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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Yeah, but we both know that Lee would have just hit into a bases loaded 6-4-3, so it's less painful this way. Carlos went to right center nicely for the first Sox hit, today. Ever heard of "it's not what, but when you hit it"? Lee dumped a single with bases empty but choked with 2&3rd... Story of this season. Lee is hitting .284 this year with RISP. He is hitting the best of all of the Sox starters by almost 20 points. Maggs is hitting .266 for 2nd best. On the other end Konerko is hitting .117 RISP, Valentin .191, Jimenez .227, and Frank .231. As a team they are hitting .229 with RISP. Keep making excuses....I am a fan of Lee normally....BUT I AM NOT A FAN OF SQUANDERING AWAY OPPORTUNITIES. I mentioned other players besides him....terrible situational hitting is a HUGE problem on this team. We sould be up 3-0 if Jmenez and Maggs do thier jobs. Once again where did you see excuses? You made a broad sweeping statement about when people hit, and I gave you the facts about this team this year. Seriously, quit putting words into my mouth.
  2. Yeah, but we both know that Lee would have just hit into a bases loaded 6-4-3, so it's less painful this way. Carlos went to right center nicely for the first Sox hit, today. Ever heard of "it's not what, but when you hit it"? Lee dumped a single with bases empty but choked with 2&3rd... Story of this season. Lee is hitting .284 this year with RISP. He is hitting the best of all of the Sox starters by almost 20 points. Maggs is hitting .266 for 2nd best. On the other end Konerko is hitting .117 RISP, Valentin .191, Jimenez .227, and Frank .231. As a team they are hitting .229 with RISP.
  3. He called pitches way further outside strikes to some of the less players.
  4. This ump is horrible. He should have called out Frank twice already and he should have called out Maggs there. Plus he should have called Sammy out also. This guy has superstaritis.
  5. Not the Chicago White Sox but the college world series. Rice wins last nignt and with a win today wins it all. Stanford does lead 1-0 early.
  6. They must want to add to Chan Ho Park and their stable of quality pitching
  7. Now that lineup beats yesterday's. Congrats jerry. No matter what happens, JM is still a dumbass The sad thing is the Sox outmanaged the Cubs yesterday, BIG TIME!
  8. A couple of interesting things I heard today on talking baseball with Ed Farmer and Bruce Levine. #1 As the price of Mike Lowell has stayed high, the Cubs have become very interested in Jose Valentin as a short term answer to 3B. Also a note on Val, he has a $5 mil option for 2004 that becomes exersized if Jose gets 575 AB's. (I would guess it is PA's but that is what Levine said this morning, if anyone has better info please help out) #2 The Texas Rangers are"very interested" in Mark Buehrle. If we end up white flagging this season could we see a deal with the Rangers and some of their offense coming to Chicago?
  9. One hour to game time!!!! Get your picks to click in!!!
  10. You truly think rookies Harris & Olivo and a semi-rookie Crede will carry this team? Valentin can't see the breaking ball; Magglio and Lee are wildly overswinging on every other pitch; Jimenez is completely apathetic; and Konerko is in one of the worst slumps of all time...Sox are the second worst hitting team in AL...And if Hurt reverts back to his uppercut swing/mental case self, Sox are beyond f***ed. Wo...I thought just the other day we gave the Red Sox a game as a gift....Now we are back in contention? Wow dude you are putting some words into my mouth. Where did I say "carry the team" and where did I say "back in contention" ? I SAID that those 3 guys are much more worth worrying about than the vets. I am not sure where you got the rest of that crap? I don't know about you, but when I talk about "mashing the ball", the implication is always "....in order for us to be in contention".... If you were talking about a slight improvement, then, sure, I guess if Cerde and Harris give Konerko 1st&3rd&1-out often enough, I bet he will repond occasionally and Sox would score a 4 runs a game instead 3 and will finish 5 games behind instead of 10+. Bottomline: Sox are not going anywhere if the big 3 pitchers (Elo-Colon-Burly) and big 5 hitters (Jim, Val, Hurt, Lee, Kong and Maggs) don't crank the RBI production up two notches. And I am yet to see anything worthy of getting excited about from the big guns, Frank excepted- and even he only has half the RBIs of Delgado.. Harris/Rowand/Olivo/Crede are just icing on the cake not the other way around. Think back to 2000. When the offense was most dangerous it was the guys like Herbert Perry at the bottom of the order who were turning things over to get back to the sluggers. Up until this point of the season the bottom 3-4 guys in the order have been a black hole. If we aren't getting anything out of these guys we are wasting 3 innings a night hitting. If these guys are getting on and creating opportunities for the main guys this offense becomes scary. The main part of the line up is eventually going to do their thing. I really believe that. There is no such comfort from the bottom guys. Your offense is only as strong as your weakest links. It is just like a bad bullpen. It doesn't matter how good your starters are if the pen is blowing games. With the offense it doesn't matter how good the middle of your line up is, if they aren't getting a chance to hit, let alone with people on base.
