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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. It is now July 30th. The White Sox have not won a single game this year on a Monday, for a record of 0-13.
  2. Oh ye of faith. This is 100% happening. I bet it looks like what we should have gotten for Fedde, especially with the secondary teams without decent systems that keep getting talked about involved in talks.
  3. I'm just saying it is easy to look good when you have the literal greatest of all time. He was extremely mediocre besides that.
  4. JR tried to block Manfred from his job. He isn't doing a damned thing.
  5. The White have won 27 games this season. The White Sox have 27 blown saves this season.
  6. Looks like the TDL was about 2 weeks to late for Brebbia.
  7. I have to say, I can't believe anyone actually watched this game with the Olympics on.
  8. We are crashing and burning in tribute to the White Sox.
  9. If anyone wondered if the fanbase was overreacting, even national writers are mocking Getz.
  10. Better the world to think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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