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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Give me a break. Zito? c'mon. The A's are not trading any of their big 3, that is why they are letting Tejada walk.
  2. You forgot the most annoying thing that can sometimes be found at Comiskey... CUB FANS!
  3. sounds like someone is trying to show he is doing something to his own fans...
  4. We need a moderator to lock this or delete it!
  5. I just noticed that we were about 1100 posts from #100,000. Any guesses at who will get to put up that monumental post?
  6. As I have said before, I am leaving for Texas tommorrow morning. So the updates may not be done until Sunday or Monday for who wins and the leader board. Unless Ugly or PA takes care of it, I have no idea if I will be able to access a computer or not. Sorry for the inconvience, but enjoy the contests and I will catch them up as soon as I can!
  7. George Bush wants to help!
  8. But he said that is why he didn't post...
  9. Here, here. f*** the Wave. May it die a terrible, terrible death like the Macarena.
  10. im headed to krispy kreams now... a trade of food is in order here......where do i send it too????? I am flying to Dallas tommorrow morning
  12. Or maybe it is just a sexist comment?
  13. As long as that damned little girl isn't singing...
  14. Or, to play devil's advocate, was it just inevitable that the bats would wake up?
  15. Dan Wright (0-3) 5.03 era 5.77 k/9IP 1.19 bb/9ip .250 baa 1.45 WHIP Jeff Weaver (4-6) 5.59 era 4.83 k/9ip 1.82 bb/9ip .320 baa 1.60 WHIP WHY ARE WE STILL TALKING ABOUT JEFF WEAVER?
  16. Yes, yes I am. Have you seen what he gave up to get some of his guys? lol like hudley and Shuey...
  17. Where in Texas? Dallas, my best friend is getting married on Sat. I am going to the Rangers and M's on the 4th. Also planning on getting over the Ft Worth Stockyards for some steak, and consuming massive amounts of Shiner!
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