  11. I hate to say it, but the Twins games are much more important than the Cubs. I think you move up MB to face the Twins, as they have problems with lefties, and leave Wright for the finale at Comiskey. Plus that insures that Wright won't pitch against the Twins in the series after the Cubs next weekend either.
  12. Done properly the headfirst slide gives you the opportunity for a last split second adjustment to avoid a tag that the leg slide does not. Leading with you hands you can decide much later where to try to place you hand on the base and even pull back one hand and tag with the other. But just like bunting when people don't practice it, they do it wrong.
  13. You truly think rookies Harris & Olivo and a semi-rookie Crede will carry this team? Valentin can't see the breaking ball; Magglio and Lee are wildly overswinging on every other pitch; Jimenez is completely apathetic; and Konerko is in one of the worst slumps of all time...Sox are the second worst hitting team in AL...And if Hurt reverts back to his uppercut swing/mental case self, Sox are beyond f***ed. Wo...I thought just the other day we gave the Red Sox a game as a gift....Now we are back in contention? Wow dude you are putting some words into my mouth. Where did I say "carry the team" and where did I say "back in contention" ? I SAID that those 3 guys are much more worth worrying about than the vets. I am not sure where you got the rest of that crap?
  14. I also just did notice that the last two winners of the PTC were players who won for the first time all year. I bet that doesn't happen often.
  15. JOe Crede would have been the winning going away with 9 points, but again NO ONE PICKED HIM, so the next player is Brian Daubach with 6 points. PIckers were cwsox, rafacosta, and ElrockinMT Congrats for the gutsy winning picks!
  16. I really think you have the Sox offense all backwards. I thin we should worry much more about what Olivo, Crede, CF of the week are doing vs the vet guys are doing. The last 4 guys you mentioned are veterans and have a history of hitting, what does the bottom of our line up have? I think if the bottom guys are coming around the middle guys are soon to follow. And BTW are we to start giving Greg Walker some credit for getting some of these guys going yet? Crede, Olivo, Rowand, Harris, Daubach are all hitting better than they have been all year.
  17. Heck Kyle Farnsworth looked more impressive than most of the heavy weights...
  18. We are hitting .243 as a team and we are 4 1/2 games out after almost half of the season. Damn if the offense is waking up, the Twins had better be f***ing scared.
  19. With his sunglasses on!!! hahahahahahahahhaha!
  20. LMAO. This thread was great!
  21. exactly, why we must sweep tomorrow and all week as we did that glorious week in June 2000... We have 6 games against the Twins in the next 10 games. Yeah it is nice to plow the Cubs, but the Twinkees are the only team that REALLY matters on our schedule.
  22. In Koch's defense, give Grudzelanik credit. I'm not a big fan of Koch by any means but that was a pitcher's pitch (letter high, black of the outside corner) which Grudzelanik battled the other way nicely for a double. The only bad pitch Koch threw really was the single to ShamME. If he was corked, who knows where that might have ended up IT wasn't the pitch that made the difference. It was the sequence. Everything from Billy was away. Finally Grudz just went the other way with the pitch. If they bust Grudz in on the hands, they get him.
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