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Everything posted by captain54

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 6, 2016 -> 12:03 PM) No, I think you missed my point. Fans that criticize irrationally are irrational. It really is that straight forward. When you purposefully chose to ignore anything good, in favor of everything bad, and even get to the point of pointing to a single game just because you were at it as being more important evidence than everything else... yes I would call that irrational. Of course in this case you point at Albers. Why? Because he has been awful, which fits your rant. But the rest of the pen which is pitching to expectations, or above them right now? Crickets. Not Duke, not Robertson, not Jones, not Jennings... But Albers. Apparently hyperfocusing on one middle reliever over the whole package is looking "realistically" at a bullpen? Um, OK. Sure, you go with that. For the record, I used Albers as a microcosm of the entire staff.. and again, I repeat, to illustrate that stats don't tell the whole story... not to cherry pick…and if you were being perfectly fair and honest, you could say that the BP blowing an 8 run lead in the ninth would not be a total shocker, given the performance of the pen the last couple of months of 2016... You could say that it's irrational to purposely ignore a track record of failure and only point to the favorable..would that fit into your grand scheme of logic as well?
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 6, 2016 -> 08:54 AM) Actually yes, please, let's start using some common sense. You do realize that a .333 batting average is NOT made up up a guy who gets a hit every three AB's, right? There are good stretches and bad stretches built in to get to whatever average the player is at. Instead of focusing on something that happened in one game, or only the part of the season you somehow feel is relevant, you can focus on the whole picture, or you can focus on what is actually happening now. Or you can bury your head in the sand and tell yourself that only the worst case scenario matters and that one game you went to was way more important than the sum of the other 83 games you didn't go go. But hey, don't let me stop you from changing the subject to find a one off example from 13 years ago instead of everything else. What you are saying is true, but you're still tap-dancing around the fact that stats don't tell the whole story when judging performance… Specifically , the Sox bullpen.. Look at Albers. you might look at his numbers and say, hmm not too bad.. but those numbers are skewed by a short burst of good performance.. currently, the guy can barely get anyone out.. So it's not a matter of burying one's head in the sand, it's a matter of realistically looking at performance…and my judgement of the bullpen isn't based on one game I attended.. it's based on shaky performance going all the way back to early May You can blame injuries.. that's fine.. that's a valid point.. I will contend though, that the injuries really exposed the lack of depth inherent in the organization.. Bottom line...it's really the classic glass half full/half empty.. But hey, I get the narrative.. fans that criticize the organization are irrational and rant mindlessly, don't have all the information, but yet act like they have all the answers .. miserable whiners who find any reason to complain… love when the team loses so they can flaunt it in the face of the optimists… I can see where it might be cooler to be staunch pro - Sox organization.. It gives the illusion that those of your ilk may have some inside info that we, unwashed masses aren't privy to.. It gives the illusion that you are a better fan, stick with the team thru thick and thin… The crappy Chris Rongey type of attitude, is certainly your right to adhere to… the fatal flaw is, those of your ilk have decided to jump all over anyone with a critical point of view and paint them with broad strokes as a bunch of lunatics...
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 09:27 PM) Yes. We shouldn't base the state of the bullpen on stats where they looked good. We should ignore those numbers and instead focus on when they were bad, and that one game you went to. I have no idea what Rick Hahn is thinking. C'mon, use some common sense…. If a guy has 10 AB's and gets 10 hits… he's batting 1.000.. if he then goes 20 AB's and gets 0 hits… even though he has exhibited terrible batsmanship during the last stretch of performance.. he's batting .300.. which normally is pretty good.. except it doesn't reflect the fact the current state of his performance, as it stands.... is a 000 average… pretty bad… On larger scale, lets' look at this example.. Kenny Williams was the GM when the Sox won the World Series in 05, but in the meantime.. one playoff appearance over going on 11 yrs, despite the fact that the playoffs have been expanded… understood, he hasn't been the GM over this entire stretch, but HE"S THE GM"S SUPERIOR Now, the apologists, as yourself.. stand fast in their believe that KW and the organization gets a break, and all the benefit of the doubt… And the only thing the whiny Sox fans want to do is focus on lackluster showing by the franchise over the past decade, instead of focusing on 2005 Thankfully you're just some dude spouting an opinion on an internet board, cause if you were the GM you'd have Estaban Loaiza signed cause he was 21-9 in 2003… because, hey, we should focus on the state and performance of a player.. when they looked good...
