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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Well I am going to go ahead and make my predicts and if I need to edit Sat's number I will 1. Cleveland 2. Roberto 3. 2 errors 4. 6 (7 if a the same pitcher pitching twice on Sat counts as 2) 5. 1 6. 3 7. Thomas 8. Split 9. No 10. Yes Tie breaker Cleveland +5
  2. http://espn.go.com/nba/news/2003/0710/1579083.html Kobe, Shaq, Karl Malone and Gary Payton? :fyou all.
  4. you probably couldn't handle the booing either could ya?
  5. http://slate.msn.com/id/2085402/
  6. It is a risk I am willing to take, NOW JUMP
  7. I have an all day softball tourney to play in on Sat!
  8. With the $100k bonus for making the all star team Alex Rodriguez is going to make more this year, than the reward for catching Saddam dead or alive.
  9. question on the # pitchers on Saturday. If a pitcher pitches in both games does it count as one pitcher or two?
  10. I really get the feeling that Mark isn't too bright or he wouldn't keep letting the media lure him down this road repeatedly.
  11. And the sad thing is if this division didn't suck so bad, we could be 10 games out easy, if not 15.
  12. Don't hold your breath waiting...
  13. No, jump, do it, you have nothing to live for signed a friend
  14. What a b****. The guy has to wear ear plugs then he brags about how well he handles it? Next thing he will be bragging about how well he handles the weight room (plus steroids)
  15. southsider2k5


    C'mon JR open the wallet!
  16. :fyou moron. Can someone ban this idiot?
  17. No really you meant winner right?
  18. One of the best movies, ever.
  19. I think you mistyped and put an extra "h" in there, you meant winner, right ?
  20. But he only used it once, and it was an accident.
  21. and i remember the days when we used to be good on the road.... the golden years.. whatever happened to them????? Must have been back when the players actually cared about teams that aren't the Cubs..
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