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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Is that the right idea?
  2. I'd participate, but I can't get your mom off of the phone, tell the b**** to quit calling me!
  3. Problem is only about 20 of them are about him!
  4. Birmingham? Heck why take Bullard's job, when is pitching better than Koch???
  5. Labor day? More like 4th of July!
  6. Reed hasn't proven anything to the experts yet. He certainly is doing better than expected (understatement of the year, maybe?) but he has to prove it on the MLB level. Reed will be a solid player, but he doesn't have the pop that a Maggs or a Frank has and won't steal 50 bases. I think he will settle in as a nice player, but let's not anoint him a perennial all-star just yet. Sad thing is, Reed likely will not even win the Southern League MVP award, despite his unbelievable year. Out of curiousity give us a major league player that you equate Reed to. I keep hearing about him, and how he is overachieving (in a lot of peoples eyes). I am curious what you think Rex.
  7. Schow and Sullivan both have team options for 2k4 right? I think Gordon does as well. Anyone have anymore info there?
  8. This might have been one of the funniest threads I have ever read. Here are my random thoughts on it, in no particular order -I don't know who said it, but I would agree Roman=Anthony -Looking at Konerko's #'s he was probably middle of the pack if you leave out his best year, but what is the logic of leaving out the best year? Doesn't that mean you should leave out his worst year to balance it? -My original question was never answered, how does Konerko's bad year, have any bearing on how bad Billy Koch has been? -It took 21 pages, but Yansy finally actually brought some stats to an arguement about a player... how it took that long, I don't know. -Maybe that thread rating idea wasn't so bad after all We could have it like homeland securitites rating system so people would know that there is a war going on within a thread and not need to waste their time reading it -Just for giggles Limas 2003 stats http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/prof...le?statsId=5212 Madduxs stats http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/prof...le?statsId=3933 Lima is having a much better year
  9. Hmm that is intriguing. Are the seats spoken for yet? They are the $20 or $24 seats right? My wife gets her first teaching paycheck on the 5th, so I might be interested. Wont know till a few days before. I'll keep ya posted. And they are $20. Keep me posted!
  10. The key to the beggars, don't make eye contact. And lay off of white castle, when you get older you will realize that it is the best drunk and hungry food there is
  11. southsider2k5

    Hey guys

    They have the same kind of laws in Indiana. Children can't see the bar in a restaraunt, you can be in a bar at all until you are 21, can't by alcohol on Sundays, Bars can only open on sunday with a special more expensive license, no beer sales on holidays... All kinds of fun stuff.
  12. I have a potential partial answer. Greg Maddux pitched a CGSHO with 79 pitches and I believe it was against SD.
  13. All Koch has proven this year that he isn't healthy. A week off isn't going to give him 6-7 more mph on his fastball. And until he finds that missing speed on his fastball he is a glorified Bp pitcher. Now if he comes back throwing 98-99mph he will be fine, but if he is throwing 93 still, he is not going to help us at all.
  14. What's interesting is how little the Twins have done. Just Shannon Stewart right?
  15. Hmm that is intriguing. Are the seats spoken for yet? They are the $20 or $24 seats right? My wife gets her first teaching paycheck on the 5th, so I might be interested.
  16. What was wrong with the analysis DJ would have been proud... It is pretty clear that there has been something wrong with Billy Koch this year. He has been a shadow of his former self, and until he finds his fastball, he will continue to suck. This team would be immensely better if Billy could find his fastball, but I just get the feeling that 2 weeks on the DL, only one of which he spent resting, will be the answer. I would guess he won't see his 99mph fastball until at least next year, because he needs to give his arm some rest and he won't get it until next year.
  17. Well if Kotex boy ever leaves the Sun Times, we know who their first call for an interview will go to...
  18. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...urch_geoghan_dc
  19. Would you think that Josh has chance of beating out Neal for a 5th starter spot?
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