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 08:41 PM) The current state of the bullpen has been fairly good, despite losing multiple members of the pen. Whatever you say, chief. I was at a game last week where the BP almost blew a 9-1 lead in the 9th. Plenty of boos when Robin came in to finally pull the guys that weren't getting it done Maybe the crowd on the 1st base side should have given Purke and Jennings a standing O on their way back to the dugout
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 10:14 AM) So why is the first 5 weeks not accurate, but the next five weeks are accurate? Why is it the worst case scenario, and not something in between? You can't really use a stat avg to evaluate the current state of the bullpen. Bad numbers from the last couple of months are brought up, because of the better numbers in the first few weeks.
  6. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Jul 3, 2016 -> 10:08 AM) All this talk about how the bullpen has been awful but they're 9th in WAR and ERA in the MLB. You sure like to exaggerate Caulfield. Even if you want to go by WPA the bullpen is still in the top half of the league. The first 5 weeks or so, the BP was stellar. Since then it's been a nightmare. If you are taking a season avg and factoring in the first 5 weeks, you aren't getting an accurate picture
  7. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Jul 1, 2016 -> 10:41 PM) I figure when all is said and done 80-82. Mark No worries. It's all good. Proceeding as planned, with vaunted "3 yr plan"
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 1, 2016 -> 09:36 PM) If Hahn still has the job, that is. I'm sure they will find a promotion for him SOMEWHERE in the organization
  9. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jul 1, 2016 -> 03:22 PM) I am sure he saw Petricka, Putnam, Kahnle and Webb getting injured. Four names guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of opposing batsmen Greatest BP quartet in WS history. If not MLB history
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 29, 2016 -> 02:36 AM) You mean losing 16 out of their last 19 to AL Central opponents...3-16 is almost impossible to pull off and do it unintentionally. That's what I meant. Thanks for the clarify
  11. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 11:32 PM) And I didn't realize the Sox have now lost 16 of their last 19 divisional games. That's why to me any talk of "going for it" and trading any more minor league players is sheer stupidity or sheer stubbornness. Mark A sell off come trading deadline 2016, all but crushes "the 3 yr plan" .. I don't think Kenny Hahn could possibly sit around and watch their hunk of junk be carted off to the scrap heap As a Sox fan, I can handle failure. What's almost impossible for me to absorb, is the lack of any sense that things in this organization will change. The successes this year have been encouraging, but the failures this year have been historic and crushing...all the way from the monumental fall from a 23-10 record, to the collapse of Shields, to a 16 and 19 record vs the Central, to hitting 7 homers in a game and losing, etc You have to wonder what in the hell is going on.. Yet I can almost guarantee the FO will point to the chance at WC 2, the improved record from 2015, and the opportunity to take one last shot at the Central with a Central heavy September schedule, as reasons why the FO is happy with the on and off field personnel.
  12. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 25, 2016 -> 02:31 PM) Just what we need us another conspiracy theorist Was a joke man. Tongue in cheek
  13. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 25, 2016 -> 02:27 PM) The bullpen is severely taxed. Use a relief pitcher early and it can affect you fir a long time down the road. Yes and Thiggy and the guys out there were taking a nap in the shade. They didn't want to wake them
  14. QUOTE (Insp @ Jun 25, 2016 -> 02:22 PM) Why hasn't Ventura taken Gonzalez out of the game? Does he really think that the team can rally to win the day from this far behind? Robin wants give away more runs to the Jays so the Sox offense can keep fighting back. Makes it more interesting for the fans. Keeps the games going longer. Sells more concessions.
