run, but you can't hide from that. All of this tells me that the franchise, the investors, the owner, are all sitting pretty on the financial front despite this Keystone Kop product on the field. You'd be hard pressed to find any viable corporate entity in the US that would experience this much futility, and not be clamoring to find answers and clean house
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 19, 2016 -> 09:12 PM) I can't find it anymore but I love the tweet that Shields has a nickname of Big Game because hitters have a big game against him During the last couple of innings they had shown A's players in the dugout, clearly dejected, that Shields was removed from the game
  16. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 19, 2016 -> 08:29 PM) He looked good in the first inning This just in: There were reports that fistfights broke out in the A's dugout at the bat rack, with players battling each other for a chance to face Shields tonite
  17. I would agree that Shields does not play the game of baseball very well, and we're all disappointed However, the A's players are doing a lot of "hi fivin" and rejoicing, so I guess it's all a matter of perspective
  18. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 19, 2016 -> 12:58 AM) Wimpy and Stone. this… the mute button does not get any action when these two are broadcasting…. God bless Hawk.. someone ought let him know that comments like "Kenny Williams is a master of putting together bullpens"… Is not necessary…..that being said, I have a soft spot in my heart for old dudes that want to go out doing what they love to do...
  19. QUOTE (Rooftop Shots @ Aug 17, 2016 -> 10:27 PM) I didn't put him on only because he had 159 at bats but did bat 308. If he was below 250 he would have made it He literally could barely run to first base because of his knees..…that's why I thought he might qualify
  20. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 17, 2016 -> 09:45 PM) Post of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! You forgot Krukie. John Kruk in 1995
  21. I miss the 00's version of the Sox. A bloop and a blast
  22. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 17, 2016 -> 08:06 PM) when you lose the likes a putnam and petricka your bullpen is going to take hits. If those two were around, they would be dealing with the likes ynoa, albers, and fulmer ffs.. Wait, Kenny Hahn said the Sox were at the top or near the top of MLB in developing pitchers
  23. If this manager had any stones he'd pull Abreu off of first. Immediately
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