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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. What about this team has shown anyone that they deserve to be mentioned as a division winner.
  2. f*** the PTC, this team lacks completely in fundementals and cost us a game!
  3. A few years ago, the Sox won a game in which they were no-hit. we beat the Yankees in that game, didn't we ? In the mid 90s - final was 4-0 Sox and we didn't have a hit is what I recall. It was earlier than that. I think like 1988, because it was in the old ballpark. I can't remember who pitched for us, but I know that Andy Hawkins of the Yankees pitched the no hitter, but they made either 3 or 4 errors behind him.
  4. Upon seeing #1 pick Brian Anderson after the game "Can you bunt?"
  5. I forgot what did Frank do with RISP yesterday? Did he get any bunts down, trollboy?
  6. Nice to see Adkins have a good start. Also I noticed Kohlmierer had a good start, how has he been since moving into the rotation?
  7. I don't know about Gabe Kapler and a change of scenery. How many different teams has he played for already? I would guess the guys has some problems if he has been moved around this much already. He must either be lazy, an attitude problem or both.
  8. Wow talk about trading some K's. Tough call on this one, but I believe it takes the Cubs out of the Mike Lowell sweepstakes.
  9. Yeah this really puts a wrench into the plans of John Paxson.
  10. And they have been suspiously quiet on details. I pray for the guy!
  11. southsider2k5

    NBA Draft News

    It doesn't surprise me at all, that guy was falling faster than the ball on new years eve.
  12. So now you can two way your "howdy y'alls!" at the track...
  13. They can't do it or they lose the DH spot. It won't happen. Anyway, I am off work, later guys and lets go WHITE sox!!!
  14. I have a feeling that the Sox will win
  15. Geez. The #9 and #1 hitters get on base and Jimenez, Thomas, and Maggs do nothing. Absolutely nothing.
  16. and vice versa. This might be a case of who wants it less...
  17. 6 pitch inning for Damaso... So who pitches the 8th?
  18. He hits 0-2 more often than anyone else I have seen.
  19. C'mon Carlos do your bases loaded magic!!!!! And I don't mean a DP dumbass!
  20. Don't worry Daubers will hit into a DP
  21. Maggs walks again. 1st and 2nd no one out... Daubach up.
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