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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Yes, yes I am. Have you seen what he gave up to get some of his guys?
  2. Hmm How should I put this? f*** JEFF WEAVER! Yeah, that's it.
  3. This one should be banned from Comiskey This is what the Twins are seeing This guy should be around to check Sammy's bats JR's self portrait This is me in Texas this weekend This is the Sox getting Roberto Alomar I could go on forever
  4. southsider2k5


    http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/ Check out this site. There is a whole bunch of cool stuff. I have it in my fav's. Plus they have a bunch of links to other smilie sites.
  5. Call letters is K-SOX AM1240 too bad a Chicago station wasn't such a fan. I never noticed the tie in before A couple weeks ago I was commenting on Shamey and his corked bat on their one local show and for some reason there are s***loads of Cub fans down here who called to defend Shamey and talk about how good the Cubs are etc. So of course I had my opportunity to call back after the series and again was getting slammed. you need a better support system there tex.. or a move up here to chicago lol........ interesting thing Cub fans in South Tex are just as dumb and irritating as Cub fans in Chicago I swear someone said that Shamey was the best DH in baseball. Even the host started laughing Heck I bet some of the urinites coming out of Wrigley would swear the samething
  6. http://www.msnbc.com/news/933155.asp
  7. southsider2k5


    :fyou and all of your rules!
  8. Must just be my computer then, because everything else is working fine.
  9. If there was the deal would have been done already...
  10. Having a problem clicking on the "go to new post" little blue tab? I keep getting an error message when I do that.
  11. Damn, I didn't want to have to root against Josh.
  12. I bet if reversed our record since the beginning of the Cubs series at Wrigley and we would have been sellers.
  13. A side note to this whole thing, did anyone notice that the Marlins scored 20 runs last night including 9 over the last 3 innings. What do you want to bet he wasn't stopping his guys from running up the score? http://baseball.espn.go.com/mlb/boxscore?g...ameId=230701128
  14. and what about yofu???? I think Yofu is over 25 right? well we dont have a ton under 25 unless you go to kanny or somewhere gosh aweful like that... i believe that hart said he was looking for guys who could help out soon... not wait a few years down the road........at least thats how i read it......25 years old doesnt leave a ton of pickins...... I thought that the list of players to choose from were all going to be 25 or younger? Who knows with all the info flying around...
  15. and what about yofu???? I think Yofu is over 25 right?
  16. I would but I am leaving for Texas tomorrow...
  17. Frank had 10 big points last night and won the PTC Pickers were HSC, Roman, Mathew, Beverly, bighurtbegood, and Whitesox247 Congrats to all!
  18. southsider2k5


    Whoa not to mention 1944 posts in the last 24 hours
  19. southsider2k5


    Wish I could have been here, damned softball
  20. I have said it before and I will say it again :fyou Jeff Weaver. His teammates hated him in Detroit, they don't like him in NY. He is a headcase who cannot handle pressure. Ponson is fine with me. But no f***ing way for Jeff Weaver.
  21. its not in my schedule but if i recall they did send an email a while back.....and i have heard it on the news for the past few weeks... one of the main reasons i planned on going tonite with the boss...(browine points ya know lol )...........they did have it on the jumbo tron friday too but you probably couldnt see it from where we were sitting unless you strained and looked that way... i caught it out of the corner of my eye and had it not been for the email, radio and news i wouldnt have known it was scheduled ...........id call and b****....... Well.. as long as they aren't doing them now I'm OK with it. I rarely read those emails so no surprise I missed it there. You are going the 18th.. right? I am (Yeah I am Cing my way into the conversation again) those are the tickets I won for the AM1000 trivia.
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