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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I got the salary #'s off of baseball refernce, I wonder why the descrepancy?
  2. The fire sale is done with the Tigers. Now they just have to wait out the bad contracts to guys like Easley, and Higgenson. They do have a lot of young talented pitching that will be the backbone of that team for a while.
  3. They are actually behind the pace to have the least wins in history. 40-120 is the old mark. (.250) they are currently playing .247 ball.
  4. The big difference? Castillo makes $3.25 mil this year, Durhan was making over $6 mil last year.
  5. That's what work is for To the good old post 9 days, eye!
  6. Never in a million years would the Marlins make this deal.
  7. As they get down the stretch the question is how badly do they want to win it all. Is Sanchez worth a shot at the WS? They might jump all over it if they are even with the Yankees.
  8. There was also Steve Carlton... What year? That would definitely pose a possible dilemma. Seaver or Carlton, hmmmm........ http://www.baseballreference.com/c/carltst01.shtml Briefly in '86.
  9. I might trade my Lumina in for an Impala...
  10. Ditto. You guys are freaks! Cartoons on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. They are late nighters, so it is no wonder you haven't see em Mreye. A guy I work with gave me some tapes to watch and they are hysterical. Just leave it to me and Apu to tell you youngins what is cool.
  11. I just started watching reruns of ATHF and Sealab. That is some funny stuff.
  12. I doubt D'A has nearly as much trade value as you think..The whole world gets to see him play, they know his tendancy towards the lackadaisical. They also have probably heard the stories about him in the clubhouse. Besides, look how little we had to give up to get him. There was a reason that no one else was willing to step in and pay more for him...
  13. http://www.soxtalk.com/index.php?act=ST&f=...=nuke+cleveland
  14. He has a finger injury also...
  15. I was expecting that stuff to happen to the Twins. There were rumblings of that stuff starting in the off season as people didn't get extensions, and the motivation of contraction faded away. This could really start a push for them to start playing as individuals instead of a team.
  16. When he signs he would quit his HS team and go to Great Falls or whereever they assign him.
  17. Did you see they are going to do a second "V"?
  18. Heck most of them were probably in the same thread.
  19. The thing that worries me, is there isn't too much talk about them being anywhere close to a contract.
  20. I don't think it was the splitter that killed blackjack. This was a rail thin guy who threw a ton of pitches and a ton of innings, with a non-fluid motion. He threw over 770 innings over a 3 year span from 91-93, and was never able to stay away from injuries after that.
  21. And this one I thought was most interesting. Bidding war? Wow thanks Mr Obvious your a life saver. Southsider, that will be enough of the Bob & Tom references. Can't get them here in Bama! Just a taste of home again, huh. I used to love them when I was in college, but can't get them up here by Chicago. The Mr Obvious show was the best. BTW most of the Bob and Tom stuff is downloadable off of Kazaa, if you have it.
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