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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Could be interesting, are you interesting in doing the work, or just the critisizing?
  2. It is almost too bad we don't see Wood. Carlos would be drooling.
  3. Maybe they can't live with out their love and affection?
  4. Start? Crede is on a 14 -33 streak raising his BA 32 pts, and his OPS almost 80 points. I would say he is officially hot.
  5. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...n_flight_list_1
  6. unless he was one of us here, i think he got banned. he used to talk a lot of s*** on the Twins board. He used to pound the Cubs board mercilessly too.
  7. Man I forgot all about him. I wonder where he went off to?
  8. As long as the Sanchez kid (ss prospect) is included in any deal done for Colon I am for it. We have pitching in the system, we NEED as SS prospect big time.
  9. Yes, I'm still there, though a whole bunch of the 'good ones' are here now. I'll probaly do both, and try to cut down a bit, too! Bring the good ones over here. That is what a bunch of us who used to post at ESPN did. Haven't looked back since.
  10. BTW I am flattered to be even mentioned in any of these threads... Thanks
  11. I was with you Brando. I was a Jimenez supporter as long as he was making the basic plays, and hustling. Now he has quit hustling, has frequent lapses in the field, and now isn't hitting or getting on base.
  12. He wouldn't make any errors with it. He would spend the whole game standing there staring at it wondering WTF is this?
  13. Heck a good place to start is look at what players practice before a game. It is batting practice. Who is out fielding? Most of the time it is the pitchers, coaches and batboys. The regular fielders are no where to be seen. How much time to they spend bunting? How much time do they spend on situational hitting?
  14. No, the great thing about America should be that you have the freedom to eat what you want. This tax is not going to be levied on only fat, unheathy people. Even skinny people that want to gorge themselves once in a while will have to pay it. It's a 1% tax. It's not of Draconian proportions by any means. The amount is immaterial. It isn't the governments job to protect us from ourselves! That is the point.
  15. Willis is another of those players the Cubs traded that will haunt them for years to come. I wish we could put Garland in that category as of right now, but as of right now, I am just not sure we can. You can't even put Garland in the "best pitcher in the trade" category yet. Matt Karchner's still had a better career, but it's really early on Jonny Boy yet. Once he learns that each batter gets 3 strikes instead of 2, he could really be something. http://www.baseballreference.com/k/karchma01.shtml What about that career is so good? If he was any good he wouldn't have disappeared from baseball.
  16. Gary Carter. Fisk was before they decided to change the rule and asked to be put in as a Red Sox.
  17. actually if you look at Garland and Mark it is kind of funny. JG 4.84 era 4-6, MB 4.85 era 3-10.
  18. Joe had 9 points including his clutch 3 run homer. Congrats to cwsox for going on out on a limb and being the only one to pick him!
  19. I have even turned down freebies to go up there. I just won't set foot in Wrigley. I guess it is my strange sense of morals... I haven't been for 4 years. And I still wouldn't be going - since Jim and I already turned down tickets twice in the past 2 weeks - but I was invited by a dear friend I have not seen for a few years. And he is bringing his daughter whom I absolutely love so I'm more going to just see them. He is divorced and doesn't get a lot of weekend time with his daughter so where she wants to go is where he goes. She is a Sox fan, but will be with her mom in Pennsylvania when they are at Comsikey. So.. I have to suck it up and take one for the team You are a bigger man than I am... or something along that line of thought that is more politically correct
  20. I have even turned down freebies to go up there. I just won't set foot in Wrigley. I guess it is my strange sense of morals...
  21. And give the Cubs any of my money? No way.
  22. http://www.msnbc.com/news/927602.asp?0cv=CB10
  23. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=talk...v=tsn&type=lgns
  24. Mark has been in the league much more than 2 1/2 -3 weeks...
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