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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Wow Ray Rainer and Cpt Kangaroo within two days.
  2. Yeah, I have to find somemore booty songs
  3. Well we can only afford $10,000 or so, I hope that is enough.
  4. So Steff, are you guys going to do it?
  5. I'll start the ERA pool at 9.00
  6. Most Americans are close to the middle you are right. And because of the watering down of canditates in the last decade or so, the split is as even as it has ever been through out US history. So now a minority group here and there can make the difference between Al Gore and GW Bush.
  7. Although Africian Americans and Latinos for that matter, control their own fates a lot more than a lot of minorities do. If they would get out and vote en masse, they could overwhealm the split white vote, for whoever they wanted to elect.
  8. I am a republician, and I do not like GW. Looking in retrospect, John McCain would have been a much better President. And as for Lieberman, he would have had zero chance at winning a national election. There are waaaaaaaaaay to many people in this country who couldn't vote for a Jewish President. Think about places like Klan country and imagine them voting for Lieberman... No matter how good of a canditate he is, it won't happen.
  9. It is ironic, but basically along party lines if you delve into how and why. Republicans have always been for a strong defense and smaller government outside of that. Essentially they wanted to Homeland security to eliminate dual functions and money wasting because of it. And the great majority of increases in spending have been directly related to defense and homeland security.
  10. That is what the Trib had reported they offered. Now today they use a range of 2 years $10 mil to $14 mil
  11. We could always use Adam Sandler for that...
  12. Leaving out FA signees... I would say because we are getting some OLine men back from injury, I would say my top two choices would be a big ass (no pun intented) DT to gum up the middle and let Urlacher do his thing again, or an DE who can get after the QB.
  13. I agree with you. I was on the Ozzie was a mistake bandwagon, as soon as I heard his hiring press confrence. Backman's teams always win. They always overachieve. I wouldn't have minded giving him a try here.
  14. Instead we hired Ozzie.. Who can't keep his... nevermind. I won't go there again
  15. The main thrust of the Patriot Act for the federal government to be able to monitor private people's communications without a search warrant. It isn't about whether I am a criminal or not. The government HAS to have a REASON to read my emails and listen to my phone calls. Otherwise we are no better than any other dictatorships who control their citizens every movement.
  16. I take it you are watching CNBC too? They play it like every 10 minutes. We do the samething here, making fun a guy from TN, who loves the song. "Damn, I feel like woman" wooo!
  17. Umm... I have been quoting many of the same sources that you have! You used the Torah, I used the Torah. You quoted King, I used King's teachings on nonviolence. I guess that means I am not backing anything up, neither are you. But then again you haven't let facts stop you yet, so why would you now.
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