  15. QUOTE (59th street @ Jun 24, 2016 -> 10:46 PM) Truer words were never spoken! Too many miserable whiners just want to complain about every single thing. SOX WIN. The whining about the miserable whiners is actually worse than the whining of the miserable whiners The ranks of the miserable whiners would thin, and the decibel level of the the whining would subside, if the organization could at least figure out how to put a team on the field that could play .500 I guess I'll never quite get the loyalty toward a brain trust who's expiration date has long since past
  16. QUOTE (SCCWS @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 08:34 PM) So did Anderson and Eaton. Eaton had a pretty good series but he was hitting .280 ish and didn't deliver either. I believe the announcers said the White Sox have won more World Series titles in the last 90 years than they swept series in Boston. 3 out of 4 on the road is a solid week. Either way I'll take my chances with Saladino in at least one of those Shuck AB's I'll take 4 of 4 and not piss away a game. As opposed to a "solid week"
  17. QUOTE (soxforlife05 @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 06:55 PM) Could Saladino handle RF? His bat alone would probably be worth the switch. That Shuck, a hitter in the 190's, came up twice critical game situations, with no one to ph for him, is an embarrasment
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 11:03 AM) If you are talking about potential, the Sox are sitting at .500, with a lot of guys having underachieved this year, and not many at all having overachieved. The entire team overachieved in April, early May. That ship has sailed. If it wasn't for that, we'd be battling the Twinkies for the cellar
  19. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 05:28 PM) What is purpose of shuck? Seriuosly? When saladino went in to run for avila, navarro should have hit for schuck. The purpose of Shuck is because there's no one after Eaton to play center with Jackson out. So Saladino, clearly the better hitter over Shuck, is limited to brief PR stint in a 10 inning game. Overall, 5-9, plus the bench, is weak to below average at best I think the Braintrust of Kenny Hahn, Coop, and JR are trying, I just think collectively they are in over their heads
  20. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 05:12 PM) I think facing the Blue Jays with a decimated bullpen, a Twins team playing much better and out to avenge two sweeps and the Astros (best team in the AL the last month, along with Texas) will swing the pendulum firmly away from any more desperation additions. Kenny Hahn supposedly made the Boston trip. I wonder what season saving insights and solutions are being brought back from his junket? Furthermore, is Kenny Hahn more a glass half full, or half empty kind of guy? And at what point does JR just say, "screw it, I'm too old for this s**t" ?
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 02:59 PM) Except JR doesn't own 100% of the team. No one knows exactly how much JR owns. It's never been publicly revealed. In a 2013 interview, JR said the investors themselves aren't even sure what JR's share of the pie is
  22. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 02:21 PM) A new TV deal will take affect in 2019, this will increase the bottom line for the team and get JR a lot more money (perhaps) if he gets a deal along the lines of what other teams have been getting. I think that JR's push right now to get the team into contention is to try and boost TV numbers to use in negotiations to get a better deal. JR has mentioned that he does not want his family to continue in baseball long term. All of that leads to me coming to the conclusion that JR isn't long for the Sox. It also would likely prevent the Sox from trading Sale as he is the type of player that a new franchise owner would love to have on his new franchise. Again, as I posted in the another thread.. the capital gains tax that JR would incur upon sale of the Sox might wipe out the federal deficit… The Sox are now worth a little over a $1 billion .. JR bought the Sox for $20 M… the capital gains tax is 20% ..
  23. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 02:00 PM) The later part of a Now&Later. Otherwise, I f***ing hate autocorrect. I see.. I was going to take you to task for trying to spell.. "Sophomore" glad I waited for your response.. LOL.
  24. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 01:26 PM) It wasn't a press release. Why does Levine or any other media member think Hahn is going to give Robin an ultimatum? No team does that. Yes true.. but the Sox brass are smart enough to understand the Bruce Levine types will run with any tidbit or scrap thrown their way… so in essence, a form of a press release.. "SO TAKE IT DOWNTOWN, AND PRINT IT ! " Robin will be strung along for as long as possible.. Robin gets launched and the team continues to tank.. ? fingers get pointed back to Hahn...
  25. QUOTE (Lip Man 1 @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 12:23 PM) "There are basically 4 things I think Hahn has done well, and 2 of them are contract based. I will never in a million years be convinced that Hahn is totally responsible for every of the moves mentioned……pro and con… I believe his role in the organization is specifically defined, rest assured all of these moves are not contingent upon his final approval…. Nobody really knows what goes on behind closed doors.. However, in the 2011 reality series "The Show".. they took a look behind the scenes, when the Sox were dealing for Edwin Jackson… there was JR, at the table..taking in all of the info……and in essence, making the final decision...
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