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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I will point out the exceptions which will allow you to remove a pitcher.
  2. But what about that fire and leadership he taught to the team?
  3. It's like someone teleported this guy from the 1950's, and I am here for it. Hopefully he has some Kwan in him and this works at the upper levels.
  4. Not to mention how much of the season Fletcher was in AAA anyway. Newsflash, the manager isn't responsible for roster moves.
  5. Only took until the middle of August to get Fletcher on the field. Good work fellas.
  6. Yeah, I can't shame anyone holding on because of the history they might have. You give those up, you might never get your seats back, it might be a long family tradition, etc.
  7. Katz isn't responsible for this shitty bullpen. Chris Getz is. There is like one or two guys out there who have the actual talent to be in a major league bullpen. The rest are doing exactly what they should be doing, and I can't hold that against a pitching coach. Brebbia has underperformed for sure, and so has Wilson. Sounds like Wilson is probably hurt, so really John Brebbia is the only black mark, and with as volatile as a bullpen is from year to year, I would cancel out Brebs with Tanner Banks sucess and call it a wash.
  8. If he is healthy, Martin is 100% in the rotation next year. It's a numbers game, and especially after Crochet gets dealt, who else could it be?
  9. When he is healthy he produces. Man if I had a nickel for every time I heard that excuse, I could buy this franchise.
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