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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. After all it ONLY went 419 feet
  2. Heck there are people still bringing up all of the Konerko stuff a year later. And this was after they had supposedly settled and Frank went into training camp and ripped Pauly, Jerry, and Kenny all in one setting. Really on this team the only guy who has more BS to say than Frank is Mark. Pretty much everyone else keeps their mouths shut for the most part. Frank has been quiet as of late though, which is the smartest thing he can do. Just let his play do the talking.
  3. Harris cannot track a ball in CF. I don't care how fast you are, if you are breaking the wrong way on a ball, you aren't going to catch it.
  4. ? Mark gets trashed for saying stupid s*** everytime he does it. Did you miss the thread from Monday about his comments on the Dome?
  5. I am going to go out onto the Konerko bandwagon too. Even Royce Clayton got hot eventually.
  6. Sounds like it isn't Koch's nuts that someone needs to get off of...
  7. They swept the Tigers, once.
  8. And more importantly, does anyone really care?
  9. The thing that pisses me off the most about it is that the artists get so little from each CD. I remember reading that the average artist is lucky to recieve a dollar from each of their CD's sold. Even a big time guy only gets a couple of bucks a CD. The money pretty much goes to the record labels.
  10. Updating the twice picks players up to 10:20 Chicago time on Thursday... Ordonez-WhiteSox247 Valentin-ElrockinMT Crede-Indysoxfan Thomas-Texsox, Steff These players cannot be picked again until Monday.
  11. It is. I bet that will be a hot item
  12. http://www.msnbc.com/news/931146.asp?0bl=-0
  13. It was dry heaves by then. Tossed my cookies when they tied. After all these years, and knowing better, I was actually counting on the win. Just dumb. I was baby-proofing the house.. so I didn't even watch. Turned it on at the top of the 9th. I expected it to be 25-0. I just knew Koch would send it down the pipe first pitch. I called it. I told Jim that's what he'd do. And by golly if Koch didn't prove me right. I swore all the way up to the bedroom - made up a few new ones, too. Jim said not a word to me the rest of the night. He said this morning that was the most pissed he's seen me in a long time. Normally I just say "oh well.. another loss", but this s*** is soooo getting under my skin. By that point I was resigned to fate. After watching the defense give away the game, I KNEW we were going to lose, it was just a matter of how.
  14. WTF is wrong with Billy Koch, seriously. This guy used to top out at 100mph, now his fastball is the same speed as Mark Buehrle. Is he hurt or mental? Maybe KW got tricked again like the Barry-Berry trade, and he got the wrong Koch. LMAO!
  15. Look at the replay. That ball bounced about 2 feet from the dirt on the turf. It was a turf bounce.
  16. Today is a huge game you are right, I like the early start as it doesn't give them much time to dwell on the loss. As to the offense, I like the signs that we are showing. We had 13 hits last night. I can't remember the last time we had 13 hits in one game (the most in the Cubs series was 11hits) So we are a step closer. before we were getting 3 or 4 hits and scoring one run. The key to today is to jump on Radke early. Get that confidence back. Plus getting 7 or 8 out of Mark would be huge.
  17. southsider2k5


    Well said. It is one of the big reasons me and my former-ESPNers all made the move over here. If I wanted to deal with trolls, I would go back there.
  18. From ESPN1000. They actually gave me a Friday nite game, granted it is against the Tigers, but still. It took them 3 days to get it to me, so I get to go down to the grandstand and see how to spend my $100 gift cert.
  19. I am guessing Vlad gets about 5 years $75 mil. I think Vlad is one of those guys to whom it matters where he plays more than how much he gets paid. I wonder where he lands next year?
  20. Farns has already said he will appeal. What a chode, he got a game per punch, he got off easy.
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