This might have been one of the funniest threads I have ever read. Here are my random thoughts on it, in no particular order
-I don't know who said it, but I would agree Roman=Anthony
-Looking at Konerko's #'s he was probably middle of the pack if you leave out his best year, but what is the logic of leaving out the best year? Doesn't that mean you should leave out his worst year to balance it?
-My original question was never answered, how does Konerko's bad year, have any bearing on how bad Billy Koch has been?
-It took 21 pages, but Yansy finally actually brought some stats to an arguement about a player... how it took that long, I don't know.
-Maybe that thread rating idea wasn't so bad after all We could have it like homeland securitites rating system so people would know that there is a war going on within a thread and not need to waste their time reading it
-Just for giggles Limas 2003 stats
Madduxs stats
Lima is having a